Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
really? Remember Bush's "jobless recovery" the Democrats were all screamng about?
But you're right: Democrats demagogue every issue and lie whle they're doing it.
If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
really? Remember Bush's "jobless recovery" the Democrats were all screamng about?
But you're right: Democrats demagogue every issue and lie whle they're doing it.

Must you nutters bring Bush into every thread? Stop blaming that guy already!
You had a man who generated wealth for himself and many others vs a guy whose legacy is affirmative action and the people elected the affirmative action guy? Even after he kept the economy in the hole? That just demonstrates how stupid and easily duped Americans have become.
Obama could not have won without the black vote,fraudulent and otherwise. Yet how much better off are blacks under Obama? They aren't. They are worse off. But they'd vote for him again.
Jews the same thing.

And then Righties wonder why Blacks and Jews and Latinos and American Indians and Asians and Pacific Islanders and Mitt Romney's "binders full of women" show so little interest in the GOP..... carry on, Rabbi, carry on.

No, the answer is obvious. People who vote for Obama want free shit. Some of us Jews wised up. Obama's take of the Jewish vote was down severely from the first to the second election.
And then there are idiots like claiming to be Jewish who still support that asshole.

No, it was not.

2008, Jewish Vote:

Obama 78 / McCain 21 - Margin: Obama +56

2012, Jewish Vote:

Obama 69 / Romney 31 - Margin: Obama +38

This means that circa on in every 10 Jews who voted changed their preference between 2008 and 2012, making for a 20% shift.

Interestingly enough, the Jewish Vote statistic for 2004 lies between these two:

Kerry 74 / Bush (43) 25 - Margin: Kerry +50

Funny how you think that Jews from the Left are somehow not Jews. :lol:
If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
really? Remember Bush's "jobless recovery" the Democrats were all screamng about?
But you're right: Democrats demagogue every issue and lie whle they're doing it.

Must you nutters bring Bush into every thread? Stop blaming that guy already!

If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
maybe you are to much of a party guy to notice.....or you dont want to notice.....either way if you dont see it like so many others dont.....then i just dont know what to do for you.....gladly there are a growing group of non-party people who can see it.....someday you will open your eyes LL.....cut the cord to that party....
If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
maybe you are to much of a party guy to notice.....or you dont want to notice.....either way if you dont see it like so many others dont.....then i just dont know what to do for you.....gladly there are a growing group of non-party people who can see it.....someday you will open your eyes LL.....cut the cord to that party....

What party? I'm registered independent. You are, once again, talking out of your ass.
No. He is the quintessential plutocrat.
And Liz Warren isnt?
Romney at least knows what it means to meet a payroll every month. When did Warren or Hillary ever meet a payroll?


What 'payroll'? Cutting bonus checks for shipping American jobs overseas?
I'd wonder if you had any connection to reality whatsoever. But I already know the answer to that one.

Rabbi, in typical Rabbi fashion, ignored the opportunity to prove the allegation false and defaulted to an attack on the person.

There is only one reason for this behavior, Rabbi cannot prove Romney has not shipped American jobs overseas.

Romney s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

But, as can be seen from the link above, more proof that Rabbi is a liar (or at best an ignorant partisan fool).
No. He is the quintessential plutocrat.
And Liz Warren isnt?
Romney at least knows what it means to meet a payroll every month. When did Warren or Hillary ever meet a payroll?


What 'payroll'? Cutting bonus checks for shipping American jobs overseas?
I'd wonder if you had any connection to reality whatsoever. But I already know the answer to that one.

Rabbi, in typical Rabbi fashion, ignored the opportunity to prove the allegation false and defaulted to an attack on the person.

There is only one reason for this behavior, Rabbi cannot prove Romney has not shipped American jobs overseas.

Romney s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

But, as can be seen from the link above, more proof that Rabbi is a liar (or at best an ignorant partisan fool).
You can claim you are smarter than the Head Jew...but that will NEVER make it so.
If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
maybe you are to much of a party guy to notice.....or you dont want to notice.....either way if you dont see it like so many others dont.....then i just dont know what to do for you.....gladly there are a growing group of non-party people who can see it.....someday you will open your eyes LL.....cut the cord to that party....

What party? I'm registered independent. You are, once again, talking out of your ass.
yea sure LL.... an independent who just cant see what i just said....that both parties play that political game.........and you have more than once defended Democrats after i bad mouthed them....i dont know any independents that would do that....sorry....when i see you bad mouth the Democrats as bad as you do the Republicans....then maybe i will agree with you....until then......
Ok, Rabbi, Delta and I are here. We just need @jillian , @Jroc, @Roudy , @Sweet_Caroline and @Ropey (among others) and we can open up a Yeshiva argument about the Mittster and 2016.


if Romney were the Romney who was governor of Massachusetts, (you know, before he disavowed his own insurance plan) i'd have considered voting for him. the fact that he was a suckup to rightwingnuts and chose ryan as his running mate to give him conservative "cred" would pretty much mitigate against him ever having my vote now.
Yeah cause we can't have anyone with any conservative cred becoming a representative of conservatives, that would be horrible.
If Romney were 2 years into his presidency and we had all those things Democrats would be pointing out how terrible those numbers were, how Romney only benefitted the 1%, and how things were really crap. ANd anything positive came from Obama's first term.

You know what is different about what you said and what I said?

In my case.....it is actually happening. GOP leaders are taking a shit on obviously positive economic news. They have been since day one of Obama's first term.

In your case, you are pulling your shit out of your butthurt ass.
but he is probably right.....its called politics....

Cool! When it happens.....let me know.

Both sides do it....MY ASS.
maybe you are to much of a party guy to notice.....or you dont want to notice.....either way if you dont see it like so many others dont.....then i just dont know what to do for you.....gladly there are a growing group of non-party people who can see it.....someday you will open your eyes LL.....cut the cord to that party....

What party? I'm registered independent. You are, once again, talking out of your ass.
yea sure LL.... an independent who just cant see what i just said....that both parties play that political game.........and you have more than once defended Democrats after i bad mouthed them....i dont know any independents that would do that....sorry....when i see you bad mouth the Democrats as bad as you do the Republicans....then maybe i will agree with you....until then......

You aren't paying attention. Not my problem.

My political views align more with Democrats than Republicans....but. I am registered independent. I am not a "joiner".

When you see me bad mouth Democrats as "bad" as I do Republicans? Name a Democrat.
No. He is the quintessential plutocrat.
And Liz Warren isnt?
Romney at least knows what it means to meet a payroll every month. When did Warren or Hillary ever meet a payroll?


What 'payroll'? Cutting bonus checks for shipping American jobs overseas?
I'd wonder if you had any connection to reality whatsoever. But I already know the answer to that one.

Rabbi, in typical Rabbi fashion, ignored the opportunity to prove the allegation false and defaulted to an attack on the person.

There is only one reason for this behavior, Rabbi cannot prove Romney has not shipped American jobs overseas.

Romney s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

But, as can be seen from the link above, more proof that Rabbi is a liar (or at best an ignorant partisan fool).
You had a man who generated wealth for himself and many others vs a guy whose legacy is affirmative action and the people elected the affirmative action guy? Even after he kept the economy in the hole? That just demonstrates how stupid and easily duped Americans have become.

At what cost did Romney generate wealth? And to whom did it benefit? It's unfortunate you did not read the link.
Why not the option to check off: Would you vote for him if he submitted to a lie detector test, published his i.q. score and birth certificate, and published his tax returns for the last 20 years? These are my new requirements for a president I'd vote for, including his submitting to quarterly public lie detector tests.

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