Would you allow everyone to own a fully auto M4 carbine?

Then why was the Constitution not reinterpreted that way until the mid 1980s?
Factions have agendas and vested interests in misinterpreting the Constitution. Including (and especially) State, local, and even the federal governments. A great many unconstitutional laws are passed and remain on the books until ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court which is the final arbiter except for the People. The only thing that changes the Constitution is the amendment process which is difficult and rare. Supreme court decisions are also frequently misinterpreted. I don't recall any amendments being passed since 1980 and if that is the case the Constitution reads exactly the same now as it did then.
Full auto is way faster than bump stock.

That isn't a bumpfire stock. The rubber band does all the work and gives you the same 600 rounds per minute cyclic rate of fire as full-auto on an AK-47. Trust me, I've done that. The Pro-Mag 50-round drum mags work best when doing that, but the steel Korean-made 75-rounders are shit.

Like I said, it's ammunition waster. I can do 5" groups at 100 yards with the AK from a rest. Why would I need a bullet hose?
You obviously have never shot an automatic weapon. On full auto the first round goes where you are aiming. the second, a foot or so higher, the third a foot or so higher than that and the rest of the rounds go above the target. So a fully automatic weapon (a machine gun or Assault Weapon/Rifle) actually does less damage than a semi automatic one. That's why the military got rid of full auto on it's rifles and went to three round bursts.
You lack upper body strength.

That said you cannot really aim at full throttle. However if you can keep the barrel down you can spray an area.

If your claim were true you'd be wasting 2 out of every three round burst.
Factions have agendas and vested interests in misinterpreting the Constitution. Including (and especially) State, local, and even the federal governments. A great many unconstitutional laws are passed and remain on the books until ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court which is the final arbiter except for the People. The only thing that changes the Constitution is the amendment process which is difficult and rare. Supreme court decisions are also frequently misinterpreted. I don't recall any amendments being passed since 1980 and if that is the case the Constitution reads exactly the same now as it did then.
And they got away with it for like 220 years, huh Scoob?
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And they got away with it for like 220 years, huh Scoob?
I have no clue what it is you think changed. Who do you think got away with what? The Constitution says what it says. It doesn't change just because you want it to say something else or because you can't read plain English.
Are you really this dumb?

Dumber than whatever idiot first posted that asinine idea on whatever bed wetter agitprop site he lifted it from. You give these moonbats the benefit of doubt, that they actually "think" this shit up themselves and aren't just repeating it like the vacuous, servile parrots they are.

It actually specifies that the right applies to militia membership and was interpreted that way until activist judges got ahold of it in 2008.
Where? What words specify that the right applies to militia membership? Cite your caselaw interpreting the 2A that way. You got NOTHING.
Then why mention Militia at all?
To state their purpose for completely removing any and all authority from this newly-created federal government. The context at the time is what you seem to miss or ignore. The British Crown attempted to disarm the colonists. They were afraid that this new FedGov would do the same to usurp power.

Regardless, it could have said "a well-regulated colon being necessary for a quick poop," and it still would have had the same operation -- to strip the newly-created FedGov of any authority to take any action limiting the right.

Your leftist collogues are trying desperately to erase the historical context and the original intent of the 2A, rather than attempting to amend the constitution. They know that they will never fully control the people and implement a full-blown Socialist state while there are more than 300 million guns to stop them. They also know that an amendment to remove the 2A protections will never pass, so they MUST make the 2A mean something it does not.

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