Wow 800,000 tickets registered for his rally Saturday!

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

Lol, that s such obvious bullshit. If they wanted to be believed they should have stopped with a believable number. 800,000 is two tickets for every man, woman, and child in the whole county.

It retarded to claim that, and even more retarded that you believe it.

You're probably justifying it to yourself right now, aren't you? You're telling yourself "it's possible, maybe people from all over the state, heck even all over the United States, are trying to come see him!"

In the middle of a pandemic? With demonstrations and riots and police violence and mandatory masking and so on and so forth?

No, they aren't.

This 800,000 bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

ok give a number how many tickets have been requested and how many people will be at the event?

Why would I know that?

As I mentioned, the number of tickets requested is twice as many as live in the whole area, and what's more only enjoys about 30% support on average so 800,000 is patently ridiculous.

It's an easily inflated number to cheer up his flagging base.

So no one from outside the area would go to a Trump rally? Are you that stupid to think others wouldn't attend?

I’m pretty sure he’s that stupid

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

Lol, that s such obvious bullshit. If they wanted to be believed they should have stopped with a believable number. 800,000 is two tickets for every man, woman, and child in the whole county.

It retarded to claim that, and even more retarded that you believe it.

You're probably justifying it to yourself right now, aren't you? You're telling yourself "it's possible, maybe people from all over the state, heck even all over the United States, are trying to come see him!"

In the middle of a pandemic? With demonstrations and riots and police violence and mandatory masking and so on and so forth?

No, they aren't.

This 800,000 bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

ok give a number how many tickets have been requested and how many people will be at the event?

Why would I know that?

As I mentioned, the number of tickets requested is twice as many as live in the whole area, and what's more only enjoys about 30% support on average so 800,000 is patently ridiculous.

It's an easily inflated number to cheer up his flagging base.

So no one from outside the area would go to a Trump rally? Are you that stupid to think others wouldn't attend?

I’m pretty sure he’s that stupid

People from other states will attend
800.000 tickets registered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

What a beautiful birthday present, Mr President!!!!!!! :2up: :clap2:
Who told you 800,000 tickets are registered? If the venue said it, I'll believe it. If Trump said it? lol When are you people gonna learn?
I find it funny as hell that he had to change the date from Friday to Saturday because he was too stupid to know about Juneteenth and what it represented, as well as what the history of Tulsa when it comes to black people. Well, his people are saying that he didn't know, but I'm thinking it was a dogwhistle to his supporters.

The thing that is really concerning though, is the fact that Trump doesn't want people to wear masks at his rallies. That isn't going to do good things for his base if a lot of them get sick for not being careful.
Think of it as a protest/riot and then no one can get sick.
If it were outside, we could say it's the same as marching and protesting.

But jam packed inside, there is no comparison, to be made....

The presidential campaign knows how much more dangerous having the rally inside is, by forcing the attendees to sign the agreement not to sue them or the arena, for catching COVID.

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

800,000 unmasked Trumpettes packed into a crowd.

Go for it.

I think they will be encouraged to wear a mask and social distance. But thank you for your support.. you want power that much your ok with them dying?

They were warned a gazillion times about the virus. Trump told them that concern for it is a hoax. They run around having a freakin fit about wearing a mask. I only want to give them what they want.

More cases because more test are available, but your not seeing hospitals spike

I see 1110,000 dead Americans & I see many states with a 25% or more increase in cases.l But hey, you call it fake news & run around with your Trump buddies without masks & withiout social distancing because you people are sooooooooo smart.

Can you read? I said more testing will cause numbers to go up, but because of hydrochloricquinn It’s saving lives

More testing does not account for all the increase.

Take Nancy's advice come to Chinatown she has it all under control. lol

Pelosi's trip to China Town was about you assfucks blaming Chinese Americans for the virus. It was 6 weeks before any area shutdowns & the same day Trump said he had it under complete control.

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

800,000 unmasked Trumpettes packed into a crowd.

Go for it.

I think they will be encouraged to wear a mask and social distance. But thank you for your support.. you want power that much your ok with them dying?

They were warned a gazillion times about the virus. Trump told them that concern for it is a hoax. They run around having a freakin fit about wearing a mask. I only want to give them what they want.

More cases because more test are available, but your not seeing hospitals spike

I see 1110,000 dead Americans & I see many states with a 25% or more increase in cases.l But hey, you call it fake news & run around with your Trump buddies without masks & withiout social distancing because you people are sooooooooo smart.

Can you read? I said more testing will cause numbers to go up, but because of hydrochloricquinn It’s saving lives

More testing does not account for all the increase.


