Wouldn’t most conservatives convert if they could be shown where Leftist governance and ideology was building better cities, states and nations?

We follow laws that make sense and have a just cause, yes. I know that comes as a shock to you, but we can tell the difference between just and unjust like you supposedly can.

You mean like Prohibition???? How about the Segregation laws????? What about the laws forbidding blacks and whites to marry? Or the laws banning all abortions?????
Hmmm, weird that all the greatest nations are predominantly white…Thanks for pointing that out you racist.
Imagine what would happen to those nations if they were inhabited by tens of millions of Mexico’s trash, imagine if 13% of the population was comprised of pissed off, bitter ex-slaves.
Dragonlady is this you in this video with Gavin?

20% of the Canadian population is non-white. The largest percentage are really pissed off indigenous people whose children died in residential schools, modelled on similar schools in the USA.

I think that the biggest problem in the USA is racist white trash like yourself. The Mexicans were one of the three Founding Nations of the USA and have more right to be in the USA than you do, a$$hat.

Black people wouldn't be angry and bitter, if white garbage such as yourself, weren't working so hard to prevent them from achieving their potential.
See, that’s why I take issue with Libertarians, they are stuck in the Little House On The Prairie days of America…they forget that we are no longer all cut from the same cloth…they forget that government made me a shareholder in you with welfare/taxpayer funded social services. I need you to be a legit human being and unfortunately, sometimes Father Government has to help me make you a legitimate human being.

Bullshit. Government as Daddy is a Republican concept. Democrats want government to attend to providing the infrastructure and framework to give ALL of the PEOPLE to thrive. Republicans are relying on the market to do that, and the courts to enforce rights.

The problem being that the Republican courts are enforcing the rights of shareholders, not workers. And standing for the persecution of "sinners" by radical Christian sects.
Black people wouldn't be angry and bitter, if white garbage such as yourself, weren't working so hard to prevent them from achieving their potential.
yet so mayb black people in the USA are the richest black people in the world. It is not democrats supporting them It is the white christians, the white conservatives. Without us Blacks would still be slaves, democrats fought the civil war to keep

nobody keeps black people down more than democrats
Oh, it's abundantly clear why you take issue with them. They are diametrically opposed to authoritarians and statists.
Oh trust me…the LibTarian sentiment is a noble one, one that would be easy to get behind in 1910.
Fast forward to 2022 Little Joe Cartwright…America isn’t comprised of the people it once was…we aren’t all decent, moral, law abiding and ambitious…’some’ of us are such pieces of filthy dogshit that we have voted people into office whom are making us pay Mexicos trash to break into our nation and lay litters of filth in the laps of our people… Right about now I'm all for a government that says FUCK THAT and forces the filth among us to get their shit right.
Somehow having California has the sixth largest economy on the planet is overlooked by the "graduate student"? LOL
Lol... But not authoritarian or statist, nosiree. :nono:
Authoritarians would champion the suppression of free speech, they’d collude with a complicit media, they’d force people to take medicine they don’t want, they’d force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, they’d oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you Libs sure you know what authoritarianism is?

Fascism? What's that? :dunno:
If you could identify fascism you would know damn good and well that everything about the Mexicrat Party is fascist.
Authoritarians would champion the suppression of free speech, they’d collude with a complicit media, they’d force people to take medicine they don’t want, they’d force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, they’d oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you Libs sure you know what authoritarianism is?
Yes. Libs are authoritarians too. And statists. Just like you. Does that make proud? Does the "all the other kids are doing it" excuse seem like good one to you?
they forget that government made me a shareholder in you with welfare/taxpayer funded social services.
I need you to be a legit human being and unfortunately, sometimes Father Government has to help me make you a legitimate human being.
Right about now I'm all for a government that says FUCK THAT and forces the filth among us to get their shit right.

Uh.. no. Stuff you jackboots up your flabby ass, along with your fascist wet dreams.
Wouldn’t it be that easy? Why can’t the Left show us how/where their way of governance is actually creating better societies?

We have done this before. And you decry it as not proving anything because they don’t have minorities.

Britain. They have Universal Health Care and a robust economy.

Canada. Hell. Most of Europe.

Norway has a recidivism rate that would be a miracle here.

In fact. Most of the world has leftist policies and does a great job. But stubborn jackasses like yourself don’t want them to be good.

