CDZ Would Police Dogs be an effective means to neutralize school shooters?

A police dog for every school in America? Do you people all suck at math?
Read my thread title. I was not exploring cost I was exploring feasibility.

Cost is feasibility!
Yeah. It's expensive. So, let's not even explore the possibility! Let's not, for example, try having prisoners raise and train the young puppies as other service dog groups have done. Let's not explore the possibility of high school students apprenticing with law enforcement in the training of dogs.... Yeah. Never mind. Too expensive. Let's just throw up our hands, give up our guns, hope that'll stop crazy people from shooting up schools.

Yeah, your ideas are pie-in-the-sky!

It is not a service dog. Do you have any idea how long it takes to train these dogs?

How many schools are there in the US?

I have a better idea! Why don't I just take my dog to school and he can lick the shooter to death?
You've made yourself clear. You don't like the idea. Thanks for telling us again.

My post was not directed to you. I was answering a post. I have to address idiocy at every opportunity.

Have a nice day! :D
Read my thread title. I was not exploring cost I was exploring feasibility.

Cost is feasibility!
Yeah. It's expensive. So, let's not even explore the possibility! Let's not, for example, try having prisoners raise and train the young puppies as other service dog groups have done. Let's not explore the possibility of high school students apprenticing with law enforcement in the training of dogs.... Yeah. Never mind. Too expensive. Let's just throw up our hands, give up our guns, hope that'll stop crazy people from shooting up schools.

Yeah, your ideas are pie-in-the-sky!

It is not a service dog. Do you have any idea how long it takes to train these dogs?

How many schools are there in the US?

I have a better idea! Why don't I just take my dog to school and he can lick the shooter to death?
You've made yourself clear. You don't like the idea. Thanks for telling us again.

My post was not directed to you. I was answering a post. I have to address idiocy at every opportunity.

Have a nice day! :D
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?

Who's going to pay for it?
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?
That's an idea worth exploring. It's expensive to train a police dog but may well be worth it.

Who's going to pay for it? The same folks that want to pull funds from education are the ones pushing the added expense of cops and dogs in schools.
Depending on the budget of the school, it is up to that region/county/city/town to determine how to implement better security for students at the local schools in the future. I have been to counties that were poor, and counties that were not so poor. I think that in some places a fighting dog might give students a fighting chance.
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?
That's an idea worth exploring. It's expensive to train a police dog but may well be worth it.

A police dog for every school in America? Do you people all suck at math?
Read my thread title. I was not exploring cost I was exploring feasibility.

Cost IS part of feasibility.
Depending on the budget of the school, it is up to that region/county/city/town to determine how to implement better security for students at the local schools in the future. I have been to counties that were poor, and counties that were not so poor. I think that in some places a fighting dog might give students a fighting chance.

Schools don't have the budget. You can thank the sociopath right for that.
As I said: Different schools have different budgets and resources. There is no one to thank or not thank for that. Beverly Hills 90210 would not have a buget problem...
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?
That's an idea worth exploring. It's expensive to train a police dog but may well be worth it.

Who's going to pay for it? The same folks that want to pull funds from education are the ones pushing the added expense of cops and dogs in schools.
Read the thread title. Cost comes next, the first question is would the dogs be effective? I have already raised one Con in my own thread about large dogs having trouble running on slick linoleum floors which reduces their speed advantage. Talk Pros and Cons about effectiveness.
Schools don't have the budget. You can thank the sociopath right for that.
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?
That's an idea worth exploring. It's expensive to train a police dog but may well be worth it.

Who's going to pay for it? The same folks that want to pull funds from education are the ones pushing the added expense of cops and dogs in schools.
Read the thread title. Cost comes next, the first question is would the dogs be effective? I have already raised one Con in my own thread about large dogs having trouble running on slick linoleum floors which reduces their speed advantage. Talk Pros and Cons about effectiveness.

Dogs can easily adapt to such flooring.

The only practical benefit of a dog in such a scenario is that the dog can be sent onto the gunman, who will then have to pause from shooting innocents/police in order to shoot the dog, which could then give police a momentarily reprieve wherein they could shoot the gunman.
Expensive, impractical, some kids getting bit.
K9Buck, I assume by your handle you have knowledge and/or experience with K9s. My question to you is "Can dogs be trained to attack shooters even if they are firing a very loud, very repetitive weapon or do they freak out?"
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?
What works will never become common practice. A vicious dog would scare the hell out of would-be attackers but also scare children or harm unruly students. Teachers with guns would be a threat to Swat teams. I suggest a fence topped with razor wire. Metal detection equipment. Security similar to airports with TSA officials at every entrance/exit. 99. 99% of the problem solved.

