Worst way to die???

I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
That's because it is what you look for. Why choose to be miserable? I do not understand. I can not walk between the rain drops but I can choose to embrace them. Believe and achieve! I have beaten impossible odds over and over with half the fucking world against me. I expect success and get it. Fuck the world it can not stop you if you decide to do what it takes. Risk your life and come out on top it is a fucking buzz and a half. Be the hand up Monalisa skirt. Every one thought I was down for the count after my wife did some crazy shit made crazy accusations. I came out unscathed stronger than before. Strength is a state of mind. You can be like me all ya have to do is decide.
I am weak !!
You lost all your $$$$
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
JC. I was never brought to tears before on these idiotic boards, but you're getting me there.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
That's because it is what you look for. Why choose to be miserable? I do not understand. I can not walk between the rain drops but I can choose to embrace them. Believe and achieve! I have beaten impossible odds over and over with half the fucking world against me. I expect success and get it. Fuck the world it can not stop you if you decide to do what it takes. Risk your life and come out on top it is a fucking buzz and a half. Be the hand up Monalisa skirt. Every one thought I was down for the count after my wife did some crazy shit made crazy accusations. I came out unscathed stronger than before. Strength is a state of mind. You can be like me all ya have to do is decide.
I am weak !!
You lost all your $$$$
Fuck that money. I will make it again. I already have a half share in a fishing charters business and my divorce is not over. I have it in some one else's name. 6 months from now I will convert it over to my name. That bitch can't stop me. All she can do is point fingers. I am the man that can period. I find loyal people with things going g for them and give them absolute loyalty. They take care of me in times of need and I return the favor. My life style did not change for the worse after being kicked out my house it got better. I lived in friends properties used friends boats and planes. Learned a new profession. Worked for the best in that field. Ate the hours learned everything there was to know. Freinds came out the wood work willing to invest in me. By November my business on the lake will be set up and rolling. Next I will go south learn deep sea fishing . 2 more years I will have at least three boats running blue fin charters be able to travel between the businesses and right off every penny. Believe and achieve!
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
That's because it is what you look for. Why choose to be miserable? I do not understand. I can not walk between the rain drops but I can choose to embrace them. Believe and achieve! I have beaten impossible odds over and over with half the fucking world against me. I expect success and get it. Fuck the world it can not stop you if you decide to do what it takes. Risk your life and come out on top it is a fucking buzz and a half. Be the hand up Monalisa skirt. Every one thought I was down for the count after my wife did some crazy shit made crazy accusations. I came out unscathed stronger than before. Strength is a state of mind. You can be like me all ya have to do is decide.
I am weak !!
You lost all your $$$$
Fuck that money. I will make it again. I already have a half share in a fishing charters business and my divorce is not over. I have it in some one else's name. 6 months from now I will convert it over to my name. That bitch can't stop me. All she can do is point fingers. I am the man that can period. I find loyal people with things going g for them and give them absolute loyalty. They take care of me in times of need and I return the favor. My life style did not change for the worse after being kicked out my house it got better. I lived in friends properties used friends boats and planes. Learned a new profession. Worked for the best in that field. Ate the hours learned everything there was to know. Freinds came out the wood work willing to invest in me. By November my business on the lake will be set up and rolling. Next I will go south learn deep sea fishing . 2 more years I will have at least three boats running blue fin charters be able to travel between the businesses and right off every penny. Believe and achieve!
Good for you. I'm lucky that divorce was never a thought in our marriage. 2 people who found they could tolerate each other for the long haul...lol...Saves so much grief.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.
Lol yep what I hear is more complaints. This could happen, that could happen. Bla, bla bla. My best days are behind me bla,bla,bla. My nephew could decide to become a tyranny bla, bla, bla. I listen to fear and hate propaganda all day long and feel like shit bla, bla , bla. So did your sister lose a track meet to a guy? Probably not but you will cry like it did. Yall sit around and wonder what the worst way to die is and feel sorry for yourself bla,bla,bla. Mean while I walk through life kicking g the cobble stones and feeling groovy with a smile on my face. I fish, I hunt, I drink , I gamble, I ride my motorcycle, check out hot women, hang with friends, golf, camp travel. All while going through a bloody fucking divorce where I lost most my money, my kids are pissed off at me, that peice of trash soon to be ex trying to cause issues, telling lies and many other shity things going on but it stops me from doing nothing. I am weeks away from freedom. I will make the money again,the kids will get the fuck over it sooner or later and I am having a ball . Fuck the pissed off sad people they stop me from doing nothing. You cry in your beer I just walk away and find someone with a smile on their face.
I am going a major PT on my back
I am just not you !
I only find sadness
That's because it is what you look for. Why choose to be miserable? I do not understand. I can not walk between the rain drops but I can choose to embrace them. Believe and achieve! I have beaten impossible odds over and over with half the fucking world against me. I expect success and get it. Fuck the world it can not stop you if you decide to do what it takes. Risk your life and come out on top it is a fucking buzz and a half. Be the hand up Monalisa skirt. Every one thought I was down for the count after my wife did some crazy shit made crazy accusations. I came out unscathed stronger than before. Strength is a state of mind. You can be like me all ya have to do is decide.
I am weak !!
You lost all your $$$$
Fuck that money. I will make it again. I already have a half share in a fishing charters business and my divorce is not over. I have it in some one else's name. 6 months from now I will convert it over to my name. That bitch can't stop me. All she can do is point fingers. I am the man that can period. I find loyal people with things going g for them and give them absolute loyalty. They take care of me in times of need and I return the favor. My life style did not change for the worse after being kicked out my house it got better. I lived in friends properties used friends boats and planes. Learned a new profession. Worked for the best in that field. Ate the hours learned everything there was to know. Freinds came out the wood work willing to invest in me. By November my business on the lake will be set up and rolling. Next I will go south learn deep sea fishing . 2 more years I will have at least three boats running blue fin charters be able to travel between the businesses and right off every penny. Believe and achieve!
Good for you. I'm lucky that divorce was never a thought in our marriage. 2 people who found they could tolerate each other for the long haul...lol...Saves so much grief.
I was not that fortunate but it's all good. I am a great deal smarter about such things now. I only fell a year short of getting my youngest out the door. I will call it a win. Preparing my children for the next step was all I ever really wanted. My kids have my attitude and her good looks. They could have the world by the balls if they choose. I am building a good life boats, planes, travel and great friends. I feel blessed!! The best part if it is that I am full filling a pact with my best friend since very young age. When we were 11 we were out on his dad's John boat and decided some day we would start a charter business together. Now we are doing it. Life is good.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.
Lol, hillarious! I never hear liberals crying in their beer "What happened to my country." I hear it from today's so called Conservatives. You fucks have become as irritating as the man hating lesbians of the 80's. Nothing but fear hate and tears out of the lot of ya.
Hilarious it is. I lived my best years when people never woke up wondering if they were male, female, or it.

