Would you pay $2 for a $1 Hanburger

When I was a boy, so many years ago, flippin' burgers was done by people in high school and college. They lived at home, or were supplementing what their parents spent to put them in college. Today, very few of the employees are young people. All too many are mothers and fathers that can find no better paying jobs. And they barely get by.

And I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today. Yes, if raising the price of the burgers by 10% or 20% would insure a living wage for the workers serving me, that would be fine. For I am an upper middle class earner, and do not care to see my fellow workers in a position with no future and no real present.

I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today

McDonalds any day of the week

dollar chicken burgers as well
This is the same old WalMart canard, everybody claims to give a flying fuck about the losers who didn't work hard and plan so they end up selling burgers at the age of 35, but no one stops buying Big Macs or $3 t-shirts at WalMart.

Hypocrites and liars more interested in stuffing your faces and filling your homes with junk merchandise than in standing on your so-called principles.

Yea....we get cheap stuff

We also end up paying for their employees families and healthcare
Can we talk reality?

It will not take an extra dollar a burger to pay a decent wage. It is more like an additional ten cents.

Yes, I would kick in an extra dime

that is a big step forward

many on the left think that the restaurants can just eat the difference

when raises to wages happen
Can we talk reality?

It will not take an extra dollar a burger to pay a decent wage. It is more like an additional ten cents.

Yes, I would kick in an extra dime

that is a big step forward

many on the left think that the restaurants can just eat the difference

when raises to wages happen

It is a fact of life. Prevailing wages increase, food costs increase, rents increase and energy increases

It is only the wages that they whine about
When I was a boy, so many years ago, flippin' burgers was done by people in high school and college. They lived at home, or were supplementing what their parents spent to put them in college. Today, very few of the employees are young people. All too many are mothers and fathers that can find no better paying jobs. And they barely get by.

And I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today.

they do it all the time, I must see a jack in the Box $1 special, like every week here...

example, an even bigger chain-

Burger King To Offer $1 ?French Fry Burger? Because Why Not ? Consumerist

Yes, if raising the price of the burgers by 10% or 20% would insure a living wage for the workers serving me, that would be fine.

I don't know how many times we have to have this debate, but one more time, McDonalds for example is over 80% owned by Individual franchisees.

I posted several links to industry articles and tax sites that explain the profit margin for these franchises, 5-10%.


In a recent analysis, the Employment Policies Institute used this data to determine the size of a typical minimum-wage employer. Contrary to the rhetoric of organized labor and its allies, the vast majority of people earning the minimum wage aren’t working at large corporations with 1,000 or more employees. Roughly half the minimum-wage workforce is employed at businesses with fewer than 100 employees, and 40% are at very small businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

The results are similar even if you follow the left’s cue and broaden the analysis from minimum wage employees earning $7.25 an hour to “low-wage” employees earning $10 an hour or less: 46% still work for businesses with 100 or fewer employees.

Some of these businesses are small diners or independent grocery stores; others are franchisees that own a handful of stores affiliated with a recognizable brand. (For instance, over 80% of McDonald’s locations are owned by franchisees.) In either case, the profits and executive pay at the country’s largest businesses have nothing to do with the stark economics these small-business owners face: single-digit profit margins, extremely price-sensitive customers, and no room to absorb a substantial increase in the minimum wage without dramatically reducing the cost of service.

more at-
Who Really Employs Minimum-Wage Workers? - Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com

For I am an upper middle class earner, and do not care to see my fellow workers in a position with no future and no real present.

fellow workers? oh so you flip burgers? Now I see....

well, you've been educated, lets see what comes of it.
I think McDonald's should pay their employees $37.50 an hour. Then you would have people fighting to get a job there.
I don't know how many times we have to have this debate, but one more time, McDonalds for example is over 80% owned by Individual franchisees.

I posted several links to industry articles and tax sites that explain the profit margin for these franchises, 5-10%.

