Would it be wise politically for trump to take marijuana off the list of controlled substances

Lets face it marajuana is on the federal controlled substance list with herion and cocaine and i think most of us know thats bull shit.
I dont use it but have been told it can help me with diabetic retinopathy by my doctor.
I have not considered it even with it being medically legal in fl due to standards i hold my employees to.
But I support it being legal.what do you think

No. He would not gain votes from the Liberal scum that use MJ, but he would lose votes from those of us Conservatives who have no use for that shit.

Well since you don't get out much from your bunker I hate to tell you many conservatives partake. I always said the first President that legalized it I would vote for I have since changed my mind and wouldn't vote for Trump if a gun was held to my head.
is trump worth a bullet in the head?...

You're right but I'd take one in the knee and not vote for him.
Lets face it marajuana is on the federal controlled substance list with herion and cocaine and i think most of us know thats bull shit.
I dont use it but have been told it can help me with diabetic retinopathy by my doctor.
I have not considered it even with it being medically legal in fl due to standards i hold my employees to.
But I support it being legal.what do you think
It doesn't have to come off the list but what I've been harping on for years is it has no business being a schedule1 narcotic. And it's totally insane that Fentanyl is listed as a LESS dangerous schedule 2 narcotic. Since the FDA is the drug companies bitch, they do nothing to change it.
Lets face it marajuana is on the federal controlled substance list with herion and cocaine and i think most of us know thats bull shit.
I dont use it but have been told it can help me with diabetic retinopathy by my doctor.
I have not considered it even with it being medically legal in fl due to standards i hold my employees to.
But I support it being legal.what do you think
It doesn't have to come off the list but what I've been harping on for years is it has no business being a schedule1 narcotic. And it's totally insane that Fentanyl is listed as a LESS dangerous schedule 2 narcotic. Since the FDA is the drug companies bitch, they do nothing to change it.
Yes thats the list I was talking aboug
Well since you don't get out much from your bunker I hate to tell you many conservatives partake. I always said the first President that legalized it I would vote for I have since changed my mind and wouldn't vote for Trump if a gun was held to my head.

Republicans, yes; Conservatives, no. You miss the fact that there’s a difference between the two groups.
Lets face it marajuana is on the federal controlled substance list with herion and cocaine and i think most of us know thats bull shit.
I dont use it but have been told it can help me with diabetic retinopathy by my doctor.
I have not considered it even with it being medically legal in fl due to standards i hold my employees to.
But I support it being legal.what do you think

I think it would be awesomely to watch democrats wring their hands over it.

Both parties have been party to the Drug War. Each successive administration jails more non-violent drug offenders than the one before.
Well there;s grow rooms everywhere now, hydroponic this & that , everyone's into it, and it looks like big biz.........you know what i think? I think the gubmit wants an anesthetized populance.....especially seniors......so where do i sign up? I'm old/crouchy , they give out cards for that right? ~S~


Here's a link to the DEA's drug scheduling program...........................

Drug Scheduling

And here are what the DEA considers Schedule I.

Schedule I

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:

heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote

If Schedule I is considered to be a drug with no currently accepted use, then it is far past time for marijuana to be lowered to Schedule III or lower. Marijuana has been PROVEN to have benefits for those with seizures and PTSD.

But me personally? I say legalize it. And, interesting news from New Mexico.........they are considering letting it be used medically for treatment of opiate addiction. They must have heard about all the good work being done up in VT and NH. There is a treatment facility that is using cannabis products to help people wean themselves off of opiates. Withdrawl from opiates includes joint and muscle pain, nausea, nervousness and twitching. Know what a really good Indica does? Relieves pain, stimulates appetite and calms a person down enough so they can sleep.

Here's a link to the DEA's drug scheduling program...........................

Drug Scheduling

And here are what the DEA considers Schedule I.

Schedule I

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:

heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote

If Schedule I is considered to be a drug with no currently accepted use, then it is far past time for marijuana to be lowered to Schedule III or lower. Marijuana has been PROVEN to have benefits for those with seizures and PTSD.

But me personally? I say legalize it. And, interesting news from New Mexico.........they are considering letting it be used medically for treatment of opiate addiction. They must have heard about all the good work being done up in VT and NH. There is a treatment facility that is using cannabis products to help people wean themselves off of opiates. Withdrawl from opiates includes joint and muscle pain, nausea, nervousness and twitching. Know what a really good Indica does? Relieves pain, stimulates appetite and calms a person down enough so they can sleep.


On top of your game as usual Biker, .....bravo.

y'know we used to see the same crown OD time/time again? .....went through our share of narcan.... temp solution, maybe we were just enabelers?

and i could prattle on , the evils , etc etc.....nursing my whiskey & ginger....

Here's a link to the DEA's drug scheduling program...........................

