Wow. A huge leap over the line

I see some of the usual suspects on the left have taken this opportunity to demonstrate the true depth of their characters...

Actually, I was considering Santorum as the "Not Romney" I'm going to vote for in the primaries....

But honestly, playing with a dead baby is just kind of creepy. So is the story that his daughter is terminally ill, but he's spending all his time on the campaign trail.

Still, better than Romney, I guess.

I guess that's been the problem all along. There is no love for Romney, but no real concensus on who would be better. Santorum might win tonight, and that would make him the "Not Romney de Jour".

Romney will win because his opponents were all more flawed or weaker, and Obama will clean his clock in November.
Morning Joe reported that the polls had Romney at 40% this morning. I was shocked. We'll see what happens.

As to the OP, It was a lack of judgement on Alan's part.; Alan apologized, Santorum accepted, case closed as another poster already suggested. No firing necessary.

Of course if it was Hannity saying the same thing about any Dimwitocrat, you and all of the other dimwits would be calling for his head....... after they fire him in a very public way. The hypocrisy of the left is never ending, thank you for a perfect demonstration of just that........twat.
He brought a corpse home to play with his children? What? How fucking crazy is that.

Seriously? This wackaloon is a candidate?

Oh gosh.

why don't you "Oh gosh" this instead.....another baby found in a trash can on News Years Day....the first this year of MANY that keeping getting callously thrown away....
Newborn baby found dead in trash bin - Carmi, IL - The Carmi Times

perverted sick liberals promote easy sex among the young.....even in the schools.....the kids get pregnant and panic because they are too young to deal with adult problems.....but they have been taught that life does not mean much since they've been taught by the liberals that you can abort....and that means kill.....unwanted it logically follows that you can just throw them away into trash cans....

i admire Santorum for teaching his children the value of life by honoring his child with an in-home funeral service....showing his other children that all life is to be honored....he taught his children that the baby was a real person, their little brother.....not a fucking throwaway....

i saw that exchange between Lowry and Colmes.....and was very glad Lowry threw Colmes' insults right back into his slimy liberal face....

And that's absolutely wrong.

Most liberals promote sex education so that kids are informed of the consequence of their actions.

Unlike conservatives.

Who give awards to sickos who rape kids.

Rick Santorum Sponsored Honor for Accused PSU Coach Jerry Sandusky - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

See the diff?

It's shit like this that undermines your credibility Sallow. It's just a wee bit disingenuous to suggest that he knew Sandusky was raping boys or that he should have known.

Using a dead baby corpse like a raggedy andy doll on the other hand is a legitimate basis for criticism. Heck, even the fact that he's only batting .500 on the genetic viability of his offspring due to inbreeding is worthy of derision. But this? Not so much.
He brought a corpse home to play with his children? What? How fucking crazy is that.

Seriously? This wackaloon is a candidate?

Oh gosh.

why don't you "Oh gosh" this instead.....another baby found in a trash can on News Years Day....the first this year of MANY that keeping getting callously thrown away....
Newborn baby found dead in trash bin - Carmi, IL - The Carmi Times

perverted sick liberals promote easy sex among the young.....even in the schools.....the kids get pregnant and panic because they are too young to deal with adult problems.....but they have been taught that life does not mean much since they've been taught by the liberals that you can abort....and that means kill.....unwanted it logically follows that you can just throw them away into trash cans....

i admire Santorum for teaching his children the value of life by honoring his child with an in-home funeral service....showing his other children that all life is to be honored....he taught his children that the baby was a real person, their little brother.....not a fucking throwaway....

i saw that exchange between Lowry and Colmes.....and was very glad Lowry threw Colmes' insults right back into his slimy liberal face....

And that's absolutely wrong.

Most liberals promote sex education so that kids are informed of the consequence of their actions.

Unlike conservatives.

Who give awards to sickos who rape kids.

