Wouldn’t most conservatives convert if they could be shown where Leftist governance and ideology was building better cities, states and nations?

Wouldn’t it be that easy? Why can’t the Left show us how/where their way of governance is actually creating better societies?
Go to your thread title, I don't many would for two reasons.
1) It's near impossible for the Left's ideology and governance to build anything better since it's based on false economics and false belief humans are more altruistic than they are.
2) The Several attempts so far couldn't operate without support, technology, and aid from the West/Capitalists. Either direct through trade or by theft on part of the Left=socialist/communist nations.

A third reason would be that those whom have been taken in by the ideology of the Left aren't the sort whom would succeed at anything on their own, and are motivated by personal greed and an expectation that others should be providing for them.
You explain so much, about what YOU want.

1). Heterosexual.......get real dude, gays have existed forever.
2) White Males.....Wow, says a lot. I'm a white Male, I don't see the Nation built... .............upon that. Was there Natives Here before your ilk? Of Course.
3). Christians.....I love it that you PRETEND to be a Christian. You are not.

You are a moron and an imbecile.

Gays have existed forever? Gays, evil, sin, perversion, have all existed forever and are all evil. Now what bitch.
White Males who hate their own race are the freaks and diseased cowards of the planet, the only animal to hate itself is the White Liberal Bitch.
Christians? You know nothing about Christianity. You embrace evil at every level, infanticide, sodomy, socialism, all things that the Democrat Party supports.

Unkotare and rightwinger why can’t you point us to a community, city or state that is benefiting from illegal immigration?
francoHFW and the other beggars….why can’t you point us to a community, city or state comprised of pro-socialism beggars that is safe, prosperous and united?
bodecea show us a fag society that is self sufficient, safe and prosperous….can you?
OK, the agriculture industry benefits from illegal immigration.
They have for decades
The public benefits through lower cost produce
OK, the agriculture industry benefits from illegal immigration.
They have for decades
The public benefits through lower cost produce
That's an absolute lie....The entire state of Iowa would prefer to pay 20% more for produce to keep their citizens from being raped and murdered.

I'm sure you feel surrounded, bigot. :lol:

We have had the worlds greatest economy since the 19th century. Since back in the days when White Anglo-Saxon Protestants were whining about our open borders allowing Italians, Poles, Irish, Germans, French, Russians, and all manner of filthy, dirty, thieving, election-stealing, bomb-throwing immigrants to come here.

If we aren't unified, it is precisely because of bigots like you.
Were you saying that same stuff between 2016 and 2020?
Democrats don't know what a real live biological human woman IS. They have NO idea what democracy or competency or common sense IS. But they VOTE. 81 million people put Biden in office.

Sawry -
Voters did not put Biden in office.
Wouldn’t it be that easy? Why can’t the Left show us how/where their way of governance is actually creating better societies?
No. It wouldn’t be that easy. What you’re suggesting is the same as saying:

Wouldn’t every law abiding person become a bak robber if they saw a bank robber who had a nice house and everything because they got away with their robberies.

Doing things the Right Way is as important, if not more important than the apparent positive results.
Wouldn’t it be that easy? Why can’t the Left show us how/where their way of governance is actually creating better societies?
Your mind is far too intelligent for anything they could offer up. Only idiots with no brain could follow zero policies.

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