Would real ‘Protectors Of Democracy’ want pop-stars, actors, teachers and social media algorithms to tell people how to vote?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Such seems like the antithesis to “DEMOCRACY”….No?
Wouldn’t real protectors of democracy want people to do their own research and make their own decision without being nudged by ‘influencers’?
Such seems like the antithesis to “DEMOCRACY”….No?
Wouldn’t real protectors of democracy want people to do their own research and make their own decision without being nudged by ‘influencers’?
I think so, unless you advocate for restrictions on the first amendment.
I see no problem with actors, producers, studios or anyone else for that matter, stating who their preference is in choosing who they are voting for. I do see a problem with actors, producers, studios or anyone else, deliberately and negatively affecting the lives of those that prefer a different candidate (i.e., terminating their employment, causing financial hardship and making them pariahs in their own community).
Such seems like the antithesis to “DEMOCRACY”….No?
Wouldn’t real protectors of democracy want people to do their own research and make their own decision without being nudged by ‘influencers’?
yea i agree ...so why do you try to influence me and others here who have made that decision?.....
In a local election where I have little personal knowledge of a candidate and see one backed by the police, then I'll put stock in that endorsement. Otherwise, endorsements have had no effect on how I vote. I don't make it any problem of mine how other voters come to their choice. If it ends up that I'm in the minority, well, that's just how the ball bounces in a democracy.
In a local election where I have little personal knowledge of a candidate and see one backed by the police, then I'll put stock in that endorsement. Otherwise, endorsements have had no effect on how I vote. I don't make it any problem of mine how other voters come to their choice. If it ends up that I'm in the minority, well, that's just how the ball bounces in a democracy.
Hmmmm….your posts always seem encrypted and ambiguous.
Are you saying you’re good with Zuckerberg, the Google faggots, Jeff Bezos, pop stars and actors deciding who our POTUS will be every four years?
Are you saying you’re good with Zuckerberg, the Google faggots, Jeff Bezos, pop stars and actors deciding who our POTUS will be every four years?

I'm saying I don't have a bug up my butt about the means that others come to their conclusions.

Now that I answered yours, here is my question to you: If Zuckerberg, the Google faggots, Jeff Bezos, pop stars and actors are more influential than the actual candidate, then doesn't that say something about the candidate's leadership skills?
Such seems like the antithesis to “DEMOCRACY”….No?
Wouldn’t real protectors of democracy want people to do their own research and make their own decision without being nudged by ‘influencers’?
We always have done so, and this election will be no different. Don't believe me? Watch what the MAGA goober so.
Such seems like the antithesis to “DEMOCRACY”….No?
Wouldn’t real protectors of democracy want people to do their own research and make their own decision without being nudged by ‘influencers’?
You didn't mind the stars who endorsed Trump.

oh its you.....the guy who lived in California and bad mouthed its liberal govt and so what do you do?....move to another liberal state....yea you will educate me....
My job takes me to many places. I just spent the weekend in California.
I dont bad mouth liberal states. You have a low IQ hence when you here facts that you dont like, you get very confused.

I may move back to california for a nice job, and if I do I will live in a van like so many others in california

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