Would Obama having more experience kept his policies from failing?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
Would Obama having more experience kept his policies from failing?
Indeed, from failing and getting his party kicked out of the house

No doubt had the press done a better job on vetting him and
was not so obsessed with the "historical" nature of it all,
they would have done the country a favor

Really, at this point Hillary would have been better
God knows she could not have done any worse

9.2 unemployment is nothing to take home
Cash for Clunkers - people are still laughing about that one
ObamaCare- majority hate it
They have spent us to the poor house

So what has the Left accomplished for the American people that they can point to and say, "See"?
Obama having ANY real world experience would have made him see the utter failure that always follow implementation of Progressive ideology.

Obama is not finished destroying the country either, he's still got the ME and European Melt Down cards to play. The PIIGS continue to sloe motion self destruct and the ME well Obama said it best "The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries"

I will never forgive him for destroying our Space Program. The record debt and deficits were almost unavoidable but sabotaging our Space Program was plain unAmerican.
Well considering that when President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009 and unemployment peaked at 10.2 in October..this pretty much shows some progress. Failure would have been it going up..not down. And the Stock Market NYX index was at 7949..what's it at today..hmm..12,385. Failure would have been it going down..not up. GM still exists..in fact..they are reporting profits. Failure would have been GM closing..not reporting profits. This country has been trying to pass Health Care reforms for nearly a century. This package got passed. Failure would have been not passing it. The spending happened last administration when taxes got cut, 2 wars got started, a brand new entitlement was rolled out and a new government department was created..all unfunded. That should have been branded a failure..it wasn't.

And now most major companies are reporting record breaking profits. They are sitting on the cash. That's fine..they don't want to hire anyone. There's plenty to do. Bridges are crumbling, roads are in terrible shape, we could use more tunnels and high speed rail. Republicans are now blocking all that. That's a failure. When America fails to innovate, create and build...that's when America fails. And the Radical Republicans are standing in the way of progress while keeping unemployment high.

Not only is that failure..it's treachery.
Well considering that when President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009 and unemployment peaked at 10.2 in October..this pretty much shows some progress. Failure would have been it going up..not down.

And the Stock Market NYX index was at 7949..what's it at today..hmm..12,385. Failure would have been it going down..not up.

GM still exists..in fact..they are reporting profits. Failure would have been GM closing..not reporting profits.

This country has been trying to pass Health Care reforms for nearly a century. This package got passed. Failure would have been not passing it.

The spending happened last administration when taxes got cut, 2 wars got started, a brand new entitlement was rolled out and a new government department was created..all unfunded. That should have been branded a failure..it wasn't.

And now most major companies are reporting record breaking profits. They are sitting on the cash. That's fine..they don't want to hire anyone.

There's plenty to do. Bridges are crumbling, roads are in terrible shape, we could use more tunnels and high speed rail. Republicans are now blocking all that. That's a failure. When America fails to innovate, create and build...that's when America fails. And the Radical Republicans are standing in the way of progress while keeping unemployment high.

Not only is that failure..it's treachery.

6 million fewer jobs since Obama... failure

No idea what the NYX index is. But the NYSE composit index is currently 8153.53...
NYSE Composite Index - CNNMoney.com
On January 20, 2009, it closed at 5053 (a 329.44 point drop from the previous day, btw). When Dubbya was inaugurated for his 2nd term, the NYSE composite index was 6599. At this point in his 3rd year, it was 10194. It went up under Obama by 3100, but ubder Dubbya it wen up by 3599. You gonna give Dubbya credit for a bigger increase than Obama??? I doubt it. Failure.

GM earnings: Biggest profit in eleven years - May. 5, 2011
Roughly half of this quarter's profit came from a one-time gain from sales of the company's interests in Delphi Automotive and Ally Financial's preferred stock. Biggest profit (even without that) since 2000, when Dubbya was president. So, Dubbya beat Obama again. You gonna give him the same credit you give Obama? I doubt it. Failure.

The health car law was the biggest pile of crap ever passed in DC. It will not save moeny, it will not reduce the defict, it will ration care, unless it is repealed or found unconstitutional, which is entirely possible. Failure.

