Would Libs ever consider the invasion a ‘National Emergency’..What’s their magic numbers

150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.

First, something urgent is generally also something that needs immediate action. You’re saying the same thing with different words.

Second, the wall will take years to build, and therefore doesn’t address the “urgency” of a caravan of thousand of illegals marching towards the border. They will be here long before the wall is built.

Look, I want the southern border secured. I don’t want illegals coming into this country. But I do welcome foreigners to come here to work, embrace the spirit of the greatest country on earth, and have a defined path toward citizenship.

The day will come, if Trump goes through with building the wall via the “National Emergency” ploy, when democrats will play the same card to advance one of their causes, and it will be a can of worms opened by Trump. He’s over reaching and it’s bad politics.

The issue has always been one urgent in nature...nobody has had the balls to treat it as such as acknowledgement would prompt resolution and nobody has wanted the problem solved. Establishment whores prefer to do what they’ve always done and never deviate from status quo.
Contrary to your opinion, those before Trump were actually “playing politics” by not addressing the epidemic. Trump is simply committed to delivering on his promise to America’s Best....it’s weird and hard to believe you’ve dubbed that as “playing politics”.
Requiring e-verify and punishing people for hiring illegal immigrants would pretty much eliminate illegal immigration.

Way better than a wall would.

But this still isn't an emergency.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

none of those things have anything to do with undocumented immigration. They are all bad, mostly because of Conservative policies.

Well, not taxes on rich people, that's kind of cool.


So here's the thing... the main reason why we have a problem is that it's one we've created.

We've increased border security already, and lo and behold, the number of people crossing has dropped from 1.6MM to 300K. But that hasn't solved the illegal problem because when people can't get in, they also can't get out.

Instead of just coming here for a while, making some money, going home, undocumented immigrants just get here and stay here now. It's actually kind of self-defeating.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?
You better believe if it was Europeans streaming across the borders into America leftists would be screaming for a wall,machine gun nests,land minds etc.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.

First, something urgent is generally also something that needs immediate action. You’re saying the same thing with different words.

Second, the wall will take years to build, and therefore doesn’t address the “urgency” of a caravan of thousand of illegals marching towards the border. They will be here long before the wall is built.

Look, I want the southern border secured. I don’t want illegals coming into this country. But I do welcome foreigners to come here to work, embrace the spirit of the greatest country on earth, and have a defined path toward citizenship.

The day will come, if Trump goes through with building the wall via the “National Emergency” ploy, when democrats will play the same card to advance one of their causes, and it will be a can of worms opened by Trump. He’s over reaching and it’s bad politics.

The issue has always been one urgent in nature...nobody has had the balls to treat it as such as acknowledgement would prompt resolution and nobody has wanted the problem solved. Establishment whores prefer to do what they’ve always done and never deviate from status quo.
Contrary to your opinion, those before Trump were actually “playing politics” by not addressing the epidemic. Trump is simply committed to delivering on his promise to America’s Best....it’s weird and hard to believe you’ve dubbed that as “playing politics”.

I don’t want to hear you Republicans whining when the next Democratic President declares a national emergency to stop the sale of fire arms and ammo. Trump has screwed this wall thing up from the beginning. He could have had more money sooner and without declaring a phony national emergency, but the “master negotiator “ has backed himself into a corner and it’s a bad look. He’s fortunate the democrats are at least as equally incompetent right now.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.

First, something urgent is generally also something that needs immediate action. You’re saying the same thing with different words.

Second, the wall will take years to build, and therefore doesn’t address the “urgency” of a caravan of thousand of illegals marching towards the border. They will be here long before the wall is built.

Look, I want the southern border secured. I don’t want illegals coming into this country. But I do welcome foreigners to come here to work, embrace the spirit of the greatest country on earth, and have a defined path toward citizenship.

The day will come, if Trump goes through with building the wall via the “National Emergency” ploy, when democrats will play the same card to advance one of their causes, and it will be a can of worms opened by Trump. He’s over reaching and it’s bad politics.

The issue has always been one urgent in nature...nobody has had the balls to treat it as such as acknowledgement would prompt resolution and nobody has wanted the problem solved. Establishment whores prefer to do what they’ve always done and never deviate from status quo.
Contrary to your opinion, those before Trump were actually “playing politics” by not addressing the epidemic. Trump is simply committed to delivering on his promise to America’s Best....it’s weird and hard to believe you’ve dubbed that as “playing politics”.

I don’t want to hear you Republicans whining when the next Democratic President declares a national emergency to stop the sale of fire arms and ammo. Trump has screwed this wall thing up from the beginning. He could have had more money sooner and without declaring a phony national emergency, but the “master negotiator “ has backed himself into a corner and it’s a bad look. He’s fortunate the democrats are at least as equally incompetent right now.

