Would Ben Carson let an amateur operate on his brain?



In his quest to hand America a "teaching moment" where lack of experience is "better", one wonders if Ben would let an amateur operate on his brain?

He said the Titanic was built by professionals but Noah's Arc was built by amateurs.

That indicates experience isn't always "better".

Course, if you believe Noah's Ark was actually built, the blueprints came from God.

So would he? Let an amateur operate on his brain?
In his quest to hand America a "teaching moment" where lack of experience is "better", one wonders if Ben would let an amateur operate on his brain?

He said the Titanic was built by professionals but Noah's Arc was built by amateurs.

That indicates experience isn't always "better".

Course, if you believe Noah's Ark was actually built, the blueprints came from God.

So would he? Let an amateur operate on his brain?

Reminds me of the Holiday Inn commercials. :)

"Are you a brain surgeon?" - "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last ngiht." :)
In his quest to hand America a "teaching moment" where lack of experience is "better", one wonders if Ben would let an amateur operate on his brain?

He said the Titanic was built by professionals but Noah's Arc was built by amateurs.

That indicates experience isn't always "better".

Course, if you believe Noah's Ark was actually built, the blueprints came from God.

So would he? Let an amateur operate on his brain?
Career politicians are running this country into the ground, everything they do sucks, incompetent fu#%s.
Career politicians are the lowest of life forms
In his quest to hand America a "teaching moment" where lack of experience is "better", one wonders if Ben would let an amateur operate on his brain?

He said the Titanic was built by professionals but Noah's Arc was built by amateurs.

That indicates experience isn't always "better".

Course, if you believe Noah's Ark was actually built, the blueprints came from God.

So would he? Let an amateur operate on his brain?

I dont get his point at all. Amateurs are better because the bible and a Iceburg?
I wonder if this dolt knows that in order to operate on one's brains, one has to go to medical school, residency and many years of specialization... you don;t just go to trade school for this.

Good Lord.
Deany may be correct, we let an amateur operate on the economy for 8 years and we got $8 Trillion in new debt

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