Would You Support A Sheriff Like Joe Arpaio in Your Town?

It is biased but not a liar. I believe the figures given, just would like more info on what they actually represent. I would still support the policies in the OP but the corruption is another story and could well be the source of the woes. I support the policies more for fiscal reasons anyway, there is no reason taxpayers are spending so much dealing with criminals that are not giving anything back.
It is biased but not a liar. I believe the figures given, just would like more info on what they actually represent. I would still support the policies in the OP but the corruption is another story and could well be the source of the woes. I support the policies more for fiscal reasons anyway, there is no reason taxpayers are spending so much dealing with criminals that are not giving anything back.

If there is corruption there is corruption and corruption should never be condoned. But I'm not buying it until it is determined by a competent judge and jury of peers.

Can you think of ANY conservative figure who has achieved any stature or recognition of any kind who has NOT been accused of corruption, malfeasance, abuse of authority, or whatever? This is the M.O. from the left. God forbid we should actually have an honest and open debate about policy, processes, ideals, values, etc. Nope, any conservative who become popular or appreciated must be destroyed no matter what it takes to do that.

And I am hoping beyond hope that Sheriff Joe proves his critics wrong, because I'm sick and tired of good people doing good things being trashed purely because they don't fit some kind of liberal mold.
It is biased but not a liar. I believe the figures given, just would like more info on what they actually represent. I would still support the policies in the OP but the corruption is another story and could well be the source of the woes. I support the policies more for fiscal reasons anyway, there is no reason taxpayers are spending so much dealing with criminals that are not giving anything back.

If there is corruption there is corruption and corruption should never be condoned. But I'm not buying it until it is determined by a competent judge and jury of peers.

Can you think of ANY conservative figure who has achieved any stature or recognition of any kind who has NOT been accused of corruption, malfeasance, abuse of authority, or whatever? This is the M.O. from the left. God forbid we should actually have an honest and open debate about policy, processes, ideals, values, etc. Nope, any conservative who become popular or appreciated must be destroyed no matter what it takes to do that.

And I am hoping beyond hope that Sheriff Joe proves his critics wrong, because I'm sick and tired of good people doing good things being trashed purely because they don't fit some kind of liberal mold.

I would hope so too but that video of the speakers at a public hearing being arrested for clapping was on hell of a display. I would wonder why he did not say anything against it, simply kept reading off names from the list...
I haven't seen that video FA. Is it linked somewhere in this thread?
I haven't seen that video FA. Is it linked somewhere in this thread?

Sorry fox, I was mistaken with the vid, it was not the sheriff but another on the board that the vid captured and as such has no real baring on the subject at hand.
All in all, there are a lot of charges made here but none have come to fruition. As we well know, that is usually what happens when politics get in the way. I honestly do not lean one way or the other though because I do not live in the jurisdiction and cannot see firsthand to make a judgment. All I have are the policies that the OP pointed out and that I can back 100%.
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I haven't seen that video FA. Is it linked somewhere in this thread?

Sorry fox, I was mistaken with the vid, it was not the sheriff but another on the board that the vid captured and as such has no real baring on the subject at hand.
All in all, there are a lot of charges made here but none have come to fruition. As we well know, that is usually what happens when politics get in the way. I honestly do not lean one way or the other though because I do not live in the jurisdiction and cannot see firsthand to make a judgment. All I have are the policies that the OP pointed out and that I can back 100%.

No worries. I don't live in his jurisdiction either, but I know law enforcement personnel here who would love to be able to do what Sheriff Joe does, but it would be impossible here. We are practically a sanctuary state with a governor who gave driver's licenses to illegals and won't give any support to enforcement. If our GOP candidate for governor wins in November, she has pledged to correct that, but we'll see how it goes.

I do know folks who are in Sheriff Joe's jurisdiction though and they love him. But the non stop attacks and negative publicity are taking their toll on his approval ratings which happens to ALL high profile conservatives that the Left targets.

He may be guilty as sin of all charges. I'm hoping the system of justice is honest and competent though and does its job. Because I'm really really hoping he's innocent.
It is biased but not a liar. I believe the figures given, just would like more info on what they actually represent. I would still support the policies in the OP but the corruption is another story and could well be the source of the woes. I support the policies more for fiscal reasons anyway, there is no reason taxpayers are spending so much dealing with criminals that are not giving anything back.

There is a difference between supporting policies and supporting assholes. Arpaio is an asshole, and I try not to support assholes just because they agree with me.
It is biased but not a liar. I believe the figures given, just would like more info on what they actually represent. I would still support the policies in the OP but the corruption is another story and could well be the source of the woes. I support the policies more for fiscal reasons anyway, there is no reason taxpayers are spending so much dealing with criminals that are not giving anything back.

It's a blog. As a factual source, it ranks with Wikipedia, and therefore deserves no respect from me, nor does anyone who tries to "substantiate" an allegedly factual claim with it.
Sheriff Arapaio excesses are the stuff of history. I'm sure they have plenty of evidence.

Ah, the always-popular "everybody knows" syndrome. Why bother trying to source it? "Everybody knows" it's true, so "I'm sure" there's plenty of evidence . . . which I just happen to never have bothered to look up, but "I'm sure" it's there somewhere.

"It's not what we don't know that hurts, it's what we know that ain't so." - Will Rogers
It is biased but not a liar. I believe the figures given, just would like more info on what they actually represent. I would still support the policies in the OP but the corruption is another story and could well be the source of the woes. I support the policies more for fiscal reasons anyway, there is no reason taxpayers are spending so much dealing with criminals that are not giving anything back.

It's a blog. As a factual source, it ranks with Wikipedia, and therefore deserves no respect from me, nor does anyone who tries to "substantiate" an allegedly factual claim with it.
My mistake then, I was under the impression that it was a print media source that had an internet presence as well.
That guy is a Fucking Nazi on a power trip. If we had sheriff like that in my town I'd put a bullet in his fucking head.
Next the prick will start water boarding to find out where guys get their weed.
That guy is a Fucking Nazi on a power trip. If we had sheriff like that in my town I'd put a bullet in his fucking head.
Next the prick will start water boarding to find out where guys get their weed.

So to recap:

You object to harsh treatment of criminals, but have zero problem with shooting a duly elected official in the head?

You're one fucked up individual.
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No I would not because Joe is responsible for his county using a lot of money in lawsuits.

Also I believe in the constitution and I consider some of his stuff cruel and unusual punishment.
No you wouldn't , now list specific examples of human rights violations. No one has yet, gee wonder why?

Joe Arpaio's Maricopa County Jail Treats Detainees Inhumanely - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

You have to be the dumbest poster on this board. Seriously.

If someone comes up and pistol whips you and robs you is he worrying that you're being treated inhumane.

So you're Ok with state sheriffs acting like criminals?

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