Link us to where you said the same when that soft spoken Kenyan dude with the oversized ears wrote his own personal immigration law.
Remember, there is a simple and quite important distinction to made in your comparison.

Guns ownership = A right granted by our founders
Wetbacks = Shit on our right to sovereignty and fuck good Americans in the ass
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

If there were 25 million potential republican votes instead of democrat, then a national emergency would be justified on the left. At least that’s what Fox News and the RNC want you to believe. On amnesty, both parties are of the same mind. They want it. All these arguments are pointless. Amnesty will happen.
There are most likely about 30 Million Illegal Aliens in The US totally draining our Social Safety Net Resources.

Gives a whole new meaning to Throwing Grandma off The Cliff....because we are giving Grandma's Resources to some Bad Hombres instead.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

If there were 25 million potential republican votes instead of democrat, then a national emergency would be justified on the left. At least that’s what Fox News and the RNC want you to believe. On amnesty, both parties are of the same mind. They want it. All these arguments are pointless. Amnesty will happen.

I’m thinking you’ll need to let go of 1986 bud.
You’re refusing to consider the X factor....TRUMP.
This dude can’t give two fucks about status quo and or the establishment whores...He is interested in doing what’s best for America’s Best plain and simple.
Let’s reflect back a little and identify a motive.
So the GOP nominates a Maverick running almost exclusively on the message of “FUCK WETBACKS”, the GOP nominee is then elected President by 30 states and 2,623 counties almost solely on his message of “FUCK WETBACKS”.
The Democrats run on one platform these days....FREE SHIT and FREE SHIT for illegal wetbacks too. The GOP refuses to compete with this treasonous offering. In 2016 65% of Mexicant voters voted Democrat as desperate, needy, filthy human beings will always vote for free shit.
Essentially what you are saying is that the GOP wants to assist in the manifestation of more Democrat voters?
Do you really see a logical motive for the GOP to encourage more immigration from Mexico, Central and South America?
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.

First, something urgent is generally also something that needs immediate action. You’re saying the same thing with different words.

Second, the wall will take years to build, and therefore doesn’t address the “urgency” of a caravan of thousand of illegals marching towards the border. They will be here long before the wall is built.

Look, I want the southern border secured. I don’t want illegals coming into this country. But I do welcome foreigners to come here to work, embrace the spirit of the greatest country on earth, and have a defined path toward citizenship.

The day will come, if Trump goes through with building the wall via the “National Emergency” ploy, when democrats will play the same card to advance one of their causes, and it will be a can of worms opened by Trump. He’s over reaching and it’s bad politics.

The issue has always been one urgent in nature...nobody has had the balls to treat it as such as acknowledgement would prompt resolution and nobody has wanted the problem solved. Establishment whores prefer to do what they’ve always done and never deviate from status quo.
Contrary to your opinion, those before Trump were actually “playing politics” by not addressing the epidemic. Trump is simply committed to delivering on his promise to America’s Best....it’s weird and hard to believe you’ve dubbed that as “playing politics”.

I don’t want to hear you Republicans whining when the next Democratic President declares a national emergency to stop the sale of fire arms and ammo. Trump has screwed this wall thing up from the beginning. He could have had more money sooner and without declaring a phony national emergency, but the “master negotiator “ has backed himself into a corner and it’s a bad look. He’s fortunate the democrats are at least as equally incompetent right now.

Link us to where you said the same when that soft spoken Kenyan dude with the oversized ears wrote his own personal immigration law.
Remember, there is a simple and quite important distinction to made in your comparison.

Guns ownership = A right granted by our founders
Wetbacks = Shit on our right to sovereignty and fuck good Americans in the ass

Dude, I support Trumps effort on illegal immigration. I’m just saying employing the Emergency card here is bad politics that will bite the GOP in the ass. Just like When the GOP refused to give hearings to Garland for SCOTUS. THe Democrats will remember that and it will come back to bite them....at some point. The difference was a SCOTUS nomination is worth the dirty politics because it can survive decades. That wall will be ripped down as soon as the next democrat walks into the White House. It’s too much political capital spent on something that won’t last.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?
Why wasn't it a national emergency his first 2 years of playing president??

Hell, even in his own speech from the Rose Garden, the idiot stated it wasn't a national emergency, LOL.

You nutters do realize you're groveling at the feet of an absolute moron, right?
There are most likely about 30 Million Illegal Aliens in The US totally draining our Social Safety Net Resources.

Gives a whole new meaning to Throwing Grandma off The Cliff....because we are giving Grandma's Resources to some Bad Hombres instead.

Actually, it's more like 11 million, and they contribute more to the economy than they take out of it...

