Would you pay $2 for a $1 Hanburger

Can we talk reality?

It will not take an extra dollar a burger to pay a decent wage. It is more like an additional ten cents.

Yes, I would kick in an extra dime

that is a big step forward

many on the left think that the restaurants can just eat the difference

when raises to wages happen
Really?? Any proof or just more stupid opinion. Can you name a liberal, or a progressive, that does not understand that additional costs will generally raise prices. Or are you just making it up cause it makes you feel good???
I don't know how many times we have to have this debate, but one more time, McDonalds for example is over 80% owned by Individual franchisees.

I posted several links to industry articles and tax sites that explain the profit margin for these franchises, 5-10%.

Go to any five McDonalds restaurants and you will have five different experiences, because the owners are all different people with different idea about running the biz. I have been going to the same McDonalds near my home several days a week for coffee and sometimes a meal, for the past 11 years. Most of the people working there today, were there from the first time I went, many are middle aged ladies. I don't know what they pay these people, but the service is always great and the employees are almost across the board pleasant, so I figure they are being paid way more than any asshole big mouth on this board could imagine.
Really??? My neighbor is retired now, but till a couple years ago owned two macdonalds in Florida. His brother still owns one. No, I am affraid you are totally wrong. People are not well paid at mcdonalds. And the nice old ladies you mention probably are simply trying to supplement social security.
Yes, indeed, mcdonalds are mostly privately owned. But most are doing very, very well.

By the way, the food sucks. As my neighbor would be happy to tell you. He NEVER eats at mcdonalds.
McD's is nasty. Actually, so is Taco Bell and Burger King. Hell, any fast food. Ick.
that is a big step forward

many on the left think that the restaurants can just eat the difference

when raises to wages happen

It is a fact of life. Prevailing wages increase, food costs increase, rents increase and energy increases

It is only the wages that they whine about

so when we arbitrarily raise the minimum wage

it remains the minimum wage
Wow. That was profound. Did you just figure that out??? Did you have a point??? What you have, of course, is a HIGHER minimum wage. But then, hell, those stupid clowns making $10 an hour should all just go starve. Maybe you would like to see them take three jobs.

$2 will look cheap when Obamaflation kicks in.

All that funny-money printed over the last several years hasn't come home to roost. Not yet.
Funny. The only people projecting inflation have done it time after time after time. With actual dates. And though ithas not occured over the past 30 years, they continue.

And there is always some clown willing to believe it. For no reason other than they want to.

Clowns have no idea of what causes inflation, where we are today in relation to inflationary pressure, nor what is actually likely to make it happen in the future. Sound familiar?? You are a clown, after all.

So, all rational economic sources say we are no where close to high inflation. CBO sees nothing in the future, going out 15 years or so. So here I am again, having to believe either the CBO or a clown. My money is on the CBO. Clowns are always wrong.

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