Would you die for your religious beliefs?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
In my other thread, amrchaos brought up an interesting question: Would you die for your religious beliefs? I thought perhaps it would be appropriate to ask that in its own thread.

Along with the why.
I am a non-denominational Christian, I do not care much for organized religion and do not belong to any congregation. I have a personal and private relationship with Yeshua, Messiah (I prefer Yeshua because that is what his contemporaries called Him in Aramaic). Also I do not care for televangelists or fundies. I do not believe in the "rapture," it is not mentioned at all in the NT.

When you start seeking Him, He will find you.

Guaranteed. Praise Yeshua.
In my other thread, amrchaos brought up an interesting question: Would you die for your religious beliefs? I thought perhaps it would be appropriate to ask that in its own thread.

Along with the why.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoAGasPLh30]YouTube - Kids In The Hall - Bobby versus Satan[/ame]
No. I'm no martyr.

I'd much rather make you die for my beliefs, honestly.
Question: How does one die for their religion? Give me a specific example (and not an extreme example, like if the right to religious freedom was repealed and you had to convert to state sponsored religion or be executed.)
I think I would die for my faith, but I would have to be certain God was calling me to do so. None of this drinking kool-aid laced with cyanide because some happy go lucky preacher man said I should.

Question: How does one die for their religion? Give me a specific example (and not an extreme example, like if the right to religious freedom was repealed and you had to convert to state sponsored religion or be executed.)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqSZhwu1Rwo]YouTube - Heaven's Gate Cult Initiation Tape[/ame]
Governments in the past have killed over religion. I will not deny my beliefs. Muslims will kill over beliefs, I will not convert just to stay alive. If a mob demanded I renounce my beliefs I would not.
Question: How does one die for their religion? Give me a specific example (and not an extreme example, like if the right to religious freedom was repealed and you had to convert to state sponsored religion or be executed.)

Yeshua died brutally for His religious beliefs. But it was more...He died for our sins, so that we would not have to die for them.

Many of the Founding Fathers, especially state governors, wanted state religions in their particular state. That was their mindset and they were Godly people. They wrote God into the Declaration of Independence and many formed churches. Jefferson (often cited) wrote thousands of letters yet only the ones he wrote questioning religion vs the state are harped on by non-believers and secularists and atheists these days.

Yet these Godly men had the great insight to prevent...via the Constitution...to prevent the Feds from declaring a "national religion." According to this God-inspired document, I am free to exercise my religious beliefs, and you are free to exercise yours (or not exercise any).
That's the long and short of it. Welcome to predominately (still) Judeo-Christian America.
I think I would die for my non beliefs.
If I was forced into a religion and had no way out, like the example Xotoxi said, I would be executed for my non belief. I will never give in.
i don't know....

it is hard to picture a situation where that would even come up?

but if you are talking, ''taking the number of the beast, 666'' or die... then i would choose to die.
I do have to say I would never kill for my beliefs. ;)

I think I would...that is to say, If I believe someone is going to harm my children or someone in my family, I would have very little trouble killing them. Of course, I admire that Australian grandma that shot off the private parts of the men who had raped her grand daughter. Way to go Grandma.....I want to be like that.

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