Wouldn’t most conservatives convert if they could be shown where Leftist governance and ideology was building better cities, states and nations?

Um...retard? READ YOUR OWN LINK!

It describes the very life of crime that the poverty has led the Appalachian dwellers into.

Holy shit. Talk about willful blindness! WOW!
Extract head from ass and pay attention Tard… From the link-
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."
I'm saying they shouldn't. I think government should be the referee, not the coach. We need government to keep the peace and protect freedom. We don't need government to tell us how to live.
Government policy has and always will dictate citizen behaviors.
Government policy has and always will dictate citizen behaviors.
Not unless we let it. We should never let the government dictate our behavior. But if someone really wants that, say your run-of-the-mill far leftist, they might want to time travel to East Germany anywhere between 1950 and 1990.
Wouldn’t it be that easy? Why can’t the Left show us how/where their way of governance is actually creating better societies?

Conservatives want what works and would gladly support those who made things work.....as Dennis Prager, author and radio host points out on a daily basis...everything the left touches turns to crap.......
I will tell you the same thing we told the commsymps of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

If you don't like it here, LEAVE!

And let us know what magical place better than the US you find, mm-kay?

Hey....stupid.......the people of California, New York, Illinois and every other state under the totalitarian control of the democrat party are leaving....and fleeing to Texas, Florida, Arizona, Tennessee, and other free states....you dumb ass...
Gee, why is it that all of the best countries in the world to live in are all leftist hellholes, like Canada, New Zealand, Norway.

They are all running out of money you doofus, and their leftists are creating the same increasing crime, poverty, energy shortages that we are having here....and they are well on the way to creating food shortages and starvation as they destroy their farming and ranching sectors...you doofus......crime is on the rise in all of those places....and their healthcare systems are collapsing because they are running out of money and Doctors......
Conservatives want what works and would gladly support those who made things work.....as Dennis Prager, author and radio host points out on a daily basis...everything the left touches turns to crap.......

No they don't. American conservatives are incapable of making anything work. That's why all of the cities are run by Democrats. Republicans are so caught up in ideology that they can't deal with practicalities, like getting the garbage picked up.

Government isn't about imposing YOUR will on an unaccepting public, but rather to provide the infrastructure, health care, security and education so that the PEOPLE can achieve their potential. It's not about doing the best thing for corporations, it's government FOR THE PEOPLE, and corporations aren't "people". Americans have turned politics into a cage match where an every shrinking bunch of extremists and racists are trying to prevent THE PEOPLE from electing government.

In Canada, we would have ended the Republican Party after W, not allowed them to turn it into an anti-democratic terrorist group. We did that to Brian Mulroney's Conservatives and YOU should have done it to Republicans after George H. W. Bush.
They are all running out of money you doofus, and their leftists are creating the same increasing crime, poverty, energy shortages that we are having here....and they are well on the way to creating food shortages and starvation as they destroy their farming and ranching sectors...you doofus......crime is on the rise in all of those places....and their healthcare systems are collapsing because they are running out of money and Doctors......
Maybe it's unsustainable levels of human produced environments that are over burdened and unable to support the amount of humans inhabiting the planet?
They are all running out of money you doofus, and their leftists are creating the same increasing crime, poverty, energy shortages that we are having here....and they are well on the way to creating food shortages and starvation as they destroy their farming and ranching sectors...you doofus......crime is on the rise in all of those places....and their healthcare systems are collapsing because they are running out of money and Doctors......

No we are not you stupid fool. We're not funding a bloating military. We just came through a shit ton of expenses with covid, but the Canadian economy is set to grow by over 4% this year, and our inflation is lower than yours. We also have less poverty, and our exports have done nothing but increase over the past 4 years.

Canada's poverty rate under 6%, and we have no energy shortages whatsoever. We're selling you both hydro-electrical power, as well as oil and gas.

Crime isn't rising all that much and life has pretty much returned to normal here. Where are you getting your news from????? We're getting ready to celebrate a truth and reconcilliation day for the native children who died in the residential schools.

Stop reading the Epoch Times. Get out and enjoy the sunshine.
Not unless we let it. We should never let the government dictate our behavior. But if someone really wants that, say your run-of-the-mill far leftist, they might want to time travel to East Germany anywhere between 1950 and 1990.

So no one follows the laws passed by your governments????
Gee, why is it that all of the best countries in the world to live in are all leftist hellholes, like Canada, New Zealand, Norway.

Hmmm, weird that all the greatest nations are predominantly white…Thanks for pointing that out you racist.
Imagine what would happen to those nations if they were inhabited by tens of millions of Mexico’s trash, imagine if 13% of the population was comprised of pissed off, bitter ex-slaves.
Dragonlady is this you in this video with Gavin?
So no one follows the laws passed by your governments????
We follow laws that make sense and have a just cause, yes. I know that comes as a shock to you, but we can tell the difference between just and unjust like you supposedly can.
Not unless we let it. We should never let the government dictate our behavior. But if someone really wants that, say your run-of-the-mill far leftist, they might want to time travel to East Germany anywhere between 1950 and 1990.
We The People vote politicians into an office where legislation is born…legislation governs over the people, said legislation manifests behavioral habits and instincts.
Unfortunately, this is what The People want as most have lost faith in their fellow countrymen and their ability to self-govern.
Theres a mass exodus out of california and new york. Why would someone want to live in a drug infested, crime ridden, lawless, high cost of living, excessive taxation, dump? Its so bad that california governor newsom is travelling to conservative states begging people to move to california. Lol.
We The People vote politicians into an office where legislation is born…legislation governs over the people, said legislation manifests behavioral habits and instincts.
Unfortunately, this is what The People want as most have lost faith in their fellow countrymen and their ability to self-govern.
Statist authoritarian to the bone. I wonder if the Trumpsters formerly know as libertarians are down with your big government ambitions.
Statist authoritarian to the bone. I wonder if the Trumpsters formerly know as libertarians are down with your big government ambitions.
There’s nothing statist or authoritarian about it…nothing “big government” about it. Public safety is the most fundamental responsibility of government. The imposition of law and order creates behavioral traits amongst the citizenry.
Tell me, how else does a once peaceful, civilized, firstworld, united, Christian nation that’s floods itself with tens of millions of uncivilized thirdworld savages and the like keep the peace?
The imposition of law and order creates behavioral traits amongst the citizenry.
I understand what you're saying. And whether you want to admit that it's statist and authoritarian, it sucks ass. We don't need the government to tell us how to live. If you do, that's fine - just don't force the rest of us to join your circle jerk. Just mind your own fucking business, and we'll get along fine.
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I understand what you're saying. And whether you want to admit that it's statist and authoritarian, it sucks ass. We don't need the government to tell us how to live. If you do, that's fine - just don't force the rest of us to join your circle jerk. Just mind your own fucking business, and we'll get along fine.
See, that’s why I take issue with Libertarians, they are stuck in the Little House On The Prairie days of America…they forget that we are no longer all cut from the same cloth…they forget that government made me a shareholder in you with welfare/taxpayer funded social services. I need you to be a legit human being and unfortunately, sometimes Father Government has to help me make you a legitimate human being.

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