Drug Scheduling

And here are what the DEA considers Schedule I.

Schedule I

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:

heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote

If Schedule I is considered to be a drug with no currently accepted use, then it is far past time for marijuana to be lowered to Schedule III or lower. Marijuana has been PROVEN to have benefits for those with seizures and PTSD.

But me personally? I say legalize it. And, interesting news from New Mexico.........they are considering letting it be used medically for treatment of opiate addiction. They must have heard about all the good work being done up in VT and NH. There is a treatment facility that is using cannabis products to help people wean themselves off of opiates. Withdrawl from opiates includes joint and muscle pain, nausea, nervousness and twitching. Know what a really good Indica does? Relieves pain, stimulates appetite and calms a person down enough so they can sleep.


On top of your game as usual Biker, .....bravo.

y'know we used to see the same crown OD time/time again? .....went through our share of narcan.... temp solution, maybe we were just enabelers?

and i could prattle on , the evils , etc etc.....nursing my whiskey & ginger....


Yanno, if I ever win the lottery and have the chance to move to a place where it's legal? I'm gonna lay off of everything else. Cannabis and coffee is how I like to go through my day.
Well since you don't get out much from your bunker I hate to tell you many conservatives partake. I always said the first President that legalized it I would vote for I have since changed my mind and wouldn't vote for Trump if a gun was held to my head.

Republicans, yes; Conservatives, no. You miss the fact that there’s a difference between the two groups.
conservatives yes, many.....and how the hell would you know anyway?...
Lets face it marajuana is on the federal controlled substance list with herion and cocaine and i think most of us know thats bull shit.
I dont use it but have been told it can help me with diabetic retinopathy by my doctor.
I have not considered it even with it being medically legal in fl due to standards i hold my employees to.
But I support it being legal.what do you think
Only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies.
Lets face it marajuana is on the federal controlled substance list with herion and cocaine and i think most of us know thats bull shit.
I dont use it but have been told it can help me with diabetic retinopathy by my doctor.
I have not considered it even with it being medically legal in fl due to standards i hold my employees to.
But I support it being legal.what do you think
I don't really think it would do anything for him one way or the other it might cost him a small percent of his base and he might pick up a small percent of Democrats I think they would just cancel each other out.
Legalize marijuana. Gather all the addicts up and warehouse them. Give them all the marijuana they can stand until they peacefully pass on. Keep them locked up so they can't hurt anyone.

I've never witnessed someone become violent while they were stoned...nor do I think I ever will...lol

If they become violent, it's definitely not weed they're smoking. Angel dust more likely.
Legalize marijuana. Gather all the addicts up and warehouse them. Give them all the marijuana they can stand until they peacefully pass on. Keep them locked up so they can't hurt anyone.

I've never witnessed someone become violent while they were stoned...nor do I think I ever will...lol

If they become violent, it's definitely not weed they're smoking. Angel dust more likely.
Potheads don't have to be violent to hurt anyone.

The woman who left her baby on the roof of the car and drove off wasn't violent when she almost killed her baby.
It would probably help Trump.

Legalize it. Tax it and regulate it like tobacco. States could make a fortune and people wouldn't get arrested for having pot.
That's the dream. Except that potheads still buy from their street dealers. It's cheaper. Addicts aren't interested in paying taxes.

If they would just stay off the road it would make stoners less hate worthy.
Legalize marijuana. Gather all the addicts up and warehouse them. Give them all the marijuana they can stand until they peacefully pass on. Keep them locked up so they can't hurt anyone.

I've never witnessed someone become violent while they were stoned...nor do I think I ever will...lol

If they become violent, it's definitely not weed they're smoking. Angel dust more likely.
Potheads don't have to be violent to hurt anyone.

The woman who left her baby on the roof of the car and drove off wasn't violent when she almost killed her baby.

New parents are the primary reasons that kids get left on top of cars, or are left in hot cars in the summer and die. There are stories like this that happen every year, and in most cases, the person who forgot about the child was sober.
Legalize marijuana. Gather all the addicts up and warehouse them. Give them all the marijuana they can stand until they peacefully pass on. Keep them locked up so they can't hurt anyone.

I've never witnessed someone become violent while they were stoned...nor do I think I ever will...lol

If they become violent, it's definitely not weed they're smoking. Angel dust more likely.
Potheads don't have to be violent to hurt anyone.

The woman who left her baby on the roof of the car and drove off wasn't violent when she almost killed her baby.

New parents are the primary reasons that kids get left on top of cars, or are left in hot cars in the summer and die. There are stories like this that happen every year, and in most cases, the person who forgot about the child was sober.
Oh that excuses stoners fer sure fer sure. You do know, behind all the pot smoke you must know, saying that sober people do it toooOOOOooo is no defense.

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