Would you vote for Dr. Ben Carson?

Would you vote for Ben Carson?

  • I lean left and would vote for Dr. Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like pineapple, but only when it is obedient to the democratic party.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I have high hopes for him. At this point he's a compelling guy to me. I look forward to getting to know him better if he decides to run. I have a hunch he will.
Who from the left and right would vote for Ben Carson?

For what job? I wouldn't vote for him for president but would if he were running for a seat in the House of Congress. Our leaders could benefit from his wisdom and experience in the field of common sense and health.
Absolutely, he is far more qualified than the current bigot that lives in the WH.
I voted yes based on what I know about him so far. I would have to get more information and see who he is running against before deciding though.
He needs to run, and be vetted before a decision could be made! :eusa_hand:

The liberal machine would be scared as hell - the old new world order bitch especially. I would love to see her beaten a second time by a black man! :badgrin:

I suggest a Paul, Carson ticket. :eusa_clap:
The question is moot. He will never run for an office.

I will, however, vote for the person who will appoint him to an advisory position.
Who in the world but race baiting insane left wing hate mongers would refer to an honorable man and a medical doctor like Ben Carson as a "uncle tom race traitor"?
Who in the world but race baiting insane left wing hate mongers would refer to an honorable man and a medical doctor like Ben Carson as a "uncle tom race traitor"?

Just your typical liberal Nazi.

I would vote for Dr Carson in a HEARTBEAT. He would be the PRESIDENT that Obama is incapable of being - a hard working, successful, well learned Physician that understands America.

I would be PROUD to call that man "Mr President".
Jeezus. Carson is crazy. Certifiable.

What in the world are you people thinking? And, why must every single thread be a Hate Obama Shitfest?

Carson belongs were all rw failures go - fox.

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