Would U support Israel preemptive nuke 1st strike on Iran???


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011

Most folks I talk with have a VERY favorable opinion of using Iran as an "example" to the rest of islamoland, regarding nuclear punishment. Most folks today have little tolerance for religious control nuts regardless of the sect/cult they belong to. The religion of islam is viewed with particular negativity as it is a known suicide cult(anti human). Would you support an Israeli 1st strike 'example setter'? I'm not talking the big 'megy' thermo nukes but the little kiloton warheads of the size used on Japan back in the 40's. The little kiloton warheads don't offer a lot of damage potential but used in high populated areas could get the islamos worshiping anything & everything but allah/moohammud with everything they got!
The one complaint I hear about a 1st strike is negative political fallout globally(markets/stocks etc). This is due to civilian ignorance & exaggerated effects of the responsible use of nuclear warheads as a weapon of corrective discipline(attitude changers) regarding cult states. It looks like Iran has crossed the "line in the sand meaning discipline is coming one way or the other... conventional warfare(spendy for us!) or nuclear punishment(fast & inexpensive). Your preference please???

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