Wouldn’t most conservatives convert if they could be shown where Leftist governance and ideology was building better cities, states and nations?

More nativist ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate from the right.
All built on people immigrating from Foreign Nations and KILLING Natives.
So Cool.

Yeah, I know your retort will be, "But they did it legally"

What is your lineage? Afraid to answer?

View attachment 700157

The Sum and Net of a nation includes the good and the bad.. you cannot only focus on the good and you can not only focus on the BAD ... If you are an honest person.
A tree is known by its fruit. Is it poison or is it good to eat? Whatever happened to the native americans , that was a travesty in many cases... in some cases not, but still not the optimal outcome.
Nevertheless, the founding and ideals are NOT about that. People around the world dont run to China.. or Russia .. or the sad sack Europe for a better life, they want to come here and have been coming here because the U.S. for one thing, is where the rule of law is respected.... (though recently it has been challenged by radical Leftists) The U.S. has Ideals of Democracy and liberties that much of the world wish they had ... which is why they want to come here. Ask any emmigree from a communist block country and they will tell you how lucky you are to be here. It takes an American born Leftist to hate and look down on his own country, or maybe a foreigner who holds some kind of hatred ideology. Most other sane people think the US is a good place
This thread proves that safe, prosperous, unified societies can not be built on FEELZ, on inclusivity, on tolerance, on faggotry, on free shit, on multiculturalism and diversity….Take note….NONE of the LefTards can show us where their bullshit is actually working. Weird huh?
Note sure where your brain got that one.
Do you mean;
Vander Meulen
or maybe
So who is Jake Mayberry?
A berry Farmer, or a Great BB Coach, who has a Gymnasium named after himself or a Berry Farm? Or Both.

I'm sorry you didn't KNOW about Jakes HISTORICAL Sports History in Lynden.
You brought it up.

History states that the Dykstras are one of the many HUGE farming, Milk Farms.
History states that Jake Mayberry was the Greatest Coach in Lynden History.
The Lynden Gym is Named after Jake Mayberry, but any local, but you, would know that.
Your VanderYacht claim, sure, a google search.

View attachment 700178
You are the one whom brought up the name challenge about Lynden. I just responded.

My kids were having grandkids by the time I moved here. They never went to school here so no need to know the name of the gym.

I drive by the Vanderyacht Propane near daily since I usually take the Guide into B'ham.

My wife used to work for Rader (berry) Farms and Maberry(BTW, most spell it without the 'y') is also a major berry concern here. Lynden area grows about 80% of the nation's raspberries and close to that in blueberries.

If anyone is doing a 'goggle' to fake knowledge of Lynden it would be you. After all, you haven't guts or integrity to present anything in your "Profile" page here, first clue you likely are a fake and poser.
Oakland is AWESOME
Just like Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Loon York, Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Albuquerque, Memphis…..etc etc…the list goes on and on and yet the tolerant FEELZ people like g5000 and Winco will swear their form of ideology and governance works.
Then WHY does POStrump always claim this Country is terrible?

To say the country is not headed in the right direction, say for example... excessive regulations that make it hard for small businesses, over taxation, or government corruption for that matter, does not mean America is not a great place with ideals. Trump has not called this country TERRIBLE... but Biden HAS basically put a target on the backs of people who supported a political opponent... thats damn despicable.
He said MAGA republicans are not Normal and a threat to democracy.... Like he even knows which end of a stage to stand on, let alone make life altering statements. What the hell is a maga republican anyway? someone who just voted for Trump? There are many reasons people voted for Trump, that does not make them extremists.
You are the one whom brought up the name challenge about Lynden. I just responded.

My kids were having grandkids by the time I moved here. They never went to school here so no need to know the name of the gym.

I drive by the Vanderyacht Propane near daily since I usually take the Guide into B'ham.

My wife used to work for Rader (berry) Farms and Maberry(BTW, most spell it without the 'y') is also a major berry concern here. Lynden area grows about 80% of the nation's raspberries and close to that in blueberries.

If anyone is doing a 'goggle' to fake knowledge of Lynden it would be you. After all, you haven't guts or integrity to present anything in your "Profile" page here, first clue you likely are a fake and poser.
Nice try.
My family Business has serviced Lynden and the Fabulous Farmers for 70+ years.
You WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND, I don't expect you to.

You personally, are just a pawn in Lynden.
Goodnight Sir.
So who is Jake Mayberry?
A berry Farmer, or a Great BB Coach, who has a Gymnasium named after himself or a Berry Farm? Or Both.

I'm sorry you didn't KNOW about Jakes HISTORICAL Sports History in Lynden.
My typo on the Mayberry versus Maberry which is a berry farming concern.
Still, you're going off random websearch it seems and think because I Moved into this zip code 15 years ago I should know the thousands of persons within it and the whole history of the town.

You are getting way off thread topic and just making this a personal vendetta and ad hominem rant which is rapidly losing value to engage.
My typo on the Mayberry versus Maberry which is a berry farming concern.
Still, you're going off random websearch it seems and think because I Moved into this zip code 15 years ago I should know the thousands of persons within it and the whole history of the town.

You are getting way off thread topic and just making this a personal vendetta and ad hominem rant which is rapidly losing value to engage.
Point is, I live 90 Miles away from Lynden.
Yet. Key word Yet.

I have connections in Lynden.

The Maberry versus Mayberry is no fault of yours, since it has been explained.
Why can’t the Left show us how/where their way of governance is actually creating better societies?

Because many of them are evil and they embrace evil and they WANT America destroyed. They are HAPPY to see America destroyed.

In most of my threads I have stated that democrats are no longer just fellow Americans with a different opinion.

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage), the party of pedophile teachers/groomers
the party of socialism, the party of open borders
Democrats destroyed our energy independence and now gas is through the roof
Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, they support killing a baby at the time of birth
Democrats are the party or Marxist/Fascist fake show trials and fraudulent impeachments,
Millions of illegal immigrants flooding into the country, record gas prices, soaring inflation, a recession, empty store shelves, American citizens still left behind in Afghanistan,

Democrats are no longer just fellow Americans with a different opinion, they are the enemy of Freedom.

It is time for conservatives to throw in 100%. Voting is only the beginning. We must volunteer, donate, run for local offices, run for school boards, become newspaper writers or journalists, etc etc

In short, we must take over all the influential areas that Democrats have controlled for years and used to bring this nation to the brink of destruction.
Nice try.
My family Business has serviced Lynden and the Fabulous Farmers for 70+ years.
You WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND, I don't expect you to.

You personally, are just a pawn in Lynden.
Goodnight Sir.
And you "sir" are ...

I consider myself more a resident of Whatcom County, not just Lynden.
And unless you are willing to share that family name and business, you can do it via a PM if you are scared to let anyone know whom you are, you most likely are fake and poser, and I would never expect to understand the delusions within your pea brain.
Point is, I live 90 Miles away from Lynden.
Yet. Key word Yet.

I have connections in Lynden.

The Maberry versus Mayberry is no fault of yours, since it has been explained.
Well then you live closer to where I'm from and have family and connections from prior to moving up here. Though my roots are more in the range of 100-120 miles from here.

There remains the issue that you provide no validation for whom you are or what you claim.

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