Take some of your fiction. Breaking Bad. The teacher would be diagnosed with Cancer. Then he would start treatment. Story over.
Uh.. no. Stuff you jackboots up your flabby ass, along with your fascist wet dreams.
All you have to do is stop making America’s best citizens pay for the fuck-ups among us and no-one will give two shits about what you do and how you do it….until then, I want to know about every move you make because I want to keep you off my payroll.
We have done this before. And you decry it as not proving anything because they don’t have minorities.
I say it because it’s true. Show us a dark nation with quality universal healthcare. You can’t because no nation with too many bottom feeders can offer such a thing.
You whackos have really fucked yourselves out of free healthcare for good here…offering to pay for the healthcare of ALL of Mexico’s citizens has closed that debate.
Britain. They have Universal Health Care and a robust economy.
GB is 88% white. Any nation with a huge majority of whites can offer things dark nations can not.

Canada. Hell. Most of Europe.

Norway has a recidivism rate that would be a miracle here.

In fact. Most of the world has leftist policies and does a great job. But stubborn jackasses like yourself don’t want them to be good.
See any common denominators? The “Leftist policies” that ‘work’ only work in predominantly white nations…this shit isn’t a coincidence nor is it racist to point it out…it’s the fucking truth!
I say it because it’s true. Show us a dark nation with quality universal healthcare. You can’t because no nation with too many bottom feeders can offer such a thing.
You whackos have really fucked yourselves out of free healthcare for good here…offering to pay for the healthcare of ALL of Mexico’s citizens has closed that debate.

GB is 88% white. Any nation with a huge majority of whites can offer things dark nations can not.
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See any common denominators? The “Leftist policies” that ‘work’ only work in predominantly white nations…this shit isn’t a coincidence nor is it racist to point it out…it’s the fucking truth!

No. The leftist policies work when they are implemented as part of a capitalist society.

Let’s take the recidivism rate in Norway. All Prison Guards have a two year degree and go through another two years of training. This insured that they understand the goals of the programs and are able to do their part. And these are just the guards.

The prison system is set up for rehabilitation. Not retribution or punishment. The results speak for themselves. And Whites in America act no better when released from prison than any other race. So it isn’t racial. It is the program.

Is it 100% effective? No. Nothing is. Even just killing all the criminals doesn’t stop crime. We killed how many jihadists? And they still exist. People are inspired to get revenge.

It isn’t race. It’s attitude and beliefs. The Norwegian people believe in rehabilitation and reintegration into society. You and a majority of our people believe in punishment and life long suspicion and segregation for all intents and purposes.

We reap the results. Released prisoners find nothing but closed doors so of course they return to crime. Why not? We put them in prison and turned them into animals. If you beat a dog every day to make him aggressive you can’t complain that he’s aggressive. You did it.

As I said above. This is wasted. You won’t even consider. So how about this as an idea.

Move your ass to one of those nations. Start a GoFundMe. Racist jackass wants to return to a majority white nation. We will chip in. Guaranteed. Of course. If you don’t leave then you will get charged with fraud. But I’m sure you will enjoy the Majority White Nations. I’m not sure they will enjoy you. Lord knows nobody here does.

So pack your shit and move there. The rest of us who don’t see color. We see Americans. Period. We will not miss you one damned bit.
Unkotare and rightwinger why can’t you point us to a community, city or state that is benefiting from illegal immigration?
francoHFW and the other beggars….why can’t you point us to a community, city or state comprised of pro-socialism beggars that is safe, prosperous and united?
bodecea show us a fag society that is self sufficient, safe and prosperous….can you?
Martha’s Vineyard proved there cannot be a nice city overrun by 50 illegals.
Conservatives used to be pro-immigration and pro free trade.

Now they have gone full Klan.

We are going to need immigrants more than ever, folks. Like all prosperous nations, our birth rate is declining, and if we want to maintain our innovative and robust economy, we are going to need to replenish our blood with immigrants.

Look around the planet, fools. Every prosperous nation has a large pool of immigrant labor. That's no coincidence. Immigrants are a prosperous nation's lifeblood.

Your first sentence is obviously deceptive but it’s not clear if you realize that or not. Conservatives at large continue to support legal immigration. You are blurring the lines intentionally between supporting illegal and legal processes to gain entry, but as I said I think you’re doing it even in your own head so you don’t really know what’s going on. No worries, you have many cohorts just as blind as you to truisms. Truth will prevail regardless of your, intentional or otherwise, deception.

Conservatives in general also support free trade you dolt. Read up and stop with your falsehoods.
See, that’s why I take issue with Libertarians, they are stuck in the Little House On The Prairie days of America…they forget that we are no longer all cut from the same cloth…they forget that government made me a shareholder in you with welfare/taxpayer funded social services. I need you to be a legit human being and unfortunately, sometimes Father Government has to help me make you a legitimate human being.
America is still America.

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