Sorry thart my post went over your head.

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

Lol, that s such obvious bullshit. If they wanted to be believed they should have stopped with a believable number. 800,000 is two tickets for every man, woman, and child in the whole county.

It retarded to claim that, and even more retarded that you believe it.

You're probably justifying it to yourself right now, aren't you? You're telling yourself "it's possible, maybe people from all over the state, heck even all over the United States, are trying to come see him!"

In the middle of a pandemic? With demonstrations and riots and police violence and mandatory masking and so on and so forth?

No, they aren't.

This 800,000 bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

ok give a number how many tickets have been requested and how many people will be at the event?

Why would I know that?

As I mentioned, the number of tickets requested is twice as many as live in the whole area, and what's more only enjoys about 30% support on average so 800,000 is patently ridiculous.

It's an easily inflated number to cheer up his flagging base.

So no one from outside the area would go to a Trump rally? Are you that stupid to think others wouldn't attend?

I’m pretty sure he’s that stupid

People from other states will attend

So, these people will not only gather & spread the virus in NC but then go to Jacksonville & spread it there too.
So, you assfucks want to pack into a venue without following protocol & get the virus & take it home & spread it to others is just us being whiny? How fucking stupid and selfish are you people. So you really think having the opportunity to kiss Trump's ass is more important that protecting others?

It's worthy.

Is telling the nation to stand for order against the chaos caused by the blot of society.

You must understand that same as criminal supporters go outside demanding more rights for law breakers, on the other side society must receive good news that hundreds of thousands of people who are ready to demonstrate that there is hope for decency and integrity being in control.

I watched a hypocrite old black woman who was protesting peacefully with her church in Washington DC.

Her point was that the president took a bible and stand in front of a church, but that they (the members of her church) pray instead of taking pictures with bibles in their hands.

Question is, what are the prayers from that old black woman?

Is she praying for her grandsons to stop selling drugs and go to study or look for work?

What those black church members pray for?

Surely they can't pray for the president to be removed because the bible says that God is the one who put authorities in charge. And so far, protesters go to the White house instead of going to the municipal buildings of their cities, which are the ones in charge of police departments and their police "brutality".

It is clear that protesters don't want equality in society but that their goal is political and not social. With their meetings they risk their lives and others for evil purposes.

On the other hand, with the 800,000 Trump supporters, it is worthy the risk of their lives and others in order to save society and the nation from the current chaos. I might be there.

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

800,000 unmasked Trumpettes packed into a crowd.

Go for it.

I think they will be encouraged to wear a mask and social distance. But thank you for your support.. you want power that much your ok with them dying?

They were warned a gazillion times about the virus. Trump told them that concern for it is a hoax. They run around having a freakin fit about wearing a mask. I only want to give them what they want.

More cases because more test are available, but your not seeing hospitals spike

I see 1110,000 dead Americans & I see many states with a 25% or more increase in cases.l But hey, you call it fake news & run around with your Trump buddies without masks & withiout social distancing because you people are sooooooooo smart.

Direct us to all the posts youve made condemning the protests. If covid is such a big deal to you, surely you would be complaining about all those mobs not sheltering in place and social distancing.

I do not condemn the protests. I do not agree with the violence but I understand why it is there. I see a lot of protesters wearing masks.

Are you saying the idea that to see Trump at a campaign rally is as important as protesting against police brutality?

If you understand this violence, then you must also understand white supremacist violence, right? After all, if someone getting murdered is a reason to commit violence, no group commits more murders than blacks. You cant condemn one act, and then be understanding with another. Unlike you, i am not understanding when it comes to violence against any innocent people.

White Supremacists want to suppress others. BLM does not want to be suppressed.

Then, you are too stupid to consider that this is law enforcement committing the murders and our current system not doing much about it.

When you try to make your voices heard & no one seems to be listening, you yell it. This violence is the people yelling that we need to change how police depasrtments are managed.

Sad you can not see that.

You could have saved yourself some time by simplying typing, "violence committed by democrats doesnt bother me because, im a hypocrite".

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

Lol, that s such obvious bullshit. If they wanted to be believed they should have stopped with a believable number. 800,000 is two tickets for every man, woman, and child in the whole county.

It retarded to claim that, and even more retarded that you believe it.

You're probably justifying it to yourself right now, aren't you? You're telling yourself "it's possible, maybe people from all over the state, heck even all over the United States, are trying to come see him!"

In the middle of a pandemic? With demonstrations and riots and police violence and mandatory masking and so on and so forth?

No, they aren't.

