Would Trump be good for black Americans?

He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?
Side question you implied, food for thought - Is there a way to favor Black citizens over White citizens (or to discriminate?)
Ironically, the first black president has been the worst thing in the world for black Americans.
Supporting law enforcement, teaching children right & wrong and valuing the family would all be good for blacks.

Why should blacks support law enforcement when law enforcement clearly doesn't support them?
Trump is a real estate tycoon

Over the last 30 years, he has been in a position to invest and improve minority neighborhoods. Instead, he has used eminent domain to tear down these neighborhoods for his own use. He has very limited minority representation in his own corporation

As usual, Trump gives lip service that he will create jobs for minorities, but his history doesn't support it
That Trump isn't Establishment? WTF are you trying to say?

What does not being in the Establishment mean? I mean it sounds good but whats the benefit to the voter?
I guess you have no problems with corrupt politicians, corporatists and a bloated government that is so bad, we don't even know where billions of dollars go?

Establishment doesnt mean corruption silly fuck. Thats why I keep asking what benefit is there to a voter for not being in the Establishment?

So far you seem to believe the definition of Establishment is "criminal"

Look, if you cant see the OBVIOUS by now, you are literally helpless. Or a statist.

Can you fucking type the obvious thing? Or is typing the obvious too hard?
Goddamnit. One time I will. You inbred hick
The Establishment are a bunch of crony corporatists. They FIGHT to keep our wages down. They FIGHT to send our jobs away (while they use the rhetoric of "our economy is great. Our manufacturing is skyrocketing" yea, dumbfuck OVERSEAS. We don't get the JOBS).
They are the ones that get funded by Soros, Kochs, Stayer, Chamber of commerce, and other cronies.
They are the career politicians that don't care about your voice and they lie to your face.
The Establishment are the ones that find it positive to fund terrorists, go to wars we shouldn't go to and shit on our Constitution.
The Establishment is the reason our money supply is STILL managed by a Independent entity
The Establishment is the reason we de-regulated the financial sector
Shall I continue?
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?
Side question you implied, food for thought - Is there a way to favor Black citizens over White citizens (or to discriminate?)
How did I imply that?
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?

Fascists are generally never good for the blacks. So, no.
Where is Trumps plan to bring jobs to minority neighborhoods?

As usual, he gives lip service but his history has shown he does little to help minority areas

In Atlantic City, he kicked minorities out of their homes so that his casinos could be built. His promised jobs never appeared
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?
He could start by making his ties here.

Please explain Trump's plan to "bring back jobs".
protectionism. tax incentives, import taxes, FAIR trade etc.
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?
He could start by making his ties here.

Please explain Trump's plan to "bring back jobs".
protectionism. tax incentives, import taxes, FAIR trade etc.

Right but he wants white people to beat up any blacks they perceive as getting out of line. So that's bad.
Would Trump be good for white people?

What a stupid question...
You don't think people voting for their general interests are a good idea?

I think in general they do..... but if in 2015 we're saying the interests of blacks vs. whites v. Hispanics, etc. are all different, well, that's depressing. If we have to cater to different racial groups, well, again, that is depressing.
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?

Fascists are generally never good for the blacks. So, no.
But Stalin was? lol
What does not being in the Establishment mean? I mean it sounds good but whats the benefit to the voter?
I guess you have no problems with corrupt politicians, corporatists and a bloated government that is so bad, we don't even know where billions of dollars go?

Establishment doesnt mean corruption silly fuck. Thats why I keep asking what benefit is there to a voter for not being in the Establishment?

So far you seem to believe the definition of Establishment is "criminal"

Look, if you cant see the OBVIOUS by now, you are literally helpless. Or a statist.

Can you fucking type the obvious thing? Or is typing the obvious too hard?
Goddamnit. One time I will. You inbred hick
The Establishment are a bunch of crony corporatists.

BUZZER! False, the crony corporatists are crony corporatists.

They FIGHT to keep our wages down.

And Trump is against that because he said so and you, like a rube believe it

They FIGHT to send our jobs away (while they use the rhetoric of "our economy is great. Our manufacturing is skyrocketing" yea, dumbfuck OVERSEAS. We don't get the JOBS).
They are the ones that get funded by Soros, Kochs, Stayer, Chamber of commerce, and other cronies.
They are the career politicians that don't care about your voice and they lie to your face.
The Establishment are the ones that find it positive to fund terrorists, go to wars we shouldn't go to and shit on our Constitution.
The Establishment is the reason our money supply is STILL managed by a Independent entity
The Establishment is the reason we de-regulated the financial sector
Shall I continue?

So what you're saying is that even though Trump says he's anti Establishment he actually fits the description to a Tee?

Or are you still believing those dreams he's selling that has no plan?
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?
He could start by making his ties here.

Please explain Trump's plan to "bring back jobs".
protectionism. tax incentives, import taxes, FAIR trade etc.

Right but he wants white people to beat up any blacks they perceive as getting out of line. So that's bad.
You know, if you could stick to FACT, you would STILL have enough ammo to make fun of him :thup:
He is a protectionist. He wants to bring back jobs. He wants to restrict us importing every damn thing and make it HERE. He doesn't want to give amnesty to illegals.
How is that NOT good for black Americans? How is that NOT good for Americans, period?
He could start by making his ties here.

Please explain Trump's plan to "bring back jobs".
protectionism. tax incentives, import taxes, FAIR trade etc.
Explain what you mean by protectionism. And you realize "fair trade" and "protectionism" are contradictory, right?

Where is a link to Trump's plan?
Where is Trumps plan to bring jobs to minority neighborhoods?

As usual, he gives lip service but his history has shown he does little to help minority areas

In Atlantic City, he kicked minorities out of their homes so that his casinos could be built. His promised jobs never appeared

So what...
The end result of protectionist import tariffs is higher prices.

Just ask Obama what happened when he tried that with tires.

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