With the technology today why do we have schools?

Why not be creative and cutting edge and build the infrastructure so that kids can be taught from home instead?

Public Schools are pointless in today time and the money wasted on teachers, classrooms and books could be used to advance society and have it where kids work off IPads from home...

Oh well the Teachers Union would never go for this and many Conservatives would most likely not go for it either...

So here is my other idea and make a moat, load it with something deadly and one way in and out...
Expensive, impractical, some kids getting bit.
K9Buck, I assume by your handle you have knowledge and/or experience with K9s. My question to you is "Can dogs be trained to attack shooters even if they are firing a very loud, very repetitive weapon or do they freak out?"

Dogs don't attack shooters. They all run and hide at the sound of gunfire, just like the Broward County deputies!

Expensive, impractical, some kids getting bit.
K9Buck, I assume by your handle you have knowledge and/or experience with K9s. My question to you is "Can dogs be trained to attack shooters even if they are firing a very loud, very repetitive weapon or do they freak out?"

Absolutely. Any competent PSD (police service dog) or military dog will NOT be dissuaded by the sound of gunfire and explosions. But in the scenario of a school shooter, the dog will most assuredly be shot and rendered immobile, even if the dog can make it to the gunman. But, yes, the dog could buy a few seconds for a cop to take out the shooter.
Given that most of the shooting in a school attack happens without warning and is over within a few minutes, rapid response is essential. Would a Police Dog under the control of a patrolling officer be effective against a shooter? I believe it would. The dog could also be outfitted with a bullet proof vest to increase it's chances of surviving. What do you think?
What works will never become common practice. A vicious dog would scare the hell out of would-be attackers but also scare children or harm unruly students. Teachers with guns would be a threat to Swat teams. I suggest a fence topped with razor wire. Metal detection equipment. Security similar to airports with TSA officials at every entrance/exit. 99. 99% of the problem solved.

With the technology today why do we have schools?

Why not be creative and cutting edge and build the infrastructure so that kids can be taught from home instead?

Public Schools are pointless in today time and the money wasted on teachers, classrooms and books could be used to advance society and have it where kids work off IPads from home...

Oh well the Teachers Union would never go for this and many Conservatives would most likely not go for it either...

So here is my other idea and make a moat, load it with something deadly and one way in and out...

What technology? You mean the ability to pump reliable wi-fi through the air in places where the sunshine doesn't hit the bottom of the holler until after 10 am and leaves again by 3 pm?

Ever do a chemistry experiment on an I-pad?

Those PE classes get really intense running laps with your I-pad in your hands.

How will students ever learn to have sex with their hot middle school teacher if they are only online?

I suggest you look up "feasibility" like was discussed earlier in the thread.

Seriously, we cannot get this crap to even work IN THE SCHOOLS much less out in the real world. Yesterday, half of my students Chromebooks would not access the Internet because some boneheads decided we all needed new e-mail address in the district. It took me an hour to get my new e-mail working the night before, and when it comes to computers, I think I am smarter than a sixth grader.

Our e-mails are constantly filled with phishing schemes and you can send an e-mail to someone else and there is about a 50% chance they will receive it in 24 hours.

I had to download a copy of a job application and send it directly to the principal because, even with the confirmation number and the application number, date and time, he was unable to pull it up from their computer system.

To quote Scotty from "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" : "The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain."
How about armed, miniature drones that, during an emergency, can be activated to fly in a school and which can actually fire upon a shooter by a police operator?
K9Buck, I assume by your handle you have knowledge and/or experience with K9s.

I'm an "amateur, working-dog enthusiast". I have zero experience in law enforcement nor do I have any tactical training. With that said, if I had been at Parkland, I would have pulled my 9MM from my waistband and went in and killed that mother fucker if I could. I would have been happy to go down trying.

But, getting back to dogs, have you ever heard of a dog taking out a gunman? I haven't.

Dogs are great at detection and at apprehending guys that are running from cops, not at taking out a suicidal gunman emptying magazines on everything that moves.
How about armed, miniature drones that, during an emergency, can be activated to fly in a school and which can actually fire upon a shooter by a police operator?

That's about as likely to happen and having a trained K-9 in each and every school.

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