The real spending ws in the Magical Mystery Stimulus, which most economists NOW admit, has not helped the economy. Failure.

Please link to a credible source that shows 'most' companies in the US are reporting record breaking profits. Not a few examples, not some... but MOST, as you said. I seriously doubt you can, because it simply isnt true. They are not hiring because of the uncertainty of the future tax situation.

Yes, we need infrastructure repairs. But thenGOP is not blocking anything of the sort. We cant fix it if we cant AFFORD it. You cannot spend your way out of a recession. Any grade school economics student would know that.

So, essentially, your 'sucesses' for Obama are really all failures.

Thanks for playing. PLease try again later.
Would Obama having more experience kept his policies from failing?
Indeed, from failing and getting his party kicked out of the house

No doubt had the press done a better job on vetting him and
was not so obsessed with the "historical" nature of it all,
they would have done the country a favor

Really, at this point Hillary would have been better
God knows she could not have done any worse

9.2 unemployment is nothing to take home
Cash for Clunkers - people are still laughing about that one
ObamaCare- majority hate it
They have spent us to the poor house

So what has the Left accomplished for the American people that they can point to and say, "See"?

You have as of yet have not established any real basis to your attack on the policies of President Obama. Your argument is weak and opinionated only. Where is the truth and the facts to bolster your position?
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Well considering that when President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009 and unemployment peaked at 10.2 in October..this pretty much shows some progress. Failure would have been it going up..not down.

And the Stock Market NYX index was at 7949..what's it at today..hmm..12,385. Failure would have been it going down..not up.

GM still exists..in fact..they are reporting profits. Failure would have been GM closing..not reporting profits.

This country has been trying to pass Health Care reforms for nearly a century. This package got passed. Failure would have been not passing it.

The spending happened last administration when taxes got cut, 2 wars got started, a brand new entitlement was rolled out and a new government department was created..all unfunded. That should have been branded a failure..it wasn't.

And now most major companies are reporting record breaking profits. They are sitting on the cash. That's fine..they don't want to hire anyone.

There's plenty to do. Bridges are crumbling, roads are in terrible shape, we could use more tunnels and high speed rail. Republicans are now blocking all that. That's a failure. When America fails to innovate, create and build...that's when America fails. And the Radical Republicans are standing in the way of progress while keeping unemployment high.

Not only is that failure..it's treachery.

6 million fewer jobs since Obama... failure

No idea what the NYX index is. But the NYSE composit index is currently 8153.53...
NYSE Composite Index - CNNMoney.com
On January 20, 2009, it closed at 5053 (a 329.44 point drop from the previous day, btw). When Dubbya was inaugurated for his 2nd term, the NYSE composite index was 6599. At this point in his 3rd year, it was 10194. It went up under Obama by 3100, but ubder Dubbya it wen up by 3599. You gonna give Dubbya credit for a bigger increase than Obama??? I doubt it. Failure.

GM earnings: Biggest profit in eleven years - May. 5, 2011
Roughly half of this quarter's profit came from a one-time gain from sales of the company's interests in Delphi Automotive and Ally Financial's preferred stock. Biggest profit (even without that) since 2000, when Dubbya was president. So, Dubbya beat Obama again. You gonna give him the same credit you give Obama? I doubt it. Failure.

The health car law was the biggest pile of crap ever passed in DC. It will not save moeny, it will not reduce the defict, it will ration care, unless it is repealed or found unconstitutional, which is entirely possible. Failure.

The real spending ws in the Magical Mystery Stimulus, which most economists NOW admit, has not helped the economy. Failure.

Please link to a credible source that shows 'most' companies in the US are reporting record breaking profits. Not a few examples, not some... but MOST, as you said. I seriously doubt you can, because it simply isnt true. They are not hiring because of the uncertainty of the future tax situation.

Yes, we need infrastructure repairs. But thenGOP is not blocking anything of the sort. We cant fix it if we cant AFFORD it. You cannot spend your way out of a recession. Any grade school economics student would know that.

So, essentially, your 'sucesses' for Obama are really all failures.

