Would You Call this Good Luck or Bad Luck?

The scariest thing that ever happened to me while fishing....
We were wade fishing in the surf on Matagorda Island when a large shark decided he wanted my fish.
Salt water stringers are very thick to withstand the toothier fish found in saltwater,around 3/16 of an inch,so when the shark grabbed the fish I was dragged out to sea around 30 or 40 feet before he chewed through the stringer.
Scared the living shit out of me!!!
From then on I tied the stringer to a piece of 60 lb monofilament so it would break if it ever happened again.
Scary on steroids I'd say! Yikes, I cannot imagine going through that experience, now let me make sure I'm following the visual....the shark jumped in the boat for the fish? The shark snagged the fish as you were holding the fish? As in jumping up to get it or when the bait was already in the water? However it was, you couldn't pay me enough money to emulate! lol

My biggest fear is sharks actually, more than heights, depths, small spaces, or other common phobias. Snakes just creep me out, but I'm not really afraid in general. I can't say I fear whales of any size, as I never plan to dive down to study them. Sharks do what they do and I respect the heck out of them...just don't plan to swim next to any like I used to do every year as a kid. Jeezz....so carefree then, swimming around in the ocean without a care in the world...way out past sandbars at times in Hilton Head, NC...I can't even believe my mom allowed it as she's always been err....sensitive to dangers.....that one escaped her! Not much reporting about shark deaths I guess at the time.

I cant believe I've never been hit by a stingray in all my years of wade fishing.
You're supposed to shuffle your feet when walking in the water to avoid stepping on one.
The stings are very nasty!!!
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lol so funny you brought that up about rays! Recent trip to Bahamas...water so clear you could see everything, including the bottom of course, and what did I do at first by habit? Wearing "swim shoes" began dragging my feet, making the water all sandy looking, since I do that by habit in FL/NC/SC lol It was amazing not to worry about being stung by jellyfish either, but you still could see a few clear ones that were really hard to spot so swim shoes were a good idea anyway;)

That fish line looked heavy! Was that dinner for 12? EDITED: went back to check out the fish....make that dinner for 112? lol

The Wife and I go to the Bahamas frequently,Elizabeth Harbor to be exact.
They cant seem to understand why I head for the beach or boat when the stingrays show up.
I know they're tame and are just looking for a hand out but they still give me the willies.
We used to go gigging for flounder a lot at San Luis pass and you had to keep an eye out for stingrays.
A flounder will make a distinct pattern in the sand while waiting for it's prey to swim by.
A stingray does as well,they're a bit more round and it looks like they have a stick behind them.
Here's a flounder buried in the sand waiting for lunch to come by...
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Stingray buried in sand....notice the "stick"....
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Had a huge stingray follow me around for hours while gigging one night,I assume he was attracted by the light in the water. Spooky as hell!!
I seriously thought about hitting him with my gig.
Very nice! My husband and I stayed west of Cable Beach in a townhome complex that was gated. It was an amazing adventure that I'd recommend for anyone who enjoys the beach life. Even the jitneys were fun to ride! Worth the cost for sure to see it at least once.

We go to Elizabeth Harbor so we can rent a boat while we're there
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We didn’t do the boat trip to see the pigs. I had conflicted feelings about going due to a couple of articles/reviews about the pigs so we decided to skip it. From your pics they appear to be in good shape which I was glad to see. One negative review had indicated they were sunburned and had rough skin due to salt. I was so glad to see that the pigs you showed swimming in the ocean did not have sunburned skin and appeared smooth and healthy.


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The scariest thing that ever happened to me while fishing....
We were wade fishing in the surf on Matagorda Island when a large shark decided he wanted my fish.
Salt water stringers are very thick to withstand the toothier fish found in saltwater,around 3/16 of an inch,so when the shark grabbed the fish I was dragged out to sea around 30 or 40 feet before he chewed through the stringer.
Scared the living shit out of me!!!
From then on I tied the stringer to a piece of 60 lb monofilament so it would break if it ever happened again.
Scary on steroids I'd say! Yikes, I cannot imagine going through that experience, now let me make sure I'm following the visual....the shark jumped in the boat for the fish? The shark snagged the fish as you were holding the fish? As in jumping up to get it or when the bait was already in the water? However it was, you couldn't pay me enough money to emulate! lol

My biggest fear is sharks actually, more than heights, depths, small spaces, or other common phobias. Snakes just creep me out, but I'm not really afraid in general. I can't say I fear whales of any size, as I never plan to dive down to study them. Sharks do what they do and I respect the heck out of them...just don't plan to swim next to any like I used to do every year as a kid. Jeezz....so carefree then, swimming around in the ocean without a care in the world...way out past sandbars at times in Hilton Head, NC...I can't even believe my mom allowed it as she's always been err....sensitive to dangers.....that one escaped her! Not much reporting about shark deaths I guess at the time.

I cant believe I've never been hit by a stingray in all my years of wade fishing.
You're supposed to shuffle your feet when walking in the water to avoid stepping on one.
The stings are very nasty!!!
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lol so funny you brought that up about rays! Recent trip to Bahamas...water so clear you could see everything, including the bottom of course, and what did I do at first by habit? Wearing "swim shoes" began dragging my feet, making the water all sandy looking, since I do that by habit in FL/NC/SC lol It was amazing not to worry about being stung by jellyfish either, but you still could see a few clear ones that were really hard to spot so swim shoes were a good idea anyway;)

That fish line looked heavy! Was that dinner for 12? EDITED: went back to check out the fish....make that dinner for 112? lol

The Wife and I go to the Bahamas frequently,Elizabeth Harbor to be exact.
They cant seem to understand why I head for the beach or boat when the stingrays show up.
I know they're tame and are just looking for a hand out but they still give me the willies.
We used to go gigging for flounder a lot at San Luis pass and you had to keep an eye out for stingrays.
A flounder will make a distinct pattern in the sand while waiting for it's prey to swim by.
A stingray does as well,they're a bit more round and it looks like they have a stick behind them.
Here's a flounder buried in the sand waiting for lunch to come by...
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Stingray buried in sand....notice the "stick"....
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Had a huge stingray follow me around for hours while gigging one night,I assume he was attracted by the light in the water. Spooky as hell!!
I seriously thought about hitting him with my gig.
Very nice! My husband and I stayed west of Cable Beach in a townhome complex that was gated. It was an amazing adventure that I'd recommend for anyone who enjoys the beach life. Even the jitneys were fun to ride! Worth the cost for sure to see it at least once.

We go to Elizabeth Harbor so we can rent a boat while we're there
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We didn’t do the boat trip to see the pigs. I had conflicted feelings about going due to a couple of articles/reviews about the pigs so we decided to skip it. From your pics they appear to be in good shape which I was glad to see. One negative review had indicated they were sunburned and had rough skin due to salt. I was so glad to see that the pigs you showed swimming in the ocean did not have sunburned skin and appeared smooth and healthy.

They take people to the Staniel Cay Yacht club for lunch before visiting the pigs and they encourage you to bring your leftovers or buy something to feed the pigs.
Trust me,they are very well fed.
The Cannon ball grotto is very cool as well. They filmed a James Bond movie there.
Mr Bond and the rest of the cast stayed at the Yacht Club while filming.
We also hit Iguana Beach. Those things are HUGE!!




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