Would Sanders be ready to make the same sacrifice as Trump?


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2012
Just North of the 49th
On recent interview Donald Trump declared that if he is elected president he would happily leave his real estate empire in the hands of his children in order to pay full attention to the interests of America.

Since Sanders's "estate" is only what he collected and squirrelled away by pretending to be an Independent while kissing Democrat asses for years, would he be willing to leave it behind as Donald Trump?

In other words WHEN (not if) loses to Hillary will he give up his comfortable hammock of a Senate seat, get a conscience, acquire honesty, abandon greed and envy and realize that personal benefits are the results of personal efforts?

Will the acolytes of this promoter of freeloading ever realize that a day on a job is worth many days on picket lines protesting, screaming and wasting their time?
Trump's statement implies he's just playing at this President game. Grandstanding as usual.

Has Sanders made a similar statement? Has any other candidate? Get back to us with your loaded questions if/when they do.
After 34 years in public office, living off the tax payer, shouldn't Burnout retire? realistically the man has no clue as to how this country works. If for one second one believes his tax plan and role he visualizes for the country passes muster is an indication he is lost in theoretical and ideological nonsense. Talk about nuts.
After 34 years in public office, living off the tax payer, shouldn't Burnout retire? realistically the man has no clue as to how this country works. If for one second one believes his tax plan and role he visualizes for the country passes muster is an indication he is lost in theoretical and ideological nonsense. Talk about nuts.

That's adorable. I'll ask you the question no Sanders hater seems to be able to answer: What in his legislative record leads you to these conclusions?
On recent interview Donald Trump declared that if he is elected president he would happily leave his real estate empire in the hands of his children in order to pay full attention to the interests of America.

Since Sanders's "estate" is only what he collected and squirrelled away by pretending to be an Independent while kissing Democrat asses for years, would he be willing to leave it behind as Donald Trump?

In other words WHEN (not if) loses to Hillary will he give up his comfortable hammock of a Senate seat, get a conscience, acquire honesty, abandon greed and envy and realize that personal benefits are the results of personal efforts?

Will the acolytes of this promoter of freeloading ever realize that a day on a job is worth many days on picket lines protesting, screaming and wasting their time?

Presidents don't moonlight. It is a full-time, on call position. But just like Herr Drumpf to act like he's the first human to think of doing so. :rolleyes:
Of course he won't. Sanders plans on being one of the Socialist elite were everyone else sacrifices but them.
Trump's statement implies he's just playing at this President game. Grandstanding as usual.

Has Sanders made a similar statement? Has any other candidate? Get back to us with your loaded questions if/when they do.
FJO is obviously working in the Koch phone bank in Vegas. He is really blatant about his ideology.

His post drips with hatred and ENVY.

Only Repubtards would give his spiel any attention and it deserves no credit at all.

Just another hater vomiting all over our screens.
On recent interview Donald Trump declared that if he is elected president he would happily leave his real estate empire in the hands of his children in order to pay full attention to the interests of America.

Since Sanders's "estate" is only what he collected and squirrelled away by pretending to be an Independent while kissing Democrat asses for years, would he be willing to leave it behind as Donald Trump?

In other words WHEN (not if) loses to Hillary will he give up his comfortable hammock of a Senate seat, get a conscience, acquire honesty, abandon greed and envy and realize that personal benefits are the results of personal efforts?

Will the acolytes of this promoter of freeloading ever realize that a day on a job is worth many days on picket lines protesting, screaming and wasting their time?

yeah right.

If you believe what the Trumpenfuhrer says I sell you the Golden Gate Bridge for $1.00 and throw in a year of no fog for free.

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