Wounded veterans harassed and spit on during spring break

I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.
Who has treated veterans badly in this thread?
I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.

I'm about as far left as one can get and I agree with you. As I said above, I doubt this happened but if it did, its not the individual soldiers who started the stupid wars that kill and maim thousands and accomplish nothing at all.

I have lost loved ones to these idiotic "wars" and they are but pawns for the 1% who only care about lining their pockets.

And its not just the war profiteers who are to blame.

Our real enemy is war itself.
Agree 100%. A book that had a HUGE impact on my life was War is a Racket by Smedley Butler.
I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.

I'm about as far left as one can get and I agree with you. As I said above, I doubt this happened but if it did, its not the individual soldiers who started the stupid wars that kill and maim thousands and accomplish nothing at all.

I have lost loved ones to these idiotic "wars" and they are but pawns for the 1% who only care about lining their pockets.

And its not just the war profiteers who are to blame.

Our real enemy is war itself.

That's the trick of the right. ..they merged the wars and the Warriors as one in their minds. So when object to the war their response is "You don't support THE TROOPS"
Go to Craigslist Rant And Rave section. I live in a college town....and these are some of the titles of the posts:

Not just Veterans suck but fat ass Fireman too!

vets totally suck

Veterans ARE whiners and complainers !

Veterans stop whining and complaining

Too many like these ^ but you get the drift.
Sickening, disgusting and if I ever see anyone saying such to a veteran...especially a wounded one....shit is going to hit the fan and it won't be my shit.
Some vets are whiny, disgusting people.

But it's not fair to characterize all of them, or even most, that way.

It's actually a relief that not everyone in America worships us as "heroes". Dat hero propaganda

Funny, these assholes only had the balls to spit on disabled vets. I would like them to try and come down to the VFW and try that shit.
How do you know that happened, or that the vet wasn't an asshole antagonist?
Because I haver seen an asshole disabled vet, I have seen hundreds of drunk asshole college students.
You've never seen an asshole vet feel he was entitled because of his service?

These kids probably took things too far, as kids do, but you think a group of fraternity guys just decided to be assholes to the vets for no reason? Doesn't that seem unlikely?

I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.
Who has treated veterans badly in this thread?

There ya go.
Go to Craigslist Rant And Rave section. I live in a college town....and these are some of the titles of the posts:

Not just Veterans suck but fat ass Fireman too!

vets totally suck

Veterans ARE whiners and complainers !

Veterans stop whining and complaining

Too many like these ^ but you get the drift.
Sickening, disgusting and if I ever see anyone saying such to a veteran...especially a wounded one....shit is going to hit the fan and it won't be my shit.
Some vets are whiny, disgusting people.

But it's not fair to characterize all of them, or even most, that way.

It's actually a relief that not everyone in America worships us as "heroes". Dat hero propaganda

Funny, these assholes only had the balls to spit on disabled vets. I would like them to try and come down to the VFW and try that shit.
How do you know that happened, or that the vet wasn't an asshole antagonist?
Because I haver seen an asshole disabled vet, I have seen hundreds of drunk asshole college students.
You've never seen an asshole vet feel he was entitled because of his service?

These kids probably took things too far, as kids do, but you think a group of fraternity guys just decided to be assholes to the vets for no reason? Doesn't that seem unlikely?

I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.
Who has treated veterans badly in this thread?

There ya go.
I'm mot seeing it. Some vets are assholes, some are whiny, not all want to be worshipped as heroes, not all are heroes.

None of those true things are being unfair or treating vets badly
When my group came into the terminal in Oakland late '68 there were a couple dozen dirtbags ready to do their spit and split routine....we walked around the ropes and right through the middle of them....they got pasty-faced and real quiet real quick..we'd been in en-route for 24 hours, stunk, drunk, and were in no mood to take anything off the little rats.
When my group came into the terminal in Oakland late '68 there were a couple dozen dirtbags ready to do their spit and split routine....we walked around the ropes and right through the middle of them....they got pasty-faced and real quiet real quick..we'd been in en-route for 24 hours, stunk, drunk, and were in no mood to take anything off the little rats.
Which pretend marine group was that, tough guy?
When my group came into the terminal in Oakland late '68 there were a couple dozen dirtbags ready to do their spit and split routine....we walked around the ropes and right through the middle of them....they got pasty-faced and real quiet real quick..we'd been in en-route for 24 hours, stunk, drunk, and were in no mood to take anything off the little rats.

Why don't you have an ending to this story? Haven't come up with it yet?
Some parents raise assholes, there is no other explanation for this.

‘A Total Disgrace’: Wounded Veterans at Beach Retreat Say Partying College Students Spit on and Harassed Them

It’s become a patriotic tradition in Panama City Beach, Florida. Twice annually for the last six years, the city has welcomed wounded veterans to the Warrior Beach Retreat, offering a special group of American heroes good times, camaraderie and relaxation.

But some college students sharing their hotel apparently didn’t get the memo.

“They actually spit on me and my service dog as well, and that’s just so disrespectful and it hurts,” wounded vet Nicholas Connole told WJHG-TV. “I come and I feel honored and I feel safe and like I belong, but now I feel like I’m defending myself.”

The incidents — which also included beer thrown on wounded veterans from balconies and urinating on the American flag — occurred at the Laketown Wharf Resort where veterans were staying along with students from Emory University as well as the University of Florida’s Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.

A Total Disgrace Wounded Veterans at Beach Retreat Say Partying College Students Spit on and Harassed Them Video TheBlaze.com

Well there's nothing new there, it's Leftists, doing what Leftists do.

But hey, in fairness to these Kids:


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