Would you lie under oath to protect or to smear Trump?

Would you lie under oath to protect or to smear Trump?

  • Yes

  • No

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Going by your leaders examples, Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Ford, and all the others in the Jan 6 kangaroo court. Lying under oath is the norm.
It seems like they are leading you as much as they are anyone else. You are saying you are going by their example.
It seems like they are leading you as much as they are anyone else. You are saying you are going by their example.
You will find out next year how an legitimate impeachment hearing goes. Hopefully Pelosi goes to jail, for costing us tax payers multi millions in bogus investigations against Trump. Then holds the democrat party accountable for the muti millions they lied under oath for their hoax investigations against Trump.
You will find out next year how an legitimate impeachment hearing goes. Hopefully Pelosi goes to jail, for costing us tax payers multi millions in bogus investigations against Trump. Then holds the democrat party accountable for the muti millions they lied under oath for their hoax investigations against Trump.
I think you are setting yourself up for another disappointment.
Crimes are not crimes until you are convicted, stupid.
Got it.
So you admit that trump did these things, you just don't want them being called "Crimes" until he is convicted, with due process of course.
Got it.
So you admit that trump did these things, you just don't want them being called "Crimes" until he is convicted, with due process of course.
I agree to nothing a fool like you says or thinks. Is that clear?
Biden’s numbers are below Trump's with the media covering for Biden 24/7 and Trump 100% negative. Your party is screwed!
Oh no!

The fact that you think that would bother me only shows that things like that bother you. You tell on yourself. A thin skinned, excitable guy.

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