Thanks for playing. PLease try again later.

The fact that the Market went up under Bush was part of the bubble economy he created. The Bush administration cut taxes on the wealthy, defunded SEC, cut interest rates to zero, changed overtime rules, gave a tax holiday to overseas profits and promised to turn SSI into a new 401K scheme. The new paradigm during the Bush administration was to create financial instruments that shifted money from one had to another. They also moved IT overseas and did their best to break the backs of labor. Companies were getting rid of people with good incomes at an alarming rate. They weren't doing this because they were in financial distress..they were doing it to maximize profit. It's called "Synergy" and lots of programmers, administrators, and operations people are sitting at home collecting unemployment checks because of it. Not only that..there was merger mania going on. Multi-national companies became the new sexy thing. Again..nothing to do with producing anything and everything to do with maximizing profit. Good for America? Hardly. Good for the monied elite? Yep. So yeah..big companies made big profits under Bush. And it did nothing for the economy. In fact..it made it worse. These guys got so greedy that some of the schemes were criminal. Like WorldCom, Enron, and Arthur Anderson to name a few. That even wasn't a wake up call. Then we had the failure of Bear Stearns..and nope..Laissez faire again. Weak attempts like Sarbanes-Oxley and Mark to Market weren't enforced and did nothing the stave off the train wreck. And the train wreck happened. Lehman failed..a century old financial is now owned by an English Company. Madoff? 20 billion or so is pocket change. Citi? AIG? Gosh...list goes on and on. So yeah..a small number of people did remarkably well by taking HUGE risks that the tax payer wound up paying for..

Which is BAU for conservatives.
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You have only to take Obama at his word to see how he's been destructive to the USA

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. ... It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies." -- Barack Hussein “Shovel-ready was not as … uh .. shovel-ready as we expected (laughs)" Failed Leader Obama

Unemployment not below 8% like he promised when he got his Stimulus and now he threaten our Seniors with destitution and hunger unless he gets his way, "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" Barack "Social Security Really is Bankrupt" Obama
Would Obama having more experience kept his policies from failing?
Indeed, from failing and getting his party kicked out of the house

No doubt had the press done a better job on vetting him and
was not so obsessed with the "historical" nature of it all,
they would have done the country a favor

Really, at this point Hillary would have been better
God knows she could not have done any worse

9.2 unemployment is nothing to take home
Cash for Clunkers - people are still laughing about that one
ObamaCare- majority hate it
They have spent us to the poor house

So what has the Left accomplished for the American people that they can point to and say, "See"?

You have as of yet have not established any real basis to your attack on the policies of President Obama. Your argument is weak and ipinionated only. Where is the truth and the facts to bolster your position?

The economy is such that it is near impossible to determine whether policy is "working or not"
However, history and experience is something we can use to compare.

This recession has taken twice as long as any other to recover from.

Now...dont wish to hear "worst economy since the great depression" becuase that campaign rhetoric was for the younger generation who knew nothing fo what we went through back in the 70's with 20% prime rates, high unemployment and gas shortages to the point of rationing...

And as for "the great depression"...the market never came close to crashiung so comparing it to the great depression was not even remotely accurate.

All I know is 850 billion dollars borrowed and the economy took twice as long to recover than it should have.....and it still hasnt....but for some reason, years after the stimulus, you guys attribute any positive movement to the stimulus.....

You make it a no lose for the Obama policies....
Well considering that when President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009 and unemployment peaked at 10.2 in October..this pretty much shows some progress. Failure would have been it going up..not down.

And the Stock Market NYX index was at 7949..what's it at today..hmm..12,385. Failure would have been it going down..not up.

GM still exists..in fact..they are reporting profits. Failure would have been GM closing..not reporting profits.

This country has been trying to pass Health Care reforms for nearly a century. This package got passed. Failure would have been not passing it.

The spending happened last administration when taxes got cut, 2 wars got started, a brand new entitlement was rolled out and a new government department was created..all unfunded. That should have been branded a failure..it wasn't.

And now most major companies are reporting record breaking profits. They are sitting on the cash. That's fine..they don't want to hire anyone.

