Would a Progressive Society be a Free Society?

Society described in OP is

  • Free

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Authoritarian

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Totalitarian

    Votes: 17 56.7%

  • Total voters
Liberal/Progressives have been part of the American politic since the beginning. Liberal/Progressives have made this country great.

It's lying bags of shit like yourself that are trying to destroy it.
"Liberal/Progressives" is just another name for "commies," and you've been destroying this country since day one.
Suppose Progressives win the Culture War. Then every website including this one will be faced with a choice of either banning anyone who disagrees with Progressives or being thrown off Internet.

This will not be achieved by government action, but by pressure on Social Media, web hosting providers, DDoS mitigation companies, etc. Thus the First Amendment will not be violated. Nevertheless, anyone who disagrees with Progressives will have no platform anywhere online.

Will that be a Free Society?
Leftest can't tolerate free speech just like they can't tolerate religion or the right to keep and bear arms. They demand obedience to the State and hate individual liberties. We have seen it all over the world and will see it here where the Leftest get power.
Sure, but with the understanding that dissenters were people of good intent. It was meant to protect valid opinions, not the lying horseshit that Trump supporters have been dishing out for the past few years.

Wrong again Richard. The first amendment is not subject to Communist judgement. Free speech could be truth, lie, tilting, telling one side. It's all covered under free speech.

When the government sends out it's goons to stop free speech of Americans, that is a violation of the First Amendment. Now we find out that the FBI was having weekly meetings with social media to nit-pick what they consider truth. And this story is just starting. Wait until we get to the nitty gritty of it all.
Suppose Progressives win the Culture War. Then every website including this one will be faced with a choice of either banning anyone who disagrees with Progressives or being thrown off Internet.

This will not be achieved by government action, but by pressure on Social Media, web hosting providers, DDoS mitigation companies, etc. Thus the First Amendment will not be violated. Nevertheless, anyone who disagrees with Progressives will have no platform anywhere online.

Will that be a Free Society?
Hog wash, Any one who thinks that the extremes in either political party, are what the majority of Americans wants, are just plain wrong.
"Liberal/Progressives" is just another name for "commies," and you've been destroying this country since day one.

We've been destroying the United States since day one???:auiqs.jpg:

Is that why the U.S. is the wealthiest and most powerful nation the world has ever known, because us liberal/progressives have been destroying it since day one?

Are you truly that stupid?
Wrong again Richard. The first amendment is not subject to Communist judgement. Free speech could be truth, lie, tilting, telling one side. It's all covered under free speech.

When the government sends out it's goons to stop free speech of Americans, that is a violation of the First Amendment. Now we find out that the FBI was having weekly meetings with social media to nit-pick what they consider truth. And this story is just starting. Wait until we get to the nitty gritty of it all.

As your second grade teacher should have told you (did you even pass the second grade?) - with freedom comes responsibility. Free speech is only for those who use it responsibly. Not for MAGA MAGGOT lying bags shit.

But you are right, the government & social media shouldn't nit-pick about what is allowed to be posted - but they don't have to nit-pick - most of what's posted by the MAGA QAnon idiots is obvious and blatant lies.
We've been destroying the United States since day one???:auiqs.jpg:

Is that why the U.S. is the wealthiest and most powerful nation the world has ever known, because us liberal/progressives have been destroying it since day one?

Are you truly that stupid?
The United States is the wealthiest and most powerful nation the world has ever known because patriotic Americans prevented your kind from succeeding.
Leftest can't tolerate free speech just like they can't tolerate religion or the right to keep and bear arms. They demand obedience to the State and hate individual liberties. We have seen it all over the world and will see it here where the Leftest get power.
Leftist are fine with free speech. We just don’t think you have a right to force us to support your speech.

If you want to say crazy shit, that’s your right. If people don’t want anything to do with you, that’s their right.
Leftist are fine with free speech.

Sure they are, that's why they sent their goons from the FBI to basically tell social media to remove dissenting opinions and posts. Or perhaps when these leftist kids protest a conservative speaker coming to their college, even to the point of death threats.

Liberals are for free speech, as long as it's only their free speech.
Sure they are, that's why they sent their goons from the FBI to basically tell social media to remove dissenting opinions and posts. Or perhaps when these leftist kids protest a conservative speaker coming to their college, even to the point of death threats.

Liberals are for free speech, as long as it's only their free speech.
The FBI did not "basically" tell social media to remove dissenting opinions and posts. Is that what your media is telling you?

You have a good point about college speakers, but that issue died years ago and was always a very minor issue.
When the government sends out it's goons to stop free speech of Americans, that is a violation of the First Amendment.

Leftist are fine with free speech. We just don’t think you have a right to force us to support your speech.

If you want to say crazy shit, that’s your right. If people don’t want anything to do with you, that’s their right.
No they are not. They do whatever they can to curtail free speech any time the snowflakes are offended or their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole is threatened. We see it all the time. Like when the Democrat filth got their Moon Bat buddies at Twitter to ban any Conservative that didn't kiss their ass.
As your second grade teacher should have told you (did you even pass the second grade?) - with freedom comes responsibility. Free speech is only for those who use it responsibly. Not for MAGA MAGGOT lying bags shit.

But you are right, the government & social media shouldn't nit-pick about what is allowed to be posted - but they don't have to nit-pick - most of what's posted by the MAGA QAnon idiots is obvious and blatant lies.

If I didn't get past second grade you didn't get past the first. Because anybody that taught you free speech is regulated by the Communist party should have been thrown out of school.

Free speech is for everybody, not just who you Communist approve of. That's why when Dementia said if you get the shot, you won't get covid, or when that Kenyan lawn jockey said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, it's all protected by the 1st Amendment even though they looked into your eyes when they lied about it.

If free speech needed approval by the government at the time such speech was said, then it's not free speech anymore, is it?
No they are not. They do whatever they can to curtail free speech any time the snowflakes are offended or their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole is threatened. We see it all the time. Like when the Democrat filth got their Moon Bat buddies at Twitter to ban any Conservative that didn't kiss their ass.
Does Twitter have free speech or is that a right that only conservatives get?
Suppose Progressives win the Culture War.
Fuck the culture war. Government should have no say in the matter.
Then every website including this one will be faced with a choice of either banning anyone who disagrees with Progressives or being thrown off Internet.
And if conservatives with the "culture war"?
This will not be achieved by government action, but by pressure on Social Media, web hosting providers, DDoS mitigation companies, etc. Thus the First Amendment will not be violated. Nevertheless, anyone who disagrees with Progressives will have no platform anywhere online.
If there were ever enough progressives to pull such a thing off, it would be a moot point - they'd control everything anyway.
Will that be a Free Society?
You haven't described anything that violates anyone's freedom. I don't really give a shit what social media companies do. But both sides of the duopoly want to control social media - that's clear.

In any case, in your terror ridden world, what would you do about the evil "progressives"? They sure are scary!!!

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