Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
It would be so wonderful having Ann Romney as First Lady.


The poor and middle class really need another good fucking.
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any one who would elect a president that states how wonderful china's factories are for having 16 teens in a room working 18 hours a day for peanuts shut be tortured to death slowly. cause that's what he wants for others.
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.
Romney would be taking a pay cut to be president.
Base pay is unimportant, it's the perks that are sought after.

Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

because the elitist had no interest in "helping the country". he felt he was entitled to it because his father (who was better than him in every possible way didn't get it). he wanted the power. plain and simple.

attaching some sort of altruism to Mitt Romney is laughable. but it would have been nice if he was even half the man his father was in that regard.
You're sucja fucking retard idiot. You dont know a thing about Romney. You dream shit up and then attribute it to him because that's how you think. Romney has done more for more people than any Democrat sitting.

poor pathetic little loser. but it's not like you're a hack or anything. :cuckoo:
You post unsubstantiated shit and I'm the hack. Yeah. I think you'[re JakeStarkey's DS sister.
You're sucja fucking retard idiot. You dont know a thing about Romney. You dream shit up and then attribute it to him because that's how you think. Romney has done more for more people than any Democrat sitting.

Ya loose a bet in 08 and 12 or something? :)
No, it bothers me when people just make up crap. You can disagree with Romney's ideas or think he would be a bad president or bad canidate, That's fine. But Romney is a very decent person and very charitable and hearing him slandered by a pathetic lawyer-wannabe who doesn't come up to Romney's toenails bugs me.
I would certainly vote for him in the general over any Democrat. Events have proven that America made a terrible mistake in re-electing Obama. Romney was a much better choice.
In the primary, no.

Yep better than Dem but not a true conservative for sure

OH, but Mitt Romney claimed to be "severely Conservative".

Are you saying that he lied? :D
rabbi, what do you like so much about romney? is it the china connection? the slaves of pharoah connection you like? why? cause they aren't jewish slaves? or jews and those working for them are the pharoahs now?
I would certainly vote for him in the general over any Democrat. Events have proven that America made a terrible mistake in re-electing Obama. Romney was a much better choice.
In the primary, no.

Yep better than Dem but not a true conservative for sure

OH, but Mitt Romney claimed to be "severely Conservative".

Are you saying that he lied? :D
are you?
What does "severaly conservative" mean? I have no idea. Neither do you. It is totally subjective so he couldn't have lied.
Hillary claimed to be "flat broke". THen she bought a multi million dollar mansion. Did she lie?
I heard an interview with Paul Ryan today. The interviewer was Michael Smerconish.

Toward the end of the 30 minute discussion. Smerconish suggested that if Romney were at the helm two years into his presidency and we had a booming housing market, a stock market at 17K and unemployment at about 6%.....they'd be celebrating his outstanding work with the economy.

Without agreeing or disagreeing with that assessment, Ryan then listed about a dozen negatives that he says puts our economy on the brink of collapse.

He's a winner.

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