would you folks take this deal: President Trump gets impeached & the Democrat Party gets abolished!

i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
So there would be only a white party left?

And I'm guessing only whites would be allowed to vote?
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
So there would be only a white party left?

And I'm guessing only whites would be allowed to vote?
yes and yes
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."

As long as they execute Obama, Hillary, McCabe, Strzok, and Lisa Page for Treason as part of the deal.
sure, but why did you love out Bruce Ohr and Stefan Halper?

There's plenty of room on the gurney....
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
I’d take that deal. Impeached by the House and the dimocrat party disappears? And the downside is?
would you folks take this deal: President Trump gets impeached & the Democrat Party gets abolished!

Abolish the Democratic Party first. Then we'll discuss impeachment. :113:
Their imploding as we speak. They took away the sponsership to the womens march, because real women don't want trannies to take over. Of course the democrats side with the trannies.
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
I can understand you wanting to abolish the Democratic Party....what with the conservative republicans so close to self destruction.
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
This needs to be put in the FLAME ZONE, because it is just nothing but bullshit...
All of OP's threads are trolling Rubber Room fodder.
Meant to divide and create hysteria. Plays both sides. Not to be taken seriously.
Yet many take the bait regardless.
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
What did President Trump do to be impeached?
He beat Hillary and saved the Republic
Abolishing the party wouldn’t fix the problem. We need to strip them of their citizenship and send them to Mexico, or an Islamic shit hole of their choice.
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
Apparently you think abolishing the words "democrat" is supposed to do what? Make you feel better?

There will always be a progressive movement in this country to push for things like civil rights, labor rights, social security, medicare; you know, all of the stuff the majority of Americans support.
I know it's PC to say that the stupid and violent conservative mindset on display here is just as valid as any other belief system, but I reject such PC nonsense. The conservative belief system is obviously morally inferior to the rational and moral belief system of the liberals.

And while not all conservatives call for violence, almost all conservatives welcome the vicious and violent in their ranks.
It isn't enough to abolish the Democrat party. The ideology must be obliterated just like was done with the Thugees of India.
the Whatees? tell us more!
A history lesson. You want me to give you a history lesson? This is an inappropriate venue for your education.
Why do idiots like you never talk about policy?

No one cares about your emotional problems and how hating "liberals" helps you to cope with the fact you were never invited to sit at the cool table during lunch...

What democrat policies makes you feel that people should be killed? Medicare? Overtime Pay? What?
i love making deals!

"The electorate passes judgment on its presidents and their shortcomings every four years. But the Framers were concerned that a president could abuse his authority in ways that would undermine the democratic process and that could not wait to be addressed. So they created a mechanism for considering whether a president is subverting the rule of law or pursuing his own self-interest at the expense of the general welfare—in short, whether his continued tenure in office poses a threat to the republic. This mechanism is impeachment."
Apparently you think abolishing the words "democrat" is supposed to do what? Make you feel better?

There will always be a progressive movement in this country to push for things like civil rights, labor rights, social security, medicare; you know, all of the stuff the majority of Americans support.
You do know idiot, that the Democrat party is for taking away your rights under 1 controlling government, provide just enough food to you , so you can be a peon worker, and treat you like shit...Doubt me, just look at how the Dem's treat black people compared to the future browns who cross our borders illegally.
It isn't enough to abolish the Democrat party. The ideology must be obliterated just like was done with the Thugees of India.
the Whatees? tell us more!
A history lesson. You want me to give you a history lesson? This is an inappropriate venue for your education.
Why do idiots like you never talk about policy?

No one cares about your emotional problems and how hating "liberals" helps you to cope with the fact you were never invited to sit at the cool table during lunch...

What democrat policies makes you feel that people should be killed? Medicare? Overtime Pay? What?
Noise from Noyes: Socialism causes millions of deaths - Albany Student Press
The advent of socialism has been perhaps one of the most terrible scourges on mankind. In its most basic form, it’s simply the abolishment of private property, as Marx puts it. It’s an authoritarian form of governance that forcibly revokes the freedom of individuals. Economist Ludwig von Mises describes that socialism “aims at the abolishment of private enterprise and private ownership.” Not only economic freedom, but civil freedom is also suppressed under socialism because it seeks to ultimately be the ideal solution for “mankind’s social and economic organization.”
In the New World Order that all establishment liberal elites have talked about, it is to control the masses, and since there are 7 billion people(hardly enough people to fill Texas) they, liberals know that they have to kill 5 to 6 billion people to be easier to control. So you think, that you are such a fine upstanding retard that the liberal elites want to keep you? bwaaaaahhhhaaaahhaaaaaa.. Here is George Bernard Shaw a Socialist/Marxist, who tells it like it is.


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