Would The Planet Be Better Off If We Put The Left In Charge Of Climate Change?

LOL. Can you prove the results of this article are due to wild fires?

Read your own link!

The Seattle skyline is blanketed with smoke from wildfires in 2020. This week brought a repeat of wildfire-linked, dangerous air, earning Seattle, as well as Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, B.C., the distinction of worst air in the world.

And since wildfires are linked to climate change, you just shot yourself in the face.
Holy shit. The entire article in the OP is about wildfires causing the bad air.

How could the topic starter be this profoundly stupid?!?! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Read your own link!

The Seattle skyline is blanketed with smoke from wildfires in 2020. This week brought a repeat of wildfire-linked, dangerous air, earning Seattle, as well as Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, B.C., the distinction of worst air in the world.

And since wildfires are linked to climate change, you just shot yourself in the face.
OK. When I'm wrong I'll admit I'm wrong. Bad example, shot myself in the foot. Had tried to read the article and then got blocked by the paywall.
Then I shouldn’t have to explain it to you
Please do you arrogant prick. How is it these fires have only become a problem with your rules and laws? You do know before managed forests nature took care of burning off undergrowth right? Nature did that with lightning strikes. Even the Indians knew this. Yet you are surprised?

Apparently not. These two true blue cities in two true blue states are leading the world in polluted air. Congratulations to them. With their policies, they have achieved outstanding recognition. Let's put them in charge of bringing this everywhere. NOT. Why is it that lefties think they know so much and yet deny the fact that their policies actually make things worse, not better? Now I will anxiously await the lefty response of how this is all the federal government's fault. Or Trump's. Or they even like to go back to Ronald Reagan, because they refuse to take responsibility. It's always someone else's fault that their policies don't work or even make things worse. Well, at least they have low crime rates LOL.

"The poorest air quality in the world right now isn't in developing Delhi or Beijing --- large population pockets where citizens sometimes struggle to breathe. The worst offenders are Seattle and Portland, Oregon."​

Apparently not. These two true blue cities in two true blue states are leading the world in polluted air. Congratulations to them. With their policies, they have achieved outstanding recognition. Let's put them in charge of bringing this everywhere. NOT. Why is it that lefties think they know so much and yet deny the fact that their policies actually make things worse, not better? Now I will anxiously await the lefty response of how this is all the federal government's fault. Or Trump's. Or they even like to go back to Ronald Reagan, because they refuse to take responsibility. It's always someone else's fault that their policies don't work or even make things worse. Well, at least they have low crime rates LOL.

"The poorest air quality in the world right now isn't in developing Delhi or Beijing --- large population pockets where citizens sometimes struggle to breathe. The worst offenders are Seattle and Portland, Oregon."​

What a stupid article. The air quality is a direct result of the wild fires. The USA is currently enduring the worst level of financial loss and devastation in the world, and still, you want to do NOTHING.

How many billions are you prepared to continue spending to deny climate science? You're over $50 billion per year now.
Please do you arrogant prick. How is it these fires have only become a problem with your rules and laws? You do know before managed forests nature took care of burning off undergrowth right? Nature did that with lightning strikes. Even the Indians knew this. Yet you are surprised?

The fires have only become a problem with GLOBAL WARMING.

The warming has caused droughts, leaving the forests drier than they have ever been in history, so that when lightning strikes, it's lighting a match to dry tinder.

The brainwashed ignorance of right wing posters on this board, knows know bounds.
People in the Pacific Northwest now have another reason to put on a mask: dangerous air because of recent wildfires.

Yea, blame liberals

Yeah, forest mismanagement for decades will do that.
Nope. Are you like Biden, ignorant of intelligent forestry practices? What am I asking, of course you are.

What do you propose and who do you propose pays for it?
What do you want done that is not being done?
The fires have only become a problem with GLOBAL WARMING.

Bullshit. Forest mismanagement is the culprit.

In California the flora REQUIRES fire as part of its life cycle you anti science religious fruitloop.
What do you propose and who do you propose pays for it?
What do you want done that is not being done?
Thank you for proving your ignorance of proper forestry practices. It shows that not knowing anything about a topic doesn't stop you from spouting off. Of course I think most of us already realized that.
Thank you for proving your ignorance of proper forestry practices. It shows that not knowing anything about a topic doesn't stop you from spouting off. Of course I think most of us already realized that.

I see you can’t answer. You have no clue what you are talking about

Now, what do you want done that isn’t being done now?
”Proper forestry technique”is not an answer

I see you can’t answer. You have no clue what you are talking about

Now, what do you want done that isn’t being done now?
”Proper forestry technique”is not an answer

For decades the mantra was stop all fires period. Then, when science figured out that that wasn't the correct way of doing things they were supposed to clear out the deadfall, so that the fires would return to normal type fires. Enviro wacko's sue anytime that is attempted, thus the result is a fire that leaps up into the crown of the forest and completely destroys it.

You really should read something so that you don't look like a complete moron.
The fires have only become a problem with GLOBAL WARMING.

The warming has caused droughts, leaving the forests drier than they have ever been in history, so that when lightning strikes, it's lighting a match to dry tinder.

The brainwashed ignorance of right wing posters on this board, knows know bounds.
Right. The first forest for in history happened just a few decades ago. You’re such an idiot.

I see you can’t answer. You have no clue what you are talking about

Now, what do you want done that isn’t being done now?
”Proper forestry technique”is not an answer
I can answer, buy why should I. You are the one who has no clue with your "rake the forest' comment. I suggest you try to enlighten yourself instead of taking the lazy way out and asking board members to fill you in only so you can make a lame comment again. Hint - cleaning up some dead material in forest land near settlements is part of the answer, but I suppose that is what idiots call "raking the forest."

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