Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house?

Yes I know, these are all allegations, innocent until proven guilty blablabla. But do you honestly think all these women are lying? This man boasts about grabbing women by the P, and he is also standing up for fellow rapist Brett

Donald Trump, an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least nineteen women since the 1980s.

View attachment 217749
One day you might touch a female yourself.
Keep your head held high!
I have kissed 43 girls
Had unprotected anal sex with 29 different girls
Had a girl grabbed my ass
had a girl grab my dick at a club
had three different girls ask me for sex
had two girls ask me out (to be their bf)
had one girl named Nicole lured me to the toilet and tried to rape me
Had a 58 year old attracted to me and touching me
had my ass licked by a girl
and many more thank you very much
/——/ Impressive weekend their, Scooter
Did Trump rape anyone like Bill Clinton? How about exposing himself, like to Paula Jones? Maybe Trump used a cigar on an intern too? The dems and MSM better remember the lineup of Bubba's women that Trump has that they blew off. Maybe Trump can re-introduce them at the State of the Union speech??

Buh... buh... buh.... BUT CLINTON!!

Oh, and Clinton didn’t rape anyone.
/—-/ You know this how? You’re supposed to believe the girl.
Lauding the elites sexual proclivities as some moral metric yet again?

WTF cares?

We all know exactly how pseudocons, like JWoodie for example, would have reacted if Obama had been caught on tape saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

They wouldn't be defending Obama, claiming it was "locker room talk" or "a figure of speech".

We all know this.

If they heard Obama's voice saying that shit, their teeth would have shot straight out of their heads at Mach 1.
Of course not, just like they attacked Obama for record high levels of folks not in the labor force. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for trillion dollar deficits. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for playing golf. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for traveling too much. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for using a teleprompter during speeches. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for signing executive orders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for dividing the country. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for offending world leaders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for low job approval ratings. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for the notion of sitting down with Kim Jong-Un. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for allowing Russian jets to buzz our ships. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative
/—-/ How many times do we have to address this worn out tripe?
Did Trump rape anyone like Bill Clinton? How about exposing himself, like to Paula Jones? Maybe Trump used a cigar on an intern too? The dems and MSM better remember the lineup of Bubba's women that Trump has that they blew off. Maybe Trump can re-introduce them at the State of the Union speech??

Buh... buh... buh.... BUT CLINTON!!

Oh, and Clinton didn’t rape anyone.
/—-/ You know this how? You’re supposed to believe the girl.
I know this because the only woman to accuse Clinton of rape -- swore he didn't.
Yes I know, these are all allegations, innocent until proven guilty blablabla. But do you honestly think all these women are lying? This man boasts about grabbing women by the P, and he is also standing up for fellow rapist Brett

Donald Trump, an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least nineteen women since the 1980s.

View attachment 217749

How about you blow it out your stupid ass. God you are an idiot.

Well said! ^^

Second that. :thup:
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?

No. And I have to say he's the first president I'd say that about. With the rest, I'm might not have liked their policies, but I'd be curious see what they're like in person.

It's just a personality thing for me. Trump is the kind of blow-hard I've done my best to avoid my whole life.
I would.

I am positive there would be a way to monetize it :D
We all know exactly how pseudocons, like JWoodie for example, would have reacted if Obama had been caught on tape saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

They wouldn't be defending Obama, claiming it was "locker room talk" or "a figure of speech".

We all know this.

If they heard Obama's voice saying that shit, their teeth would have shot straight out of their heads at Mach 1.
Of course not, just like they attacked Obama for record high levels of folks not in the labor force. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for trillion dollar deficits. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for playing golf. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for traveling too much. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for using a teleprompter during speeches. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for signing executive orders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for dividing the country. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for offending world leaders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for low job approval ratings. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for the notion of sitting down with Kim Jong-Un. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for allowing Russian jets to buzz our ships. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative
Oh the irony.

A Brainiac digs as deep as its hand can reach into its pocket of intellect and the best it can do is …. nuh-uh, you are!

Good going, FruitCake, make 'em proud.
We all know exactly how pseudocons, like JWoodie for example, would have reacted if Obama had been caught on tape saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

They wouldn't be defending Obama, claiming it was "locker room talk" or "a figure of speech".

We all know this.

If they heard Obama's voice saying that shit, their teeth would have shot straight out of their heads at Mach 1.
Of course not, just like they attacked Obama for record high levels of folks not in the labor force. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for trillion dollar deficits. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for playing golf. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for traveling too much. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for using a teleprompter during speeches. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for signing executive orders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for dividing the country. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for offending world leaders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for low job approval ratings. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for the notion of sitting down with Kim Jong-Un. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for allowing Russian jets to buzz our ships. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative
/—-/ How many times do we have to address this worn out tripe?
Aww... how cute... you say that as if it's ever going away.
We all know exactly how pseudocons, like JWoodie for example, would have reacted if Obama had been caught on tape saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

They wouldn't be defending Obama, claiming it was "locker room talk" or "a figure of speech".

