Would The Planet Be Better Off If We Put The Left In Charge Of Climate Change?

I can answer, buy why should I. You are the one who has no clue with your "rake the forest' comment. I suggest you try to enlighten yourself instead of taking the lazy way out and asking board members to fill you in only so you can make a lame comment again. Hint - cleaning up some dead material in forest land near settlements is part of the answer, but I suppose that is what idiots call "raking the forest."

FAIL again on your part
I Will just conclude you do not know what you are talking about

What does clearing up around settlements have to do with air quality in the region after a major fire?
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People in the Pacific Northwest now have another reason to put on a mask: dangerous air because of recent wildfires.

Yea, blame liberals
I live there and the air quality is generally good even though we had a wildfire months ago just 5 miles away. The smoke doesn't hang around. The reason why we do have wildfires is because of cyclical drought and environmentalists banning forest clean up. It all started with banning logging way back when with the Sierra Club. Today, logging trucks can be seen carrying burnt trees to the mill. Nice going 'environmentalists.'
The Planet does not care

The Planet is one tough son of a bitch piece of rock. There is nothing we can do to harm it.

Human life on that planet is another matter
Yes, and we should protect human life instead of cutting electricity because of silly, fake environmental policies that are really a CYA for PG&E. Tomorrow, where I live, PG&E says it's going to cut power off because of a North wind that may or may not fan a PG&E created wildfire. Try to make sense of that.....If you can. Lefty loons have taken over here.
FAIL again on your part
I Will just conclude you do not know what you are talking about

What does clearing up around settlements have to do with air quality in the region after a major fire?
Wow. If you don't understand how preventing fires will help air quality there is no hope for you. The fail here is on your part. In answer to your question, air quality in a region is better if there is no major fire. There, I typed that real slow so maybe you can follow. If not, try to get someone to explain it to you. You seem to be a lost cause.
What a stupid article. The air quality is a direct result of the wild fires. The USA is currently enduring the worst level of financial loss and devastation in the world, and still, you want to do NOTHING.

How many billions are you prepared to continue spending to deny climate science? You're over $50 billion per year now.
LOL. Bernie Sanders wanted us to spend 10 trillion and said that was just the beginning.
Wow. If you don't understand how preventing fires will help air quality there is no hope for you. The fail here is on your part. In answer to your question, air quality in a region is better if there is no major fire. There, I typed that real slow so maybe you can follow. If not, try to get someone to explain it to you. You seem to be a lost cause.

How does clearing forest around urban areas prevent smoke from drifting from remote areas?
Are you like Trump demanding they rake the forest?
We conquered a continent. Then we became human infrastructure warriors. Global climate change is a scam. Progs pushing it keep building in areas where the weather can have affects. There is a lot more than showing icebergs collapsing and all the other bullcrap. We are suckers. We can spend money to clean up areas and upgrade areas of concern. Wasting trillions of people taking the money and run is stupidity.

Read your own link!

The Seattle skyline is blanketed with smoke from wildfires in 2020. This week brought a repeat of wildfire-linked, dangerous air, earning Seattle, as well as Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, B.C., the distinction of worst air in the world.

And since wildfires are linked to climate change, you just shot yourself in the face.
There's no connection between the two, retard.
The fires have only become a problem with GLOBAL WARMING.

The warming has caused droughts, leaving the forests drier than they have ever been in history, so that when lightning strikes, it's lighting a match to dry tinder.

The brainwashed ignorance of right wing posters on this board, knows know bounds.
Utter horseshit. They have become a problem when progs were able to overrule any sensible forest management practice.
What a stupid article. The air quality is a direct result of the wild fires. The USA is currently enduring the worst level of financial loss and devastation in the world, and still, you want to do NOTHING.

How many billions are you prepared to continue spending to deny climate science? You're over $50 billion per year now.
What we want to do is manage our forests better, not spend trillions on a hoax.

Read your own link!

The Seattle skyline is blanketed with smoke from wildfires in 2020. This week brought a repeat of wildfire-linked, dangerous air, earning Seattle, as well as Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, B.C., the distinction of worst air in the world.

And since wildfires are linked to climate change, you just shot yourself in the face.

Question for all who believe in algore's fraud

When earth actually warms, all else constant, are there more fires or less?

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