Rick Santorum Sponsored Honor for Accused PSU Coach Jerry Sandusky - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

See the diff?

you fucking liberals are full of slimy lies......just like the way you are trying to slime presidential candiate Rick Santorum by saying he gave an award to Sandusky....back when you know full well that he and everybody else had no clue back then that Sandusky was a pervert.....what a fucking slimy cheap lying shot....

and if you think the schools are teaching sex education to actually help children know about the consequences of their got it all wrong.....liberals are taking over sex education from parents in order to promote INDOCTRINATION of their slimy liberal this and get a clue....

Listen up, parents. The goal of sex education is not to prevent unwanted pregnancies and diseases. The goal is to promote sexual freedom.

That may sound outrageous, but it's the premise of Dr. Miriam Grossman's new book, You're Teaching My Child What?, and it's backed up by plenty of cold, hard facts. Here's what she writes in the introduction: "From a review of many of today's sex ed curricula and websites, it would appear that a 'sexually healthy' individual is one who has been 'desensitized,' who is without any sense of embarrassment or shame (what some might consider 'modesty'), whose sexuality is always 'positive' and 'open,' who respects and accepts 'diverse' lifestyles, and who practices 'safer sex' with every 'partner.' This is not about health, folks. This is about indoctrination."

While modern sex educators are busy introducing "diverse" sexual lifestyles to their students, what they are not doing is looking out for their health. Dr. Grossman asks the logical question: "Why don't sex educators emphasize that casual sex and multiple partners is a health hazard?" Why don't they make it clear that engaging in sexual behavior with someone means risking exposure to the bacteria, viruses, and full-blown sexually transmitted diseases of each and every one of his or her previous partners.

Condoms are like a magic wand in the world of sex education. Students hear endlessly about practicing "safer sex" by using condoms. But Grossman points out what many aren't told: that most teenagers don't use condoms correctly and, she writes, "Even with proper use, both pregnancy and infection can occur." So students are, in effect, encouraged to take a calculated risk, a risk with enormous ramifications.

In my last column, I wrote about SIECUS, the Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S., and the provider of sex ed curricula to schools from coast to coast. Without any basis in scientific fact, sex ed materials produced by SIECUS promote the idea that it is "healthy" for kids to explore their sexuality. "That," writes Grossman, "was never true, and it's surely not true now, with genital bacteria and viruses infecting another young person every 3.5 seconds." Sexually transmitted diseases are epidemic: one in four teenage girls has one.

And don't expect school sex ed programs to back up parents when it comes to moral and religious teachings. Grossman writes that many sex ed instructors encourage students "to question what they've been taught at home and at church," and to develop their own views on the subject of sex. It not only undermines parental authority, it has the potential to promote dangerous behavior in an age group already eager and willing to break rules.

More sex ed, lies, and modern culture (

It's shit like this that undermines your credibility Sallow. It's just a wee bit disingenuous to suggest that he knew Sandusky was raping boys or that he should have known.

Using a dead baby corpse like a raggedy andy doll on the other hand is a legitimate basis for criticism. Heck, even the fact that he's only batting .500 on the genetic viability of his offspring due to inbreeding is worthy of derision. But this? Not so much.'s the guilt by association meme used so well by connies and those who love them.

Don't like the game? Don't play.
why don't you "Oh gosh" this instead.....another baby found in a trash can on News Years Day....the first this year of MANY that keeping getting callously thrown away....
Newborn baby found dead in trash bin - Carmi, IL - The Carmi Times

perverted sick liberals promote easy sex among the young.....even in the schools.....the kids get pregnant and panic because they are too young to deal with adult problems.....but they have been taught that life does not mean much since they've been taught by the liberals that you can abort....and that means kill.....unwanted it logically follows that you can just throw them away into trash cans....

i admire Santorum for teaching his children the value of life by honoring his child with an in-home funeral service....showing his other children that all life is to be honored....he taught his children that the baby was a real person, their little brother.....not a fucking throwaway....

i saw that exchange between Lowry and Colmes.....and was very glad Lowry threw Colmes' insults right back into his slimy liberal face....

And that's absolutely wrong.

Most liberals promote sex education so that kids are informed of the consequence of their actions.

Unlike conservatives.

Who give awards to sickos who rape kids.