There's plenty to do. Bridges are crumbling, roads are in terrible shape, we could use more tunnels and high speed rail. Republicans are now blocking all that. That's a failure. When America fails to innovate, create and build...that's when America fails. And the Radical Republicans are standing in the way of progress while keeping unemployment high.

Not only is that failure..it's treachery.

6 million fewer jobs since Obama... failure

No idea what the NYX index is. But the NYSE composit index is currently 8153.53...
NYSE Composite Index - CNNMoney.com
On January 20, 2009, it closed at 5053 (a 329.44 point drop from the previous day, btw). When Dubbya was inaugurated for his 2nd term, the NYSE composite index was 6599. At this point in his 3rd year, it was 10194. It went up under Obama by 3100, but ubder Dubbya it wen up by 3599. You gonna give Dubbya credit for a bigger increase than Obama??? I doubt it. Failure.

GM earnings: Biggest profit in eleven years - May. 5, 2011
Roughly half of this quarter's profit came from a one-time gain from sales of the company's interests in Delphi Automotive and Ally Financial's preferred stock. Biggest profit (even without that) since 2000, when Dubbya was president. So, Dubbya beat Obama again. You gonna give him the same credit you give Obama? I doubt it. Failure.

The health car law was the biggest pile of crap ever passed in DC. It will not save moeny, it will not reduce the defict, it will ration care, unless it is repealed or found unconstitutional, which is entirely possible. Failure.

The real spending ws in the Magical Mystery Stimulus, which most economists NOW admit, has not helped the economy. Failure.

Please link to a credible source that shows 'most' companies in the US are reporting record breaking profits. Not a few examples, not some... but MOST, as you said. I seriously doubt you can, because it simply isnt true. They are not hiring because of the uncertainty of the future tax situation.

Yes, we need infrastructure repairs. But thenGOP is not blocking anything of the sort. We cant fix it if we cant AFFORD it. You cannot spend your way out of a recession. Any grade school economics student would know that.

So, essentially, your 'sucesses' for Obama are really all failures.

Thanks for playing. PLease try again later.

The fact that the Market went up under Bush was part of the bubble economy he created. The Bush administration cut taxes on the wealthy, defunded SEC, cut interest rates to zero, changed overtime rules, gave a tax holiday to overseas profits and promised to turn SSI into a new 401K scheme. The new paradigm during the Bush administration was to create financial instruments that shifted money from one had to another. They also moved IT overseas and did their best to break the backs of labor. Companies were getting rid of people with good incomes at an alarming rate. They weren't doing this because they were in financial distress..they were doing it to maximize profit. It's called "Synergy" and lots of programmers, administrators, and operations people are sitting at home collecting unemployment checks because of it. Not only that..there was merger mania going on. Multi-national companies became the new sexy thing. Again..nothing to do with producing anything and everything to do with maximizing profit. Good for America? Hardly. Good for the monied elite? Yep. So yeah..big companies made big profits under Bush. And it did nothing for the economy. In fact..it made it worse. These guys got so greedy that some of the schemes were criminal. Like WorldCom, Enron, and Arthur Anderson to name a few. That even wasn't a wake up call. Then we had the failure of Bear Stearns..and nope..Laissez faire again. Weak attempts like Sarbanes-Oxley and Mark to Market weren't enforced and did nothing the stave off the train wreck. And the train wreck happened. Lehman failed..a century old financial is now owned by an English Company. Madoff? 20 billion or so is pocket change. Citi? AIG? Gosh...list goes on and on. So yeah..a small number of people did remarkably well by taking HUGE risks that the tax payer wound up paying for..

Which is BAU for conservatives.

Translation: If it happened under Bush, it was either bad or had nothing to do with him... but if it happens under Obama, it is awesome and he gets all the credit.

We know... we know.
The amount of damage to todays economy happened in the past. What we do today will influence the economy in the future.
If it was in community organizing, no. Look where we are now.

massive output of generalizations to assert your generalistic mandate

Comm organizing is not a generalization. That's the experience that O brought to the table. We're paying for that right now. This country needs a competent leader. I don't know how to break it down any simpler to you.
See, I reject the notion that Obama is a failure. You're looking at it through the wrong lens. Obama has been a huge success, you just have to understand how he defines success. Same thing with "Change" he meant change, but not for the better.

