Would You Favor Majority Vote?


Nov 20, 2011
Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.
No. We have a Federal Republic. Otherwise big cities get to decide everyone else's way of life. No thanks.
No. We have a Federal Republic. Otherwise big cities get to decide everyone else's way of life. No thanks.
Thank You for your reply. The system is broke, corrupted, bought, etc. The notion that we still have a Federal Republic was a fact years ago, no longer. Congress is screwed. 9% approval rating. If you wish to rely on this now government to do what is best for you good luck. It does not matter either which party is screwing us either so save the right left shit for another thread.
Well, what is the alternative? We can bee itch and moan but it is what it is. Wishing it wasn't isnt going to change a thing.
Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.

I would favor a major rethink of our entire system of government.

It is far too much republic and far too little democracy.

I'm more inclined toward a parlimentary system than what we have now.
This question has been answered.............by the course of events in History. It takes a special kind of person to pretend that yesterday did not take place. I've been feeding my dog twice a day for 8 years and he still doesn't know where his next meal will come from.
The vast majority of people complain but don't have the will or courage to do anything about it one way or the other.
No. Firstly, because as has already been pointed out, we live with a Constitution, in a federal republic. Secondly, people are generally quite misinformed, ignorant or downright stupid on most 'issues'.
That is why whoever runs for office and wins deserves to be the leader. They did the work of running the campaign. Anyone else can to. Whoever does it and stays the course is deserving whether we like them or not.
Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.


Do you have any idea just how dumb people are?

we seriously need properly trained and educated people, people that no bullshit know the Constitution back and front making final decisions.

krist, we already have too much welfare. Ya got any idea how much would get wasted on non-sense?
No. Firstly, because as has already been pointed out, we live with a Constitution, in a federal republic. Secondly, people are generally quite misinformed, ignorant or downright stupid on most 'issues'.

I hear that a lot from nutters. I wonder what steps could be taken to change that "fact"?
No. Firstly, because as has already been pointed out, we live with a Constitution, in a federal republic. Secondly, people are generally quite misinformed, ignorant or downright stupid on most 'issues'.

I hear that a lot from nutters. I wonder what steps could be taken to change that "fact"?

Depends on which 'fact' you refer to. If you wish to 'change the 'fact'' of the Constitution, then a revolution would be a good way to change that.

If you refer to people being generally quite misinformed etc, then it is up to each individual to change it. I don't see that happening.
Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.

I would LOVE a secure government web site where we could 'vote' on congressional / presidential / supreme court activity - just to let them know, on a One Social Security Number = One Vote basis, how we feeeeeeeeeeel about the particulars behind the issues.
That sounds good but sounds way to easy for computer manipulation. Nothing can be trusted anymore. We need guns to protect ourselves FROM govt.
Who are the nutters and where do i sign up?

Sorry......it requires that one be generally misguided. Those who prefer to sit upon pedestals pretending that "they are all the same" may not apply. There is a difference between being unable to comprehend when one is wrong and being unwilling to take a stand for fear of being wrong.

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