Would transgender people be accepted on your street?

They'd be looked at funny, people would make snide remarks behind their backs, kids would taunt them, and they wouldn't be invited to BBQs or pool parties. So long as they kept to themselves, no one would care.

Now if they started hanging around the kids in the neighborhood, their house would burn down. If they were in it, eh, c'est la vie.

I feel the same way about arsonists. Especially those who try and be a badass towards trannies.

I don't think we care how you feel. Some nut case starts hanging around my son, something going down.... There's going to be trouble in the neighborhood. I had some disgusting trash start harassing a co-worker of mine. I looked him straight in the eye and told him straight up, you do that to me, and one of us will be in jail, and the other in the hospital.

Thankfully this particular rump ranger figured out where to not go.

Here's the deal dude. I hear all the time "this is my private life! You can't tell me what to do in my private life!"

I've heard that a million times.

But that's not how it goes down. They make their private life public, and demand we accept it. Not happening.

If you kept your private life private, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Instead, they rub it in our face, and prance around in public. Well... that's a problem. Going to have some issues here. We're going to commit on your public life, and tell you what a disgusting revoluting human trash you are. Keep it to yourself. We won't comment then.

They make what public? Whether it is a woman trans to a man or a man trans to a woman, they are not making anything public. They are living their life as who they are.

As for the kids, the question in the OP was not about "what if they are child molesters". Everybody will be pretty hostile to those pieces of shit. But being a trannies does not mean you have any interest in kids.

You be careful who you threaten. I've known a few trannies that might put you in the hospital, and whether they go to jail or not depends on whether anyone else sees you attack them.
Used to go to a club where a guy came in sometimes as a woman and sometimes as a man. The regulars used to laugh, not a him, but at the noobs doing double-takes.
Actually I was laughing at him, not the noobs. In fact I've worked several places where there was where we laughed at the sexually confused. Girls with buzz cuts that walked around in boots. Trust me, we're laughing at them. Guys that come in with lipstick on. We're not laughing at the noobs. We're laughing with the noobs, at the freak.
You're a pretty sad bunch.

You don't think the girls with buzz cuts and the boys wearing lipstick are emotionally destroy by he and his friends snickering and hiding?

lmao Yeah, me either.
Would transgender people be accepted on your street? Would they be safe and treated with respect as they walk down your street!

why wouldn't they be?

actually, let me re-phrase that.... every so often some jerk comes from outside of the city to beat up some gay or transwomen.

but i figure things are better here than most places.
Here's Matthew dressed up as a tranny...


whatever makes bigots feel better about themselves.

are you so unsure of your own sexuality that a) you needed to troll the thread which asked a legitimate question; and b) tried to pretend that is what the average trans woman looks like.
Would transgender people be accepted on your street? Would they be safe and treated with respect as they walk down your street!

Yes...who cares.

Would a religious couple be accepted in a left wing gay neighborhood....?
They'd be looked at funny, people would make snide remarks behind their backs, kids would taunt them, and they wouldn't be invited to BBQs or pool parties. So long as they kept to themselves, no one would care.

Now if they started hanging around the kids in the neighborhood, their house would burn down. If they were in it, eh, c'est la vie.

I feel the same way about arsonists. Especially those who try and be a badass towards trannies.

I don't think we care how you feel. Some nut case starts hanging around my son, something going down.... There's going to be trouble in the neighborhood. I had some disgusting trash start harassing a co-worker of mine. I looked him straight in the eye and told him straight up, you do that to me, and one of us will be in jail, and the other in the hospital.

Thankfully this particular rump ranger figured out where to not go.

Here's the deal dude. I hear all the time "this is my private life! You can't tell me what to do in my private life!"

I've heard that a million times.

But that's not how it goes down. They make their private life public, and demand we accept it. Not happening.

If you kept your private life private, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Instead, they rub it in our face, and prance around in public. Well... that's a problem. Going to have some issues here. We're going to commit on your public life, and tell you what a disgusting revoluting human trash you are. Keep it to yourself. We won't comment then.

They make what public? Whether it is a woman trans to a man or a man trans to a woman, they are not making anything public. They are living their life as who they are.

As for the kids, the question in the OP was not about "what if they are child molesters". Everybody will be pretty hostile to those pieces of shit. But being a trannies does not mean you have any interest in kids.

You be careful who you threaten. I've known a few trannies that might put you in the hospital, and whether they go to jail or not depends on whether anyone else sees you attack them.

But here's the thing. If they truly did keep it private, no one would know. If know one knew, we wouldn't have a problem. If there were no problems, then this thread is pointless.

Who I threaten? Half my community is armed. We wouldn't threaten. You mess with one of our kids, and there will not be any 'threats'. Just a burial. I'll go to prison for that, gladly.

It's really simple. Keep your private life, private, and we won't have a problem. I'm not going to threaten anyone. I'm telling you what's going to happen if you step out of line. Chances are, it won't be me doing anything anyway. My neighbors are far more openly hostile than I am.
Used to go to a club where a guy came in sometimes as a woman and sometimes as a man. The regulars used to laugh, not a him, but at the noobs doing double-takes.
Actually I was laughing at him, not the noobs. In fact I've worked several places where there was where we laughed at the sexually confused. Girls with buzz cuts that walked around in boots. Trust me, we're laughing at them. Guys that come in with lipstick on. We're not laughing at the noobs. We're laughing with the noobs, at the freak.
You're a pretty sad bunch.