Go to any five McDonalds restaurants and you will have five different experiences, because the owners are all different people with different idea about running the biz. I have been going to the same McDonalds near my home several days a week for coffee and sometimes a meal, for the past 11 years. Most of the people working there today, were there from the first time I went, many are middle aged ladies. I don't know what they pay these people, but the service is always great and the employees are almost across the board pleasant, so I figure they are being paid way more than any asshole big mouth on this board could imagine.
Can we talk reality?

It will not take an extra dollar a burger to pay a decent wage. It is more like an additional ten cents.

Yes, I would kick in an extra dime

that is a big step forward

many on the left think that the restaurants can just eat the difference

when raises to wages happen

It is a fact of life. Prevailing wages increase, food costs increase, rents increase and energy increases

It is only the wages that they whine about

so when we arbitrarily raise the minimum wage

it remains the minimum wage
I don't know how many times we have to have this debate, but one more time, McDonalds for example is over 80% owned by Individual franchisees.

I posted several links to industry articles and tax sites that explain the profit margin for these franchises, 5-10%.

Go to any five McDonalds restaurants and you will have five different experiences, because the owners are all different people with different idea about running the biz. I have been going to the same McDonalds near my home several days a week for coffee and sometimes a meal, for the past 11 years. Most of the people working there today, were there from the first time I went, many are middle aged ladies. I don't know what they pay these people, but the service is always great and the employees are almost across the board pleasant, so I figure they are being paid way more than any asshole big mouth on this board could imagine.

Go to any five McDonalds restaurants and you will have five different experiences

yup there are a couple of them around here

that i will never go to again
If our tax dollars were not being used to subsidize beef producers, hamburger would cost more than $20 a pound.
If our tax dollars were not being used to subsidize beef producers, hamburger would cost more than $20 a pound.

and milk...and sugar....and.....

I hate the farm bill and the ethanol bill etc. but you can't pick and choose, if you want an ethanol subsidy boondoggle then you'll have to eat the rest of the boondoggles....see how that works?
The question should have been phrased "Hanburgers being equal, would you drive by a place that sells them for $1 and go to a place that charges $2 if the extra dollar went to employee wages?
If our tax dollars were not being used to subsidize beef producers, hamburger would cost more than $20 a pound.

and milk...and sugar....and.....

I hate the farm bill and the ethanol bill etc. but you can't pick and choose, if you want an ethanol subsidy boondoggle then you'll have to eat the rest of the boondoggles....see how that works?
Is that your rule??? Just wondering how you came to that conclusion. Most people think that taxes are set in conjunction with what most people agree with. But then, that would be thinking people. You hate anything that gets in the way of the oil industry getting richer. So you hate any new attempts to decrease energy costs, and/or decrease output of toxins and pollutants. Because, of course, that is what your masters tell you to believe. Really, I would think that leash attached to your nose ring would be bothersome.
This is the same old WalMart canard, everybody claims to give a flying fuck about the losers who didn't work hard and plan so they end up selling burgers at the age of 35, but no one stops buying Big Macs or $3 t-shirts at WalMart.

Hypocrites and liars more interested in stuffing your faces and filling your homes with junk merchandise than in standing on your so-called principles.
That would be your opinion. That and three bucks would by a big mac.
When I was a boy, so many years ago, flippin' burgers was done by people in high school and college. They lived at home, or were supplementing what their parents spent to put them in college. Today, very few of the employees are young people. All too many are mothers and fathers that can find no better paying jobs. And they barely get by.

And I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today. Yes, if raising the price of the burgers by 10% or 20% would insure a living wage for the workers serving me, that would be fine. For I am an upper middle class earner, and do not care to see my fellow workers in a position with no future and no real present.

I don't know of any place where you can get a 1$ hamburger today

McDonalds any day of the week

dollar chicken burgers as well
No, me boy. A real hamburger.
If it was a great burger and I was treated like a valued customer...yes.

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