Would you go to a nudist restaurant?

Frying bacon in the nude is like getting old

You know it will hurt but you not sure exactly where next.
I like that word . Not much used, maybe I try to revive it. But being naked outdoors, or anywhere, is such a sensuous and free feeling. I feel sorry for those who not experienced it. Can I see your profile page?
To you, it is freeing and sensuous. To me...its something I do not wish to participate in OR see from others. To each his/her own.
No, you cannot see my profile page. There are not pics in there of me anyway, lol. I think there is maybe one or two in the pic thread buried around here somewhere, but I think I took them all down.

You’re very shy!

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Not necessarily shy. Just raised different which is fine with me.
Bah, I don't see myself getting into a situation like that any time in the near future.

Did I take a girl home from school one day, and her parents lived in the nudist colony? Yes!

And then I drove home. The End.
That reminds me of a joke:

A guy was in a greasy diner ordering a burger. He was watching the cook prepare it when he saw the cook, who was very fat and sweaty, take the round meatball and squish it between his armpits to flatten it before slapping it on the grill. When the guy who ordered it complained to the waitress, she said "oh that's nothing. You should see how he makes the Super Doughnut Holes".
Then there was the midget who walked into a bar and kissed every guy in the joint...
Imagine what their cooks put in the food of customers they don't like...
Ewww! Just ewwww!
I don't know why all the negativity here . My wife and I were members and seasonal residents of a nudist camp for many years. They prefer to be called Naturist Resorts

They had a restaurant and a night club too. Both clothing optional. Had many great times there and made good friends.
My reply wasn't meant as anything negative. It was meant to be humorous in a sick kind of way.

Having nude chefs could give a world of new meanings to the term "Special Sauce".

what a strange question by the op

there are no nudist restaurants either in my neighborhood or even in the country I live in....not that I am aware of at least
Not necessarily shy. Just raised different which is fine with me.
Raised differently? I was raised by uptight, old fashioned , prudes. But, I broke free of the inhibitions and taboos and I'm better for it. I have had experiences that most people can only imagine
That's nice. :eusa_shhh:

Meanwhile, my parents were not necessarily prudes...they just raised me to know some things should be kept private. Including body parts. I agree with that too. So..maybe I am considered a prude too.
In short...I am the kind of gal you would take home to your parents. The other kind...those you pay a few bucks and bail before breakfast.
what a strange question by the op

there are no nudist restaurants either in my neighborhood or even in the country I live in....not that I am aware of at least
What country is that? Maybe you should move.

LOL I am having so much fun here..


I would not like to live in a country that eats where they shit

to put it midly haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

oops :dunno::laugh:

joking my doves....just joking my dears....:p

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