A world where my mom is forced to shower with a short hairy backed man named Gertrude.

A world where my sister could lose a track meet to a girl whose balls are dragging to the finish line

LOLOL....................I laugh at you fukterds constantly bitch boy.

nobody cares.
Being tied up and put in a car, then having Nostra pour gasoline on the car and light it on fire so I slowly burn to death in the car - while Nostra stands outside the car reading his posts on this forum out loud.
Is that a sexual fantasy?
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I would say run thru a two cylinder wood chipper feet first...but I read too much.

I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I didn't know I was the only one who did that. Surprising.

Ummmmm. I come here to laugh , make people laugh, and bust balls. Obviously you take this dump like gospel.

I come here to laugh at fukterds like you son. Now I have wasted more time than you could ever be worth.

I don't ignore, I scroll by. Happy scrolling
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I didn't know I was the only one who did that. Surprising.

Ummmmm. I come here to laugh , make people laugh, and bust balls. Obviously you take this dump like gospel.

I come here to laugh at fukterds like you son. Now I have wasted more time than you could ever be worth.

I don't ignore, I scroll by. Happy scrolling

sure sure. you keep telling yerself that, whilst yer bitching says otherwise.

'fukturd'? <pfffft> at least spell it right.

'son'??????????????????? lol .... seems you are not only bitchy - but ignorant AF.

you wasted enough time?

that's cute.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
That takes a few minutes. Here is the worst by far.

This was the worst torture method from somewhere in Asia centuries ago. They did this to people they hated.

1- The victim was filled with milk and honey to the gills
2- Victim was covered in honey and sugar from head to toe.
3- Victim was brought to a horrible shallow swampland.
4- Victim was hung like a hammock between 2 trees face up.

5- Victim was lowered to where his asshole met the swamp down a few inches.

Usually it took about 3 days to expire. Everything in the swamp is on your whole body eating in delight.

You have unstoppable shits runs from the milk and honey. Soon mounds of worms eat it all up and then venture indoors for more.

Whadyall thunk.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I didn't know I was the only one who did that. Surprising.

Ummmmm. I come here to laugh , make people laugh, and bust balls. Obviously you take this dump like gospel.

I come here to laugh at fukterds like you son. Now I have wasted more time than you could ever be worth.

I don't ignore, I scroll by. Happy scrolling

sure sure. you keep telling yerself that, whilst yer bitching says otherwise.

'fukturd'? <pfffft> at least spell it right.

'son'??????????????????? lol .... seems you are not only bitchy - but ignorant AF.

you wasted enough time?

that's cute.
I always say fukterd millennial. It wasn't a mistake dumb ass. now shooo...................
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I didn't know I was the only one who did that. Surprising.

Ummmmm. I come here to laugh , make people laugh, and bust balls. Obviously you take this dump like gospel.

I come here to laugh at fukterds like you son. Now I have wasted more time than you could ever be worth.

I don't ignore, I scroll by. Happy scrolling

sure sure. you keep telling yerself that, whilst yer bitching says otherwise.

'fukturd'? <pfffft> at least spell it right.

'son'??????????????????? lol .... seems you are not only bitchy - but ignorant AF.

you wasted enough time?

that's cute.
I always say fukterd millennial. It wasn't a mistake dumb ass. now shooo...................


i'm a 58 yr old female ... so much for yer intuition, 'eh?

NOW you can scroll along, little bitchy man.
I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I didn't know I was the only one who did that. Surprising.

Ummmmm. I come here to laugh , make people laugh, and bust balls. Obviously you take this dump like gospel.

I come here to laugh at fukterds like you son. Now I have wasted more time than you could ever be worth.

I don't ignore, I scroll by. Happy scrolling

sure sure. you keep telling yerself that, whilst yer bitching says otherwise.

'fukturd'? <pfffft> at least spell it right.

'son'??????????????????? lol .... seems you are not only bitchy - but ignorant AF.

you wasted enough time?

that's cute.
I always say fukterd millennial. It wasn't a mistake dumb ass. now shooo...................


i'm a 58 yr old female ... so much for yer intuition, 'eh?

NOW you can scroll along, little bitchy man.
Really. The gender part I have no idea of knowing. I would say you sound more male by your type. But then again gender confusion is a daily thing with you people.

58???...You type and think like a 20 year old. I apologize for that....but 58????????????

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