We all know this.

If they heard Obama's voice saying that shit, their teeth would have shot straight out of their heads at Mach 1.
Of course not, just like they attacked Obama for record high levels of folks not in the labor force. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for trillion dollar deficits. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for playing golf. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for traveling too much. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for using a teleprompter during speeches. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for signing executive orders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for dividing the country. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for offending world leaders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for low job approval ratings. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for the notion of sitting down with Kim Jong-Un. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for allowing Russian jets to buzz our ships. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative
Oh the irony.

A Brainiac digs as deep as its hand can reach into its pocket of intellect and the best it can do is …. nuh-uh, you are!

Good going, FruitCake, make 'em proud.
That is all that post deserved.

Did you think there should have been some other response to your silly conclusion?
We all know exactly how pseudocons, like JWoodie for example, would have reacted if Obama had been caught on tape saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

They wouldn't be defending Obama, claiming it was "locker room talk" or "a figure of speech".

We all know this.

If they heard Obama's voice saying that shit, their teeth would have shot straight out of their heads at Mach 1.
Of course not, just like they attacked Obama for record high levels of folks not in the labor force. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for trillion dollar deficits. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for playing golf. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for traveling too much. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for using a teleprompter during speeches. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for signing executive orders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for dividing the country. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for offending world leaders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for low job approval ratings. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for the notion of sitting down with Kim Jong-Un. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for allowing Russian jets to buzz our ships. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative
Oh the irony.

A Brainiac digs as deep as its hand can reach into its pocket of intellect and the best it can do is …. nuh-uh, you are!

Good going, FruitCake, make 'em proud.
That is all that post deserved.

Did you think there should have been some other response to your silly conclusion?
No, I expected a mindless response like the one I got.
The family comes with the president and the Trump dynasty seems pretty nice just like the Bush dynasty. Democrats don't seem to follow the traditional American dream though. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's autobiography was titled "dreams of my father" but would you want Obama's father anywhere near your town much less your house? He was an alcoholic bigamist who hated the U.S. and finally killed himself in an alcoholic binge traffic accident. Would you want Obama's half brother anywhere near your house? He allegedly makes about $20.00 per month and lives in a hut somewhere in Africa. Would you want
Bill Clinton anywhere near your 18-25 year old daughter? I doubt it but the double standard hate filled (14 year old?) lefties still post this junk
We all know exactly how pseudocons, like JWoodie for example, would have reacted if Obama had been caught on tape saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

They wouldn't be defending Obama, claiming it was "locker room talk" or "a figure of speech".

We all know this.

If they heard Obama's voice saying that shit, their teeth would have shot straight out of their heads at Mach 1.
Of course not, just like they attacked Obama for record high levels of folks not in the labor force. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for trillion dollar deficits. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for playing golf. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for traveling too much. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for using a teleprompter during speeches. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for signing executive orders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for dividing the country. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for offending world leaders. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for low job approval ratings. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for the notion of sitting down with Kim Jong-Un. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Just like they attacked Obama for allowing Russian jets to buzz our ships. Trump does it; not a peep from them.

Hypocrite, thy name be conservative
Oh the irony.

A Brainiac digs as deep as its hand can reach into its pocket of intellect and the best it can do is …. nuh-uh, you are!

Good going, FruitCake, make 'em proud.
That is all that post deserved.

Did you think there should have been some other response to your silly conclusion?
No, I expected a mindless response like the one I got.
expect does not equal should.

You don't see the irony, do you? Do you honestly think that it is the conservatives that are hypocrites? You don't see the same bullshit on the other side?

I guess a partisan can only see a partisan. It is interesting that you only have personal insults. Makes this pretty easy.
I would love to have him chat with my kidlets about his investments. I'll even buy plastic furniture covers heh

Seriously, you want him to teach your kidlets how to run businesses into the ground, become "Debt Kings", declare umpteen bankruptcies, borrow money from corrupt Russian oligarchs, stiff contractors, pay off porn starts/ Playmates and grab pussy?

Not smart :wink:

And that's why /you/ will never have money kido. I'll take the advice of a wealthy businessman, you can keep your blind hatred and see how well it provides for your family legacy.
This man boasts about grabbing women by the P

If you actually listened to that tape, you would understand that he was using a figure of speech (just like he referred to one of the other men he was talking with as a "pussy"). So you are either deceitful or stupid or both. Which is it?
Wow. This is the dumbest post I've read all week.

Dean has been quiet lately
Shhhh please don’t awaken him.

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