Would you be in favor of defunding the UN?

defund the UN?

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I wonder if any one of the geniuses calling for the dissolution of the UN have ever stopped to consider the ROI.

I'm guessing not.
--------------------------------- what is the ROI LLaugher !!

Are you asking because you want to know...or because you think you know and are looking to argue about it?

Let's find out.

What do you think it is?
We would get several hundred percent ROI on the defunded amount....
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The U.N. is pushing anti Semitism.
They should not get U.S.A. tax payer money.
The World should be against any type of racism.
Not completely, but I do not see why the us should be funding more than 20% of it.

It does some good, but has no teeth, so I'd reduce it to a philanthropic aid organization only, set up a completely separate military arm for peacekeeping or whatever and call it a day.

Right now it's the poster child for an inefficient, corrupt bureaucracy, and needs a serious pruning.
We shouldn't support a foreign entity with Tax Dollars, that doesn't solely have American Citizens' best interests in mind. The UN is a foreign Globalist institution. It doesn't always have Americans' best interests in mind. Therefore, American Citizens should not be forced to fund it. If other nations wanna force their Citizens to fund it, so be it. But that doesn't mean we have to.
I would. I mean what do we really gain from it anyway? It's about time we say goodbye to the UN and their globalist and antisemetic agenda.

I've never understood why we fund half the costs of the U.N., when a majority of its members are anti-American and anti-Israel. Neither do i understand why we give foreign aide to countries who consistently vote against our interests in the U.N.
I would. I mean what do we really gain from it anyway? It's about time we say goodbye to the UN and their globalist and antisemetic agenda.

I've never understood why we fund half the costs of the U.N., when a majority of its members are anti-American and anti-Israel. Neither do i understand why we give foreign aide to countries who consistently vote against our interests in the U.N.

Very wise observation. American Citizens shouldn't be forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have their best interests in mind. I'm an American, if the institution doesn't have Americans' best interests in mind, i shouldn't be forced to fund it.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN, that's fine. Or if other nations wanna force their Citizens to fund it, that's fine too. I'm only concerned with my nation. We should definitely scale back our involvement and funding.
UN do a lot of good. However, anywhere there is politics is involved it becomes shitty. Yet, they have done a lot of good over the years...

Yeah...like Rwanda.....uh......Syria....uh......what about all of their soldiers raping and engaging in sex trafficking...oh, that is a bad thing...right?

Get rid of it.......
Average the contributions of the other 192 members and give them that amount.

I don't think Citizens should be forced to fund it. I don't feel i should be forced to fund a foreign institution that doesn't solely have American Citizens' best interests in mind. If other nations wanna fund it, so be it. But we should scale back our involvement and funding.
Ya. The same percent spent on "doing good" as the Clinton foundation spent............5%.
The rest is spent on private jets/$1000 luxury dinner with 'family-in-tow/luxury accomodations and fucking on and on and on.
The UN and the Clinton Foundation: Two of the best GOLD STAR GRAVY TRAINS in existence.
Well not the Clinton Foundation anymore obviously. The (cough) 'donations' AKA Pay-To-Play money stream has gone bone dry now.

Peddle your fake news else where. I'm not buying

Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

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