Would you vote for Dr. Ben Carson?

Would you vote for Ben Carson?

  • I lean left and would vote for Dr. Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like pineapple, but only when it is obedient to the democratic party.

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I would vote for him but I really would not expect him to make a very good president. The best thing about Dr. Carson is that he would likely listen to advisors who know more than he does.
Who from the left and right would vote for Ben Carson?

I would vote for him if he was properly vetted and passed muster as a fiscal conservative with a very light touch on social issues.
I think politicians should stay the hell out of the quagmire of social issues.
Nor should they impose their own set of rules on society.
I vote for him in a heartbeat

Mr. Carson is Dr and that is one who is brilliant.. Obama is a fake professor (guest lecturer actually) and is dumb as box of rocks
Who from the left and right would vote for Ben Carson?

I would vote for him if he was properly vetted and passed muster as a fiscal conservative with a very light touch on social issues.
I think politicians should stay the hell out of the quagmire of social issues.
Nor should they impose their own set of rules on society.

then vote liberal. Because I want a conservative who isn't a pussy about social issues.
Jeezus. Carson is crazy. Certifiable.

What in the world are you people thinking? And, why must every single thread be a Hate Obama Shitfest?

Carson belongs were all rw failures go - fox.

Crazy? Ok, let's see some examples.
Because Obama and shitfest are synonymous.

Indeed. These Nazi's would vote for an incompetent slob like Barry, but call. Dr Carson Invectives. Typical Nazis
Oh you see what party hates women and black people

just mention Palin and now here they go with Dr. Carson

I'm sorry but from the few on this thread makes all liberals look like bigots, sexist, racist and down right ugly people

their beef with Mr.Carson, he had the nerve to criticize their dear wonderful leader...that's all it takes for these shallow people
Jeezus. Carson is crazy. Certifiable.

What in the world are you people thinking? And, why must every single thread be a Hate Obama Shitfest?

Carson belongs were all rw failures go - fox.

Crazy? Ok, let's see some examples.
Because Obama and shitfest are synonymous.
Sorry DUDE...Social issues are what GOT US into this mess. LEAVE THEM like you would the PLAGUE. It's What THE LEFT is counting on and DEFLECTING WITH.
Jeezus. Carson is crazy. Certifiable.

What in the world are you people thinking? And, why must every single thread be a Hate Obama Shitfest?

Carson belongs were all rw failures go - fox.

wow, you got your hate on tonight...and why must you constantly whine over your Dear Leader...

you belong in a nut house but unfortunately we here can't have you committed...a real shame for us
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