This 800,000 bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

ok give a number how many tickets have been requested and how many people will be at the event?

Why would I know that?

As I mentioned, the number of tickets requested is twice as many as live in the whole area, and what's more only enjoys about 30% support on average so 800,000 is patently ridiculous.

It's an easily inflated number to cheer up his flagging base.

So no one from outside the area would go to a Trump rally? Are you that stupid to think others wouldn't attend?

I’m pretty sure he’s that stupid

People from other states will attend

So, these people will not only gather & spread the virus in NC but then go to Jacksonville & spread it there too.

The only way a politically-motivated virus can spread is through your mind

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

800,000 unmasked Trumpettes packed into a crowd.

Go for it.

I think they will be encouraged to wear a mask and social distance. But thank you for your support.. you want power that much your ok with them dying?

They were warned a gazillion times about the virus. Trump told them that concern for it is a hoax. They run around having a freakin fit about wearing a mask. I only want to give them what they want.

More cases because more test are available, but your not seeing hospitals spike

I see 1110,000 dead Americans & I see many states with a 25% or more increase in cases.l But hey, you call it fake news & run around with your Trump buddies without masks & withiout social distancing because you people are sooooooooo smart.

Can you read? I said more testing will cause numbers to go up, but because of hydrochloricquinn It’s saving lives

More testing does not account for all the increase.

Take Nancy's advice come to Chinatown she has it all under control. lol

Pelosi's trip to China Town was about you assfucks blaming Chinese Americans for the virus. It was 6 weeks before any area shutdowns & the same day Trump said he had it under complete control.

that's not very responsible of the speaker of the house to believe something is bad but yet tell people to come out
No one knows what that is, not even black people take a hike

Actually, there are a lot of people in Texas and in the south that know what that day is. Matter of fact, I learned about it while stationed in Memphis back in the mid 80's at NATTC Millington.

Just because you're ignorant, doesn't mean everyone else is.
I’ve been in more black girls than Kotex , No one’s ever heard of this damn thing

Like I said, there are a lot of people out there other than you who know what it is. It's the day that Gen. Granger read a federal order saying that all the slaves in Texas were now free.
Blacks vote for democrats, not exactly a sign they want freedom
Either that or they're hep to the republican jive.

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

Lol, that s such obvious bullshit. If they wanted to be believed they should have stopped with a believable number. 800,000 is two tickets for every man, woman, and child in the whole county.

It retarded to claim that, and even more retarded that you believe it.

You're probably justifying it to yourself right now, aren't you? You're telling yourself "it's possible, maybe people from all over the state, heck even all over the United States, are trying to come see him!"

In the middle of a pandemic? With demonstrations and riots and police violence and mandatory masking and so on and so forth?

No, they aren't.

This 800,000 bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

ok give a number how many tickets have been requested and how many people will be at the event?

Why would I know that?

As I mentioned, the number of tickets requested is twice as many as live in the whole area, and what's more only enjoys about 30% support on average so 800,000 is patently ridiculous.

It's an easily inflated number to cheer up his flagging base.

So no one from outside the area would go to a Trump rally? Are you that stupid to think others wouldn't attend?

I’m pretty sure he’s that stupid

People from other states will attend

So, these people will not only gather & spread the virus in NC but then go to Jacksonville & spread it there too.

As long as the rioters can gather and riot and tear things up in groups and clusters fuck it Republicans can gather together supporting Donald Trump

This is incredible! Hey democrats want to talk a poll? Saturday will be a good day for getting some

800,000 unmasked Trumpettes packed into a crowd.

Go for it.

I think they will be encouraged to wear a mask and social distance. But thank you for your support.. you want power that much your ok with them dying?

They were warned a gazillion times about the virus. Trump told them that concern for it is a hoax. They run around having a freakin fit about wearing a mask. I only want to give them what they want.

More cases because more test are available, but your not seeing hospitals spike

I see 1110,000 dead Americans & I see many states with a 25% or more increase in cases.l But hey, you call it fake news & run around with your Trump buddies without masks & withiout social distancing because you people are sooooooooo smart.

Direct us to all the posts youve made condemning the protests. If covid is such a big deal to you, surely you would be complaining about all those mobs not sheltering in place and social distancing.

I do not condemn the protests. I do not agree with the violence but I understand why it is there. I see a lot of protesters wearing masks.

Are you saying the idea that to see Trump at a campaign rally is as important as protesting against police brutality?

standing up for freedom and rallying against communism that has killed millions is much much more important than the small number of police brutality incidents you people are using to promote said evil communist style governance .

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