Obama copied the playbook from the FDR Depression because he WANTED the economy to stay down. FDR turned legions of people into mindless government dependent zombies during his Depression and was quite proud of how he used the Depression to get people hooked on Government cheese for their very survival. That's what Obama wants too, more and bigger government.

He got ObamaCare BECAUSE Progressives use economic downturn to expand government control

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqp0eXfpiWU]‪Congressman John Dingell: Control The People‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Has he failed as a President with American best interest at heart? Totally! But you have to understand that to Progressive like Obama, that a good thing
6 million fewer jobs since Obama... failure

No idea what the NYX index is. But the NYSE composit index is currently 8153.53...
NYSE Composite Index - CNNMoney.com
On January 20, 2009, it closed at 5053 (a 329.44 point drop from the previous day, btw). When Dubbya was inaugurated for his 2nd term, the NYSE composite index was 6599. At this point in his 3rd year, it was 10194. It went up under Obama by 3100, but ubder Dubbya it wen up by 3599. You gonna give Dubbya credit for a bigger increase than Obama??? I doubt it. Failure.

GM earnings: Biggest profit in eleven years - May. 5, 2011
Roughly half of this quarter's profit came from a one-time gain from sales of the company's interests in Delphi Automotive and Ally Financial's preferred stock. Biggest profit (even without that) since 2000, when Dubbya was president. So, Dubbya beat Obama again. You gonna give him the same credit you give Obama? I doubt it. Failure.

The health car law was the biggest pile of crap ever passed in DC. It will not save moeny, it will not reduce the defict, it will ration care, unless it is repealed or found unconstitutional, which is entirely possible. Failure.

The real spending ws in the Magical Mystery Stimulus, which most economists NOW admit, has not helped the economy. Failure.

Please link to a credible source that shows 'most' companies in the US are reporting record breaking profits. Not a few examples, not some... but MOST, as you said. I seriously doubt you can, because it simply isnt true. They are not hiring because of the uncertainty of the future tax situation.

Yes, we need infrastructure repairs. But thenGOP is not blocking anything of the sort. We cant fix it if we cant AFFORD it. You cannot spend your way out of a recession. Any grade school economics student would know that.

So, essentially, your 'sucesses' for Obama are really all failures.

Thanks for playing. PLease try again later.

The fact that the Market went up under Bush was part of the bubble economy he created. The Bush administration cut taxes on the wealthy, defunded SEC, cut interest rates to zero, changed overtime rules, gave a tax holiday to overseas profits and promised to turn SSI into a new 401K scheme. The new paradigm during the Bush administration was to create financial instruments that shifted money from one had to another. They also moved IT overseas and did their best to break the backs of labor. Companies were getting rid of people with good incomes at an alarming rate. They weren't doing this because they were in financial distress..they were doing it to maximize profit. It's called "Synergy" and lots of programmers, administrators, and operations people are sitting at home collecting unemployment checks because of it. Not only that..there was merger mania going on. Multi-national companies became the new sexy thing. Again..nothing to do with producing anything and everything to do with maximizing profit. Good for America? Hardly. Good for the monied elite? Yep. So yeah..big companies made big profits under Bush. And it did nothing for the economy. In fact..it made it worse. These guys got so greedy that some of the schemes were criminal. Like WorldCom, Enron, and Arthur Anderson to name a few. That even wasn't a wake up call. Then we had the failure of Bear Stearns..and nope..Laissez faire again. Weak attempts like Sarbanes-Oxley and Mark to Market weren't enforced and did nothing the stave off the train wreck. And the train wreck happened. Lehman failed..a century old financial is now owned by an English Company. Madoff? 20 billion or so is pocket change. Citi? AIG? Gosh...list goes on and on. So yeah..a small number of people did remarkably well by taking HUGE risks that the tax payer wound up paying for..

Which is BAU for conservatives.

