Would you pay $2 for a $1 Hanburger

if the extra $1 went to the employees? (I didn't think so.) :lol:
Did some one say that we want to double the price and pay half to the employees??? I must have missed that. Maybe you should show me, and perhaps others, where that was suggested.
Maybe you think that would be a good idea?? Perhaps you should suggest it. Since, me boy, no one else has.
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When I was a boy, so many years ago, flippin' burgers was done by people in high school and college. They lived at home, or were supplementing what their parents spent to put them in college. Today, very few of the employees are young people. All too many are mothers and fathers that can find no better paying jobs. And they barely get by.

And I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today. Yes, if raising the price of the burgers by 10% or 20% would insure a living wage for the workers serving me, that would be fine. For I am an upper middle class earner, and do not care to see my fellow workers in a position with no future and no real present.
When I was a boy, so many years ago, flippin' burgers was done by people in high school and college. They lived at home, or were supplementing what their parents spent to put them in college. Today, very few of the employees are young people. All too many are mothers and fathers that can find no better paying jobs. And they barely get by.

And I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today. Yes, if raising the price of the burgers by 10% or 20% would insure a living wage for the workers serving me, that would be fine. For I am an upper middle class earner, and do not care to see my fellow workers in a position with no future and no real present.

Such a good way of looking at it Old Rocks. I agree with you all the way on this.
If it's an "In n' Out" burger they can keep it. Nothing but glorified McDoubles.
As a hardcore hamburger consumer, I have eaten countless 99 cent hamburgers. Some very recently (for instance Jack-In-the-Box had a 99 cent special on Jumbo Jacks this past summer). So I ask myself if I would pay double for those hamburgers, and my answer is YES. For a 5 dollar hamburger, doubling the price would be painful, but not as painful as not having one.
$2 will look cheap when Obamaflation kicks in.

All that funny-money printed over the last several years hasn't come home to roost. Not yet.
If the shit hits the fan, inflation skyrockets, and America is reduced to a shell of what it once was... then yes I will pay a bit more for a burger.
I wouldn't pay more. Instead I would save the dollar.

If you saved one dollar a day for 25 years you'd have an extra 28K in your retirement fund.
When I was a boy, so many years ago, flippin' burgers was done by people in high school and college. They lived at home, or were supplementing what their parents spent to put them in college. Today, very few of the employees are young people. All too many are mothers and fathers that can find no better paying jobs. And they barely get by.

And I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today. Yes, if raising the price of the burgers by 10% or 20% would insure a living wage for the workers serving me, that would be fine. For I am an upper middle class earner, and do not care to see my fellow workers in a position with no future and no real present.

Agreed. We could think of it as a tip, something that's not done at fast food places that I know of.
I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today

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Two dollars for a hamburger is still pretty damn cheap.

That being said, I would gladly pay two bucks for a burger knowing that a dollar is going to the person who made it.
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Can we talk reality?

It will not take an extra dollar a burger to pay a decent wage. It is more like an additional ten cents.

Yes, I would kick in an extra dime
This is the same old WalMart canard, everybody claims to give a flying fuck about the losers who didn't work hard and plan so they end up selling burgers at the age of 35, but no one stops buying Big Macs or $3 t-shirts at WalMart.

Hypocrites and liars more interested in stuffing your faces and filling your homes with junk merchandise than in standing on your so-called principles.

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