Here's the thing, undocumented aliens are paying into Social Security, but they aren't eligble to take anything out of it.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I'll go 11 million illegals, still, the Dems are far more likely to consider Trump building his wall a national emergency than even if we DID have 150 million illegals!
I'll go 11 million illegals, still, the Dems are far more likely to consider Trump building his wall a national emergency than even if we DID have 150 million illegals!

Well, no, the thing is, the number is besides the point. This is a country of immigrants. In two generations, they'll speak better English than you do.
Then remove all Spanish language TV channels and Spanish language government promoted literature in everyday life in our nation Do it! Do it! Do it! We did not need this before.
Then remove all Spanish language TV channels and Spanish language government promoted literature in everyday life in our nation Do it! Do it! Do it! We did not need this before.

Why does that bother you, exactly? Hey you know what, in Chicago we have Chinese and Polish and Korean and Russian all printed and broadcast as well.

We'll be fine.
I'll go 11 million illegals, still, the Dems are far more likely to consider Trump building his wall a national emergency than even if we DID have 150 million illegals!

Well, no, the thing is, the number is besides the point. This is a country of immigrants. In two generations, they'll speak better English than you do.

Joe, are you ever right about anything?
This is a country of White Europeans with a few welcomed LEGAL immigrants and some illegal subhuman cockroaches.
Come on man...did you fail fifth grade history?
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

Hey stupid! What if you wait until even 1/10 of that number arrive at your borders with weapons, tanks, and armaments and start attacking the border stations, gun blazing.

What you have now is a several hundred rag tag refugees claimants who band together into groups to try to safely get to the US border and claim asylum under the laws of the United States, and the UN Charter of Refugees which the US signed onto.

Your rabid fear and paranoia would be laughable if there weren't actual lives at stake.
Then remove all Spanish language TV channels and Spanish language government promoted literature in everyday life in our nation Do it! Do it! Do it! We did not need this before.

Why does that bother you, exactly? Hey you know what, in Chicago we have Chinese and Polish and Korean and Russian all printed and broadcast as well.

We'll be fine.

He doesn't know that. He lives in Russia. He only knows what they tell him about life in America. That's why these Russians all stick to the same stupid talking points.
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.


An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.

First, something urgent is generally also something that needs immediate action. You’re saying the same thing with different words.

Second, the wall will take years to build, and therefore doesn’t address the “urgency” of a caravan of thousand of illegals marching towards the border. They will be here long before the wall is built.

Look, I want the southern border secured. I don’t want illegals coming into this country. But I do welcome foreigners to come here to work, embrace the spirit of the greatest country on earth, and have a defined path toward citizenship.

The day will come, if Trump goes through with building the wall via the “National Emergency” ploy, when democrats will play the same card to advance one of their causes, and it will be a can of worms opened by Trump. He’s over reaching and it’s bad politics.

The issue has always been one urgent in nature...nobody has had the balls to treat it as such as acknowledgement would prompt resolution and nobody has wanted the problem solved. Establishment whores prefer to do what they’ve always done and never deviate from status quo.
Contrary to your opinion, those before Trump were actually “playing politics” by not addressing the epidemic. Trump is simply committed to delivering on his promise to America’s Best....it’s weird and hard to believe you’ve dubbed that as “playing politics”.

I don’t want to hear you Republicans whining when the next Democratic President declares a national emergency to stop the sale of fire arms and ammo. Trump has screwed this wall thing up from the beginning. He could have had more money sooner and without declaring a phony national emergency, but the “master negotiator “ has backed himself into a corner and it’s a bad look. He’s fortunate the democrats are at least as equally incompetent right now.

Link us to where you said the same when that soft spoken Kenyan dude with the oversized ears wrote his own personal immigration law.
Remember, there is a simple and quite important distinction to made in your comparison.

Guns ownership = A right granted by our founders
Wetbacks = Shit on our right to sovereignty and fuck good Americans in the ass

Dude, I support Trumps effort on illegal immigration. I’m just saying employing the Emergency card here is bad politics that will bite the GOP in the ass. Just like When the GOP refused to give hearings to Garland for SCOTUS. THe Democrats will remember that and it will come back to bite them....at some point. The difference was a SCOTUS nomination is worth the dirty politics because it can survive decades. That wall will be ripped down as soon as the next democrat walks into the White House. It’s too much political capital spent on something that won’t last.

Trump will get nothing done if he doesn’t bully the shit out of this filthy Mexicrat Congress. I expect him to govern by EO/EA and you should too. Many of us see Trumps presidency as a now or never opportunity...we encourage him to get shit done for America’s Best by any means necessary.
Nobody tears down functional structures that yield a massive ROi for taxpayers...Americans would never allow that to happen.
Don’t stress yourself out bud...currently there is no level that Mexicrats won’t stoop to, they can’t get much worse.

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