Translation: If it happened under Bush, it was either bad or had nothing to do with him... but if it happens under Obama, it is awesome and he gets all the credit.

We know... we know.

Must suck to have all your ridiculous assertions dashed by someone who has actually worked in the financial industry..eh?
The fact that the Market went up under Bush was part of the bubble economy he created. The Bush administration cut taxes on the wealthy, defunded SEC, cut interest rates to zero, changed overtime rules, gave a tax holiday to overseas profits and promised to turn SSI into a new 401K scheme. The new paradigm during the Bush administration was to create financial instruments that shifted money from one had to another. They also moved IT overseas and did their best to break the backs of labor. Companies were getting rid of people with good incomes at an alarming rate. They weren't doing this because they were in financial distress..they were doing it to maximize profit. It's called "Synergy" and lots of programmers, administrators, and operations people are sitting at home collecting unemployment checks because of it. Not only that..there was merger mania going on. Multi-national companies became the new sexy thing. Again..nothing to do with producing anything and everything to do with maximizing profit. Good for America? Hardly. Good for the monied elite? Yep. So yeah..big companies made big profits under Bush. And it did nothing for the economy. In fact..it made it worse. These guys got so greedy that some of the schemes were criminal. Like WorldCom, Enron, and Arthur Anderson to name a few. That even wasn't a wake up call. Then we had the failure of Bear Stearns..and nope..Laissez faire again. Weak attempts like Sarbanes-Oxley and Mark to Market weren't enforced and did nothing the stave off the train wreck. And the train wreck happened. Lehman failed..a century old financial is now owned by an English Company. Madoff? 20 billion or so is pocket change. Citi? AIG? Gosh...list goes on and on. So yeah..a small number of people did remarkably well by taking HUGE risks that the tax payer wound up paying for..

Which is BAU for conservatives.

Translation: If it happened under Bush, it was either bad or had nothing to do with him... but if it happens under Obama, it is awesome and he gets all the credit.

We know... we know.

Must suck to have all your ridiculous assertions dashed by someone who has actually worked in the financial industry..eh?

the NYSE numbers I posted were facts, not assertions.

The info I posted on GM profits were facts, not assertions.

My comments on the health care law are my opinion... just as the poster I was replying to gave his opinions.

Most economists admit the stimulus was ill conceived, ill enacted, and did little to nothing to actually stimulate anything.

Still waiting for a link to a credible source that shows 'most' companies are making record breaking profits.

My comments about not being able to simply spend your way out of a recession have been proved time and time again.

So, your assertions that all I offered were assertions, is simply incorrect.
Must suck to have all your ridiculous assertions dashed by someone who has actually worked in the financial industry..eh?

If people in the financial industry were so damn good to start with, why did it crash? Because they wanted to make the run on the dollar as long as they could.

now as far as bammys role as community organizer, well it could have been a help if he would have tried to organize people that work instead of the people with their hands out.

bammy, the king of the lazy
Obama having ANY real world experience would have made him see the utter failure that always follow implementation of Progressive ideology.

Obama is not finished destroying the country either, he's still got the ME and European Melt Down cards to play. The PIIGS continue to sloe motion self destruct and the ME well Obama said it best "The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries"

I will never forgive him for destroying our Space Program. The record debt and deficits were almost unavoidable but sabotaging our Space Program was plain unAmerican.

Perhaps we could have him leave and run the UN or something

It is unfair for the US to have Papa Obama all to themselves
I believe that Obama truly thinks he's doing a great job, and that we're just too stupid to recognize it.
Would Obama having more experience kept his policies from failing?
Indeed, from failing and getting his party kicked out of the house

No doubt had the press done a better job on vetting him and
was not so obsessed with the "historical" nature of it all,
they would have done the country a favor

Really, at this point Hillary would have been better
God knows she could not have done any worse

9.2 unemployment is nothing to take home
Cash for Clunkers - people are still laughing about that one
ObamaCare- majority hate it
They have spent us to the poor house

So what has the Left accomplished for the American people that they can point to and say, "See"?

Your thread title is as loaded as the question, "Have you quit beating your wife?"

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