You don't think the girls with buzz cuts and the boys wearing lipstick are emotionally destroy by he and his friends snickering and hiding?

lmao Yeah, me either.

It's not even my friends, which is ironic. But I've been around enough to know, you people claim it doesn't bother you, but it does. You talk to these people, and it does.

I had a girl have me come and fix her computer for her. I was doing IT work at the time. She was one of those buz cut, lezbo girls. I felt really bad for her, because she was not a happy person.

But everyone makes their choices. If I cut my hair into spikes and painted it purple, people would point and laugh at me too. That's why I choose to not do that. You reap what you sow. That's how life is.
a transgender walking down the street on which I live? Would that person be 'accepted' by the entire neighborhood? Or just accepted by me? And if the whole neighborhood does not 100 percent accept, would they be in the 'hateful' section?

Let me ask another question. Would a drug dealing underage person be accepted walking down your street? Or how about, would a naked person be accepted walking down your street? The reason I ask the last question is because it does happen. And if the transgender is walking down the street of a residential neighborhood, that would mean that he/she knows someone who lives in that neighborhood, right? Or is this only in the major city purposes?
a transgender walking down the street on which I live? Would that person be 'accepted' by the entire neighborhood? Or just accepted by me? And if the whole neighborhood does not 100 percent accept, would they be in the 'hateful' section?

Let me ask another question. Would a drug dealing underage person be accepted walking down your street? Or how about, would a naked person be accepted walking down your street? The reason I ask the last question is because it does happen. And if the transgender is walking down the street of a residential neighborhood, that would mean that he/she knows someone who lives in that neighborhood, right? Or is this only in the major city purposes?

So if a transgender person is walking down a street of residence, maybe I can extend graces to meet her/his parents and say hello as neighbors.
a transgender walking down the street on which I live? Would that person be 'accepted' by the entire neighborhood? Or just accepted by me? And if the whole neighborhood does not 100 percent accept, would they be in the 'hateful' section?

Let me ask another question. Would a drug dealing underage person be accepted walking down your street? Or how about, would a naked person be accepted walking down your street? The reason I ask the last question is because it does happen. And if the transgender is walking down the street of a residential neighborhood, that would mean that he/she knows someone who lives in that neighborhood, right? Or is this only in the major city purposes?

So if a transgender person is walking down a street of residence, maybe I can extend graces to meet her/his parents and say hello as neighbors.

But if they are working people, they would be too busy to be seen all the time walking up and down the street.
heck, they probably would be making a better salary than myself.

The only 'old' transgender I know about is Bruce Jenner. All the others are much younger than him/her and thus would be a much higher long term employee possiblity than a person over entry level age.
Can I ask a serious question, and I really do not mean anything negative. At all!

It is just something that I've always pondered, as a hetero male...

I work with women who are transgender. They dress as men, but they are women and have women names. But they're obviously trying to be male.?

They freely say that they are gay and that's cool, and everything. No problems at all with that. They are great people too, so I don't have an issue.

But what lurks in my mind, and though they are openly gay, I don't know how to ask this question....

This applies to men and women who are openly gay, and identify with the other sex... Jus sayin...

How do I phrase this? Please bear with me, I am the most open person, I do not mean any harm. I just want to understand...

If you are a lesbian, and you dress and identify as a man, what do you look for in a mate? Do you look for a feminine woman, or someone else that identifies as male?

And how does the female mate choose a female man? This is what confounds me.. .:)

Because if I'm going to be 100% honest on a forum, there are things there that don't make sense to me. I have no issues with your choices. I just want to understand, because it does boggle my mind :)

So this is probably the proper place to ask this type of question!! :)
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To clarify, so-called "lipstick lesbians" are easy to understand as a male! :)

But women who dress as men, are looking to find women... who generally want men. So they have to find women who want women that dress as men...

This is where my mind blows up... I'm not even thinking about the bedroom stuff. I just want to understand the social stuff.

Again! I do not mean anything negative about anything, please! I am looking to understand. And I'm hoping people here can help me.

And I will truly defend anyone who answers me honestly till I die.... jus sayin...
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You have to consider it from the angle that they prefer the softer gentler angle for a partner and care more about love then procreating. Women that want to be male want to be the stronger(Dominating) within the relationship so they choose another women as most of them feed into their need.

On the otherhand, males that want to be female value the softer side for themself as they see female emotions as what they wish to be themselfs.Of course, in many cases they also choose a female for a partner as the entire idea is one of gentleness.
Thank you Matthew for your reply. I can see that part as well. But the receiving woman... what is she looking for? That's the part that I'm confounded about. Does she want a man, or a woman that's like a man? Or does she want a man, that can openly relate to her? The questions go in circles... :) So I can see how people have issues, as I know of many.

But I've never asked the important questions, because I don't want to offend anybody. Does the receiving person want the other sex, or the same sex?

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