Would you vote for a devout Muslim running for POTUS?

Would you vote for a devout Muslim that was running for POTUS?

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Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
It's a simple question.


Would you?
Everyone cherrypicks the same picture of muslims extremists to try to make a point, it's stupid. Yes, I would.
Given how the majority of Muslims treat women and homosexuals, I question how any liberal could vote for a Muslim.
The Muslims in our little town are not overly strict on their women..They drive by themselves, do not fully cover themselves, they dress more like Hindus....
The only question about religion I have for any candidate is whether they are likely to allow their personal religious beliefs to interfere with doing their job duties in an objective manner.
I don't see a check-box for "the question is irrelevant".

Funny, I remember a lot of noise warning against one particular candidate on account of his religion in the past. It didn't make a lick of sense either. What was his name..... something starting with JFK I think.

Same shit, different day. See evil monster. Keel evil monster. Two Minutes Hate --- it's been running longer than Sabado Gigante.

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The Muslims in our little town are not overly strict on their women..They drive by themselves, do not fully cover themselves, they dress more like Hindus....

You left out how they treat homosexuals. Do they share Democrat values on same sex marriage? Yes or No.
The Muslims in our little town are not overly strict on their women..They drive by themselves, do not fully cover themselves, they dress more like Hindus....

You left out how they treat homosexuals. Do they share Democrat values on same sex marriage? Yes or No.
I am sure you will find the Log Cabin GOP members that enjoy their homosexuality...

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