Wow. A huge leap over the line

I'm not a Santorum supporter but come on? This is as low as you can go. And for what? To get some Democrats elected. Colmes has obviously sold his soul to the Devil. The Left has lost it for sure.
I wouldn't vote for Santorum for city dog catcher, but how he chooses to express his grief upon losing a child is his business, and far be it from me to criticize him or anyone in that position. I just pray to God to never have to be there myself.

Whoever uses this to score political points against him is a truly sick fuck.
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I'm unable to watch most vids due to bandwidth limits. What did Santorum actually do?
In Japan, it's customary to bring the dead home. Lay 'em right out there in the living room for all the relatives to come over and take a final peek.

I was married to Japanese woman.

Let me tell ya..lots of stuff they do are pretty creepy.
In Japan, it's customary to bring the dead home. Lay 'em right out there in the living room for all the relatives to come over and take a final peek.

I was married to Japanese woman.

Let me tell ya..lots of stuff they do are pretty creepy.
Have you ever seen those Victorian-era photos of people posing with the deceased? There's a few I've seen that, if they hadn't pointed out which one was the dearly departed, you'd have never known.
Abortion is such a volatile issue that the pro-killers sometimes become incoherent about it. Colmes let his emotions run away from him.
I posted this story a little while ago and, even though I said I thought it was a sad tragedy and that Colmes was wrong, I was called a "sick fuck". The article I cited stated clearly that 'Santorum took the body home for his children to play with so they would know it was real'.

IMO, Colmes/Fox is pure scum. Santorum is crazy as a outhouse mouse and there is plenty to criticize him for but this should be sacred and left alone. Colmes should be fired.

That is my opinion and if that makes me a "sick fuck", so be it.

Alan Colmes, Fox News Contributor, Criticizes Rick Santorum For 'Crazy' Behavior, Then Apologizes (VIDEO)
I'm not a Santorum supporter but come on? This is as low as you can go. And for what? To get some Democrats elected. Colmes has obviously sold his soul to the Devil. The Left has lost it for sure.

That's right - Fox and Colmes are actually working undercover to get Obama re-elected.
In Japan, it's customary to bring the dead home. Lay 'em right out there in the living room for all the relatives to come over and take a final peek.

I was married to Japanese woman.

Let me tell ya..lots of stuff they do are pretty creepy.
Have you ever seen those Victorian-era photos of people posing with the deceased? There's a few I've seen that, if they hadn't pointed out which one was the dearly departed, you'd have never known.

Missed that one.

But there's a reason not to play with dead things..ya know. :D
I seriously doubt anyone was "playing with dead things". Seeing and touching a dead infant, especially if the parents are trying to help the other children cope and understand what happened, isn't a bad thing to do. It just creeps people out who don't have a realistic approach to life and death and can't handle the reality of loss.
I don't believe in getting some fired because I don't like what they said.

Especially a partisan political ideologue. What in the world do you expect? These people are PAID to say absurd and incendiary things.


Having thought about it a bit, I'd like to retract my earlier statement that Colmes should be fired.

I agree that disagreeing with someone is not grounds for firing.
I seriously doubt anyone was "playing with dead things". Seeing and touching a dead infant, especially if the parents are trying to help the other children cope and understand what happened, isn't a bad thing to do. It just creeps people out who don't have a realistic approach to life and death and can't handle the reality of loss.

My "unrealistic" approach to death in the family is to turn the corpse over to a mortician. Arrange a funeral and grieve there.

Call me crazy. :D
I seriously doubt anyone was "playing with dead things". Seeing and touching a dead infant, especially if the parents are trying to help the other children cope and understand what happened, isn't a bad thing to do. It just creeps people out who don't have a realistic approach to life and death and can't handle the reality of loss.

My "unrealistic" approach to death in the family is to turn the corpse over to a mortician. Arrange a funeral and grieve there.

Call me crazy. :D

Same with me personally, and if it had been my own baby that died, I would want my other children to touch and understand in a hospital setting. That being said, I don't know the whole story, so I'm speaking from the standpoint of ignorance, as are most of the people here.
He brought a corpse home to play with his children? What? How fucking crazy is that.

Seriously? This wackaloon is a candidate?

Oh gosh.

why don't you "Oh gosh" this instead.....another baby found in a trash can on News Years Day....the first this year of MANY that keeping getting callously thrown away....
Newborn baby found dead in trash bin - Carmi, IL - The Carmi Times

perverted sick liberals promote easy sex among the young.....even in the schools.....the kids get pregnant and panic because they are too young to deal with adult problems.....but they have been taught that life does not mean much since they've been taught by the liberals that you can abort....and that means kill.....unwanted it logically follows that you can just throw them away into trash cans....

i admire Santorum for teaching his children the value of life by honoring his child with an in-home funeral service....showing his other children that all life is to be honored....he taught his children that the baby was a real person, their little brother.....not a fucking throwaway....

i saw that exchange between Lowry and Colmes.....and was very glad Lowry threw Colmes' insults right back into his slimy liberal face....
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