Would a Progressive Society be a Free Society?

Society described in OP is

  • Free

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Authoritarian

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Totalitarian

    Votes: 17 56.7%

  • Total voters
So what does abortion have to do with the right to privacy? To my knowledge no state has a law that requires women that get abortion put out a notice in the paper or tell anybody about it.
So, in the room for medical care is the girl/woman, her doctor and a local elected official?

Some Liberal/Progressives say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"!!!

Our freedom has truly come to an end!!!
So that's what Democrats believe the First Amendment means.

The first amendment was meant for people of good will and good intent, not for lying bags of shit like yourself.

Of course, "good will and good intent" are concepts beyond you.
The first amendment was meant for people of good will and good intent, not for lying bags of shit like yourself.

Of course, "good will and good intent" are concepts beyond you.

Not really. The first amendment was to protect speech of dissenters and opposition to the majority, or government. Nobody needs the the first amendment if they speak with the majority.
Suppose Progressives win the Culture War. Then every website including this one will be faced with a choice of either banning anyone who disagrees with Progressives or being thrown off Internet.

This will not be achieved by government action, but by pressure on Social Media, web hosting providers, DDoS mitigation companies, etc. Thus the First Amendment will not be violated. Nevertheless, anyone who disagrees with Progressives will have no platform anywhere online.

Will that be a Free Society?
My views : It should be called Orwellian Society. Yeah, very warm welcome to 1984. enjoy! :)

An Orwellian Society

" Non-Crime Hate Incidents (NCHIs) are a recent and chilling restriction of our free speech. Public awareness of NCHIs has grown since police recorded Harry Miller (in 2019) and Darren Grimes (in 2020) as having committed such “incidents”.

What is an NCHI?

" NCHIs come from a document called the Hate Crime Operational Guidance (HCOG) published by the College of Policing (CoP), the quango responsible for the oversight and guidance of police forces in England and Wales. This quango is in fact a limited company, and NCHIs have never been required by Parliament in legislation.

This means that this new form of surveillance and speech-control is being created by a company, away from any democratic control. "

by Radomir Tylecote

An Orwellian Society – The Free Speech Union – An Orwellian Society – The Free Speech Union
Progs have created "The Purge Light" in their areas. In the movies of course it's the Prog entertainment shills who produce propaganda condemning conservatives who have done very little to cause the hysterical times we live in. But the reality is the Socialist Communists as we see. Every day "The Purge Light" shows itself in Prog areas as the Prog media/entertainment shills then obediently follow their masters demands to destroy those who voice concerns.

You really are pumping out that propaganda. What's the difference from what they're doing and what you're doing? Not much.

You're creating a fantasy enemy, the "Socialist Communists" as the whole of the Democratic Party. There are Socialists and Communists on the far left of the party, but that's all it is, a fringe movement. The only reason it happens is because of the electoral system that leads to a two party system and everything to the left needs to fit in that system, same as the Republican Party with their fascists, libertarians, Tea Party and others all fitting into the same party.

That you say that the party is the extreme of that party is worrying, it's a narrative, a false narrative, being pushed because the electoral system is all about negative voting. You push a negative view of the Democratic Party to try and convince those people in the middle that they shouldn't vote for the Dems, and the Dems are doing the same thing. So at the end of the day both sides just fling shit at each other, like you're doing.
You redefined feee speech. Free speech exists in public spaces.

Social media is private space. I can’t come to your front lawn and say whatever I want against your will.
Unless its a USSC Justice that voted to correctly overturn Roe.
Not really. The first amendment was to protect speech of dissenters and opposition to the majority, or government. Nobody needs the the first amendment if they speak with the majority.

Sure, but with the understanding that dissenters were people of good intent. It was meant to protect valid opinions, not the lying horseshit that Trump supporters have been dishing out for the past few years.
It also wasn't intended for douchebags like you who are trying to destroy the country.
Liberal/Progressives have been part of the American politic since the beginning. Liberal/Progressives have made this country great.

It's lying bags of shit like yourself that are trying to destroy it.
You really are pumping out that propaganda. What's the difference from what they're doing and what you're doing? Not much.

You're creating a fantasy enemy, the "Socialist Communists" as the whole of the Democratic Party. There are Socialists and Communists on the far left of the party, but that's all it is, a fringe movement. The only reason it happens is because of the electoral system that leads to a two party system and everything to the left needs to fit in that system, same as the Republican Party with their fascists, libertarians, Tea Party and others all fitting into the same party.

That you say that the party is the extreme of that party is worrying, it's a narrative, a false narrative, being pushed because the electoral system is all about negative voting. You push a negative view of the Democratic Party to try and convince those people in the middle that they shouldn't vote for the Dems, and the Dems are doing the same thing. So at the end of the day both sides just fling shit at each other, like you're doing.
There are jobs and many of them where the shit has to be cleaned up. There ais a small percentage who are asses in doing it. Government jobs in these costs a few times more than needed. Due to quotas, diversity and affirmative action. The people who abuse others need to go. Then we deal with this.
Sure, but with the understanding that dissenters were people of good intent. It was meant to protect valid opinions, not the lying horseshit that Trump supporters have been dishing out for the past few years.
progs like you are the ones who have been dishing out the horseshit.

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