Would Libs ever consider the invasion a ‘National Emergency’..What’s their magic numbers

We have a lot of problems in this country and illegal immigration is one of them. Trump wants to spend billions on this problem and totally ignore all the other ones. He knows it is not the emergency he is making it. If he gets his wall he can suddenly acknowledge the real numbers and claim all this shit was worth it.

Illegal immigration isn't that much of a problem.
Tens of thousands of of armed soldiers or even irregulars storming the borders.

You're just having vocabulary trouble, that's all.

Invade - to enter forcibly, or hostilely. (Webster's New World College Dictionary. 5th edition)
Illegal immigration isn't that much of a problem.

Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
I'm sitting here enjoying my latte. A car just invaded the parking lot at my Starbucks.
150 million illegals? There are only 300 million Americans, you dumb motherfucker.

Not if it's their army of 3rd world soldiers marching over.
3rd world soldiers/DEMOCRAT-VOTERS

Well this thread shows how nutty the right is. 1/2 our country is illegal and they wander in and the first thing they do is register to vote .

150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

150M illegals? Wow.!!!!

I won’t say any names but apparently there are a few super ignorant fucks in this thread.
I’ll cast some clarity for said ignorant fucks....the 150 million number was presented as part of a question...I asked if that was the magic number that may cause some concern in your peanut brains?
For the record, it is conceivable to think that 1/3 of our total population is illegal and or present by illegal means.
More enlightenment for retarded wetback lovers....
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?
------------------------------------------------ i look at 'china' for some comparison , what are the numbers of 'chinese' on the 'chinese' land mass that i think is slightly smaller than the USA . What is the population of 'china' . As another question what RIGHTS do the 'chinese' enjoy or are the 'chinese simply Ruled over by their Rulers ?? Seems to me that with huge 'chinese' population that has diversity that the 'chinese' rulers have to be very practical and use whatever means is needed to rule .
When it is an actual invading force and not desperate people fleeing poverty, violence and death...
When it is an actual invading force and not desperate people fleeing poverty, violence and death...
I’m guessing you’ve authored your own dictionary complete with trivial spin?
plural noun: invaders
  1. a person or group that invades a country, region, or other place.
    "it is a country that has repelled all invaders"
    synonyms: attacker, raider, plunderer, pillager, marauder, looter; More
Son, you're confused. It's not us who gets our instruction by email every day. That's you kids.
Quite the contrary.You leftists have your marching orders, and you know nothing else. Common sense, self-preservation, logic, fundamental economics all are ignored by the left, for one common goal. >> Getting Democrats elected (by any means necessary), and it doesn't matter who they are.

This could include seditious Muslims (Obama, Ellison, Omar), fake Indians (Warren), mass murderers (the Clintons), race rioters (Obama), etc.
Son, you're confused. It's not us who gets our instruction by email every day. That's you kids.
Quite the contrary.You leftists have your marching orders, and you know nothing else. Common sense, self-preservation, logic, fundamental economics all are ignored by the left, for one common goal. >> Getting Democrats elected (by any means necessary), and it doesn't matter who they are.

This could include seditious Muslims (Obama, Ellison, Omar), fake Indians (Warren), mass murderers (the Clintons), race rioters (Obama), etc.
Lol, that's pretty funny coming from you!

Wrong of course, but still funny!
150 million illegals and 1,000 Americans raped and or killed by them each day?
We are $22 trillion in debt, our healthcare system is a joke, public education is failing, our middle class can’t save a penny and get ahead, wages are stagnant, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, rediculously high taxes for America’s Best...etc etc
Let’s be honest, you Lefties would never declare the invasion of tens of millions of thirdworlders a national emergency regardless of the numbers...right?

I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.
I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.
I am no democrat,and certainly not a snowflake liberal. However nor am I a Republican. I am a conservative with no political affiliation. So I have some freedom of objectivity.

An emergency in my view is something that is both unexpected an urgent.

This situation does not fill either of those requirements. The invasion from the South has been going on for years, so it is hardly unexpected. Further, why now, after all these years, is it suddenly urgent? What makes each day now so much more crucial than the previous?

Sorry Republicans, Trump is playing pure politics here, and there will be a day of reconciliation for this.

An emergency could be something unexpected and urgent, but it could also be defined as circumstances demanding immediate action. The tens of thousands of migrants in caravans approaching our unwalled (in many places wide open) border do constitute a circumstance that demands immediate action.

Frankly, the caravans could also be defined as unexpected and urgent, too. Before they recently arose, did anybody really expect them ? I didn't hear anybody talking about caravans of tens of thousands of people, until it all started happening.

It most certainly is urgent, because if something isn't done quick, then very soon we will have tens of thousands of people illegally storming across our border, bringing all the harms to Americans that they do.

First, something urgent is generally also something that needs immediate action. You’re saying the same thing with different words.

Second, the wall will take years to build, and therefore doesn’t address the “urgency” of a caravan of thousand of illegals marching towards the border. They will be here long before the wall is built.

Look, I want the southern border secured. I don’t want illegals coming into this country. But I do welcome foreigners to come here to work, embrace the spirit of the greatest country on earth, and have a defined path toward citizenship.

The day will come, if Trump goes through with building the wall via the “National Emergency” ploy, when democrats will play the same card to advance one of their causes, and it will be a can of worms opened by Trump. He’s over reaching and it’s bad politics.

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