Would Putin accept a loss in Ukraine?

15,000 dead Russians with no end in sight
You actually believe that number? That's kind of funny. Where is the evidence? I'm not saying I believe the Russian number, but the disparity is vast and tends to make the Ukrainians look like liars, again.
You actually believe that number? That's kind of funny. Where is the evidence? I'm not saying I believe the Russian number, but the disparity is vast and tends to make the Ukrainians look like liars, again.
Body bags that Russia refuses to accept
Prove it.

Putin cannot accept a failed invasion

He would lose face and his power structure would collapse. He will escalate regardless of the losses they suffer
Agreed. I don't see "the win" for him in any event. Russian troops will eventually have to go back to Russia, and they are not happy campers with happy tales to share.

Putin's best case scenario seems to be he "keeps" the two Donbass "oblasts." In 1991, the local populations voted to remain Russia, at least in terms of not being governed centrally from Kiev (I'm too old for new spellings). But "polls" past then are uncertain at best. But nowhere else in Ukraine does Russia get any warm props. Even in Crimea, although russia's succeeded in getting a lot on non-Russiafrienly people to leave Crimea (or else).

But eventually, embargos on Russian carbon will reduce the price Russia can get, because the carbon won't be traded in a global market, ie Putin will continue having to discount the carbon. That's not all good for us, btw, since he'll be paid in roubles or renminbi.

Even assuming he can sell a stalemate in Donbass to Russians as a win, the Ukrainians will continue attacking Russian soldiers in any land occupied outside the two Donbass. The Russians might find a "friendly" occupied population in the Donbass Republics, and that might make it harder for Ukrainians to kill them there, but that's not the situation anywhere else with the possible exception of Crimea. But even there, Russia is not popular in territory connecting Crimea to Donbass. That would remain pretty much a killing ground, because Russians would be sandwiched between the Ukrainians and the sea, ie a static target.

That's why BIDEN'S GAFFE was inexcusable. It's hard for me to see anything PUtin can accept other than continue to kill civilians.
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I couldn't give that a thumbs up rep, but you're right. At some point will Russian walking dead say "nyet?" That may be the only end to the slaughter of women and children.

Can Putin sustain a lengthy invasion?

Not just loss of life but the stress on his economy
Can Putin sustain a lengthy invasion?

Not just loss of life but the stress on his economy
I don't know. Russia wouldn't be the first to default on debt. The only "real" effect is that it makes your exports worth less and your imports cost more. Russia exports wheat and carbon, and not much else .... beyond murdering. (And Iraq was not our shining moment, although thousands of Iraqi children were malnourished and not getting medical care, which is not the case now)

Will they do without EU imports? I'd guess they would

I suppose PUtin can continue his war so long as Russians are willing to die .... and murder women and children. And I've never been a fan of Russian society, so murdering women and children might not be an issue for Russians

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