Would you be in favor of defunding the UN?

defund the UN?

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I would. I mean what do we really gain from it anyway? It's about time we say goodbye to the UN and their globalist and antisemetic agenda.

Yes, the expenditure is NOT Constitutionally authorized.

I do agree however that Israel has no right to exist in Palestine. That Palestine , in its entirety belongs to the Palestinians.

I do believe that Harry S Truman decision to remove 1.5 Millions Palestinians from Palestine is a cruel cruel cruel injustice.


Well thenjews.were.remobee from.their.holy land long before muslims were
This would be a great thread in which to play devil's advocate.

Can the OP....as well as those who have come here with stark declarations of disdain for the UN.....suggest a reason why we might want to maintain our UN participation?
UN do a lot of good. However, anywhere there is politics is involved it becomes shitty. Yet, they have done a lot of good over the years...

Okay, so what have they done for us lately, or even near lately? Sorry, but I'd like some sort of return on our money:

View attachment 103575

not that much per head of population....

Our deficit and debt does not rely on per head of population. If we don't do something to bring those two down then this country is finished within two generations. We need a drastic cut in spending starting with things that don't do us any good. If it isn't an absolute necessity, then we quit paying for whatever it is.
This would be a great thread in which to play devil's advocate.

Can the OP....as well as those who have come here with stark declarations of disdain for the UN.....suggest a reason why we might want to maintain our UN participation?
I can't think of a single reason for continuing this debate club for dictators.
Trump should take a page from the Harry Reid Playbook and let his son buy the UN building in nyc and turn it into condos
This would be a great thread in which to play devil's advocate.

Can the OP....as well as those who have come here with stark declarations of disdain for the UN.....suggest a reason why we might want to maintain our UN participation?
Sure; maybe we can "lease" regiments of Hammer's Slammers, to solve any problems we may have on our planet.
I wouldn't defund the UN but refund it based on each country paying - lefties will love this - their fair share rather than the U.S. footing the bulk of the bill. Next, I'd thank all the member countries for participating in it here in America since its inception before announcing they've got five years to relocate it elsewhere, anywhere but in the U.S. Then in three years, following Trump's second term, he can develop that property into a great piece of real estate.
The UN is worthless and has not done one thing to better the world.
It has cost the US more than any other country. Getting out of the UN should be a priority even before getting out out NATO.
UN do a lot of good. However, anywhere there is politics is involved it becomes shitty. Yet, they have done a lot of good over the years...
Then they can "do a lot of good" from their new UN building in the Balamba.
President Trump WILL tell the fucking socialist thugs at the UN the US will "as of this day contribute to the penny to the UN exactly what the US gets in return per penny spent".
THAT is going to get the attention of the corrupt socialists sucking on the US teat while essentially acting like they are the enemies of the US every chance they get.
No more living in 10K a month luxury penthouse suites in NYC. No more shipping the best of everything back to the fucking corrupt shitholes they came from. No more $1000 diners in Manhattan. No more $1000 suits.
No more 'massages' from ten year old Vietnamese girls.
----------------------------------- that what ALL the libs and the 'un' says as they spend other people money Doctor !!

and some of it goes to a good cause...and?
Ya. The same percent spent on "doing good" as the Clinton foundation spent............5%.
The rest is spent on private jets/$1000 luxury dinner with 'family-in-tow/luxury accomodations and fucking on and on and on.
The UN and the Clinton Foundation: Two of the best GOLD STAR GRAVY TRAINS in existence.
Well not the Clinton Foundation anymore obviously. The (cough) 'donations' AKA Pay-To-Play money stream has gone bone dry now.
The most egregious aspect of the UN is the usurpation of member States' sovereignty. For that reason alone, the US should withdraw and kick the HQ out of NYC. But at this time any action or inaction in that regard presents a Morton's Fork dilemma; that of having some control over an evil while giving up a portion that portion of sovereignty to that evil or keeping/regaining our full sovereignty while keeping the full force of the impending evil at bay until eventually being overwhelmed!

In my opinion at this time, the best form of action given the US as a member of the Security Council would be two pronged; veto every action to come before the Council and start drying up our funding of the UN to let it die of starvation!

Just one man's opinion!
not only de-funding but kicking the fucking UN out of our country

let someone else foot the fucking bill for a change
I wonder if any one of the geniuses calling for the dissolution of the UN have ever stopped to consider the ROI.

I'm guessing not.
--------------------------------- what is the ROI LLaugher !!

Are you asking because you want to know...or because you think you know and are looking to argue about it?

Let's find out.

What do you think it is?

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