Worst way to die???

I have to say being burned to death scares the hell out of me the most

Being roasted in flames I can’t even imagine
Being a liberal and doing shit with my life except whining, bitching, and bothering everyone. What a horrific way to die.

yet your reply was doing exactly that.

lol ... typical.
Alright I'll be serial.

Worst way to die is to wake up to an alarm clock every fucking day and have to work for someone who has their thumb up my ass rotating it until I want to murder them. Then dealing with obnoxious coworkers making me twice as miserable for 50 yrs. On the last day of slavery as I clock out, I drop dead in front of my bosses feet.

now THAT is more like reality. no wonder you're so cranky!

Here is another one. Having my head beat with a baseball bat like Inglorous Basterds with a thug Kamala Harris just bailed out.

it must suck to be you.

you make it so obvious with yer constant bitching.
I didn't know I was the only one who did that. Surprising.

Ummmmm. I come here to laugh , make people laugh, and bust balls. Obviously you take this dump like gospel.

I come here to laugh at fukterds like you son. Now I have wasted more time than you could ever be worth.

I don't ignore, I scroll by. Happy scrolling

sure sure. you keep telling yerself that, whilst yer bitching says otherwise.

'fukturd'? <pfffft> at least spell it right.

'son'??????????????????? lol .... seems you are not only bitchy - but ignorant AF.

you wasted enough time?

that's cute.
I always say fukterd millennial. It wasn't a mistake dumb ass. now shooo...................


i'm a 58 yr old female ... so much for yer intuition, 'eh?

NOW you can scroll along, little bitchy man.
Really. The gender part I have no idea of knowing. I would say you sound more male by your type. But then again gender confusion is a daily thing with you people.

58???...You type and think like a 20 year old. I apologize for that....but 58????????????

^ ' Really. The gender part I have no idea of knowing.'

auCONtraire. it's written in my profile, under 'about'. something that's easily checked b4 typing out that ignorant reply of yers. but, alas - you have proven more than once, what a typical poorly educated deplorable you are - that donny loves long time.

' But then again gender confusion is a daily thing with you people.'

lol ... 'you people'? what exactly does that mean? i'm born & raised female... so that can't be what you meant.... right?

so it must be the 'people' who just don't care, because on the grand scheme of things ... what gender someone identifies as is really no ones' biz'nez as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. that goes for straight, gay, trans & everything in between.

' 58???...You type and think like a 20 year old. I apologize for that....but 58????????????'

not with things that actually matter; besides - it's better than typing & thinking like someone who would rather regress back to the '50s.

like - um ..... *you*


like you.
LOL. You typed all that for me???....lolol.Never read a word so save it.

no matter - i had time to waste, so why not waste it on a trump humper that's pure entertainment.

when i come on, it's playtime.... hence the name.
I will put trumps achievements next to anyone you fat dolt

make sure to include being sued for fraud, had his 'foundation' closed down because of fraud, & lost in court trying to steal an old woman's home thru eminent domain so his failed casino patrons can have a closer parking lot for their limos.

Anyone schmuck can sue ?? Means zero
Gay time trying to ruin my thread

it morphed. sorry about that & i'm not the only one who changed lanes & made it political but anyhoo, the excuses for yer chosen one is duly noted.

now - on with the topic.

fire, stabbing, & perhaps being mauled & eaten alive by a vicious animal would be my 3rd choice to not wanna die from.


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