Wounded veterans harassed and spit on during spring break

Funny, these assholes only had the balls to spit on disabled vets. I would like them to try and come down to the VFW and try that shit.
How do you know that happened, or that the vet wasn't an asshole antagonist?
Because I haver seen an asshole disabled vet, I have seen hundreds of drunk asshole college students.
You've never seen an asshole vet feel he was entitled because of his service?

These kids probably took things too far, as kids do, but you think a group of fraternity guys just decided to be assholes to the vets for no reason? Doesn't that seem unlikely?
You are probably one of those punk ass kids. Asshole.
I might be an asshole, but no, im not one of the kids
I doubt the veracity of the story
You would cock sucker.
So what if the news is true? Then you'll make all kinds of lame fucking excuses for the fucking punks. God help me if I ever see that shit going on. Why? B/c I'd spend the rest of my life in jail after........you fill in the fucking blanks.
Florida's president isn't messing around, hopefully they will identify the students involved and punishment will be quick and severe

Dear Linda,

I am writing to let you know that I am deeply concerned about the reports I have received of inappropriate and offensive behavior involving Zeta Beta Tau students staying at the Laketown Wharf Resort in Panama City Beach this past weekend.

The incidents and behavior you and others have described in emails and phone conversations, the disruption to the Warrior Beach Retreat, and the offense to the wounded warriors and other guests are unacceptable. We are pursuing an investigation of the matter to learn more about the involvement of University of Florida students and whether disciplinary action will be needed.

As this investigation continues, and without knowing the full extent of what transpired, I want to make clear that I am deeply sorry for the affront that our students may have caused. Having visited the Warrior Beach Retreat website and learned about the service and bravery of your son, Joshua; the love and compassion of his wife, Erica; and your own tireless efforts on behalf of our wounded veterans, I can only imagine the pain and indignity of enduring this behavior. I want to assure you that it is not representative of our students or our university, and we will make every effort to learn more, take appropriate action, and prevent similar incidents from occurring again.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Dave K*******, our vice president of student affairs, with any further information or concerns. You may reach me at ***************************************

W. Kent Fuchs
I doubt the veracity of the story
You would cock sucker.
So what if the news is true? Then you'll make all kinds of lame fucking excuses for the fucking punks. God help me if I ever see that shit going on. Why? B/c I'd spend the rest of my life in jail after........you fill in the fucking blanks.
You're the toughest guy on the internet.
Hotel should have evicted them.

Hotel should have evicted them.
Cops should have arrested them.

No, no, and NO!!!!!!!!!

I also doubt this happened but if it did, shame on those who spit on soldiers.

Its not the individual soldiers who are at fault or who should be shamed. Its the fat, old, white, 1% men who sit at home in front of the fire, sipping their brandy, while the young men, usually of color, who give their lives for their country.

During the Vietnam (not)war, this was reported and found to be not true.

BUT, if it did happen, they have the same free speech protection that everyone else has.
Hotel should have evicted them.

Most likely punks raised by the same ones who spit on troops coming home from Vietnam.

No musings on white culture huh?
Why should we, I am white, and if I would have been there I would have kicked the crap out of the kids, white or black, like ive said before, we don't mind taking out the trash.

Why should you? I thought that's the norm. Take bad behavior and apply that to everyone in that race, group etc. Are we not doing that now?
Look at all the nutters! Running to this one like they actually support the vets!

And how about those tough guys! Gonna give some kids a beat down! So rugged!

Well yabut, they have that little ribbon stuck on the back of their car.

Just ignore that they vote for Repubs who vote against housing or health care or jobs for vets. Yeah, just ignore that part. All that matters is those tacky little ribbon magnets stuck on the back of their car.
Hotel should have evicted them.

Hotel should have evicted them.
Cops should have arrested them.

No, no, and NO!!!!!!!!!

I also doubt this happened but if it did, shame on those who spit on soldiers.

Its not the individual soldiers who are at fault or who should be shamed. Its the fat, old, white, 1% men who sit at home in front of the fire, sipping their brandy, while the young men, usually of color, who give their lives for their country.

During the Vietnam (not)war, this was reported and found to be not true.

BUT, if it did happen, they have the same free speech protection that everyone else has.
Freedom of speech does not mean the get to spit on anyone, fore if that were true, then anyone could walk up to anyone else, and literally piss on them.
Hotel should have evicted them.

Hotel should have evicted them.
Cops should have arrested them.

No, no, and NO!!!!!!!!!

I also doubt this happened but if it did, shame on those who spit on soldiers.

Its not the individual soldiers who are at fault or who should be shamed. Its the fat, old, white, 1% men who sit at home in front of the fire, sipping their brandy, while the young men, usually of color, who give their lives for their country.

During the Vietnam (not)war, this was reported and found to be not true.

BUT, if it did happen, they have the same free speech protection that everyone else has.

Spitting on some one is NOT free speech asshole, it's assault
Just love how all these geriatric warriors wish they were there because they would give those young whipper snappers a shiner lol
I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.
I don't agree with ANY of the wars we have been in but I sure in the hell respect the veterans that fought in them. My father and grandfather are veterans. You can see how much some on the left hate America by the way they treat veterans in this thread.

I'm about as far left as one can get and I agree with you. As I said above, I doubt this happened but if it did, its not the individual soldiers who started the stupid wars that kill and maim thousands and accomplish nothing at all.

I have lost loved ones to these idiotic "wars" and they are but pawns for the 1% who only care about lining their pockets.

And its not just the war profiteers who are to blame.

Our real enemy is war itself.

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