Rick Santorum Sponsored Honor for Accused PSU Coach Jerry Sandusky - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

See the diff?

you fucking liberals are full of slimy lies......just like the way you are trying to slime presidential candiate Rick Santorum by saying he gave an award to Sandusky....back when you know full well that he and everybody else had no clue back then that Sandusky was a pervert.....what a fucking slimy cheap lying shot....

and if you think the schools are teaching sex education to actually help children know about the consequences of their got it all wrong.....liberals are taking over sex education from parents in order to promote INDOCTRINATION of their slimy liberal this and get a clue....

Listen up, parents. The goal of sex education is not to prevent unwanted pregnancies and diseases. The goal is to promote sexual freedom.

That may sound outrageous, but it's the premise of Dr. Miriam Grossman's new book, You're Teaching My Child What?, and it's backed up by plenty of cold, hard facts. Here's what she writes in the introduction: "From a review of many of today's sex ed curricula and websites, it would appear that a 'sexually healthy' individual is one who has been 'desensitized,' who is without any sense of embarrassment or shame (what some might consider 'modesty'), whose sexuality is always 'positive' and 'open,' who respects and accepts 'diverse' lifestyles, and who practices 'safer sex' with every 'partner.' This is not about health, folks. This is about indoctrination."

While modern sex educators are busy introducing "diverse" sexual lifestyles to their students, what they are not doing is looking out for their health. Dr. Grossman asks the logical question: "Why don't sex educators emphasize that casual sex and multiple partners is a health hazard?" Why don't they make it clear that engaging in sexual behavior with someone means risking exposure to the bacteria, viruses, and full-blown sexually transmitted diseases of each and every one of his or her previous partners.

Condoms are like a magic wand in the world of sex education. Students hear endlessly about practicing "safer sex" by using condoms. But Grossman points out what many aren't told: that most teenagers don't use condoms correctly and, she writes, "Even with proper use, both pregnancy and infection can occur." So students are, in effect, encouraged to take a calculated risk, a risk with enormous ramifications.

In my last column, I wrote about SIECUS, the Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S., and the provider of sex ed curricula to schools from coast to coast. Without any basis in scientific fact, sex ed materials produced by SIECUS promote the idea that it is "healthy" for kids to explore their sexuality. "That," writes Grossman, "was never true, and it's surely not true now, with genital bacteria and viruses infecting another young person every 3.5 seconds." Sexually transmitted diseases are epidemic: one in four teenage girls has one.

And don't expect school sex ed programs to back up parents when it comes to moral and religious teachings. Grossman writes that many sex ed instructors encourage students "to question what they've been taught at home and at church," and to develop their own views on the subject of sex. It not only undermines parental authority, it has the potential to promote dangerous behavior in an age group already eager and willing to break rules.

More sex ed, lies, and modern culture (

He gave an award to a kiddie ass raper.

Got it?
What do you expect from people who get their 'News' information from Whoopie Goldberg farts on The View. When Whoopie Goldberg farts,Liberals listen. So do you really expect anything different from these people? I know i don't. The Left is a real disgrace at this point.

It's shit like this that undermines your credibility Sallow. It's just a wee bit disingenuous to suggest that he knew Sandusky was raping boys or that he should have known.

Using a dead baby corpse like a raggedy andy doll on the other hand is a legitimate basis for criticism. Heck, even the fact that he's only batting .500 on the genetic viability of his offspring due to inbreeding is worthy of derision. But this? Not so much.'s the guilt by association meme used so well by connies and those who love them.

Don't like the game? Don't play.

And that's absolutely wrong.

Most liberals promote sex education so that kids are informed of the consequence of their actions.

Unlike conservatives.

Who give awards to sickos who rape kids.

Rick Santorum Sponsored Honor for Accused PSU Coach Jerry Sandusky - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

See the diff?

you fucking liberals are full of slimy lies......just like the way you are trying to slime presidential candiate Rick Santorum by saying he gave an award to Sandusky....back when you know full well that he and everybody else had no clue back then that Sandusky was a pervert.....what a fucking slimy cheap lying shot....

and if you think the schools are teaching sex education to actually help children know about the consequences of their got it all wrong.....liberals are taking over sex education from parents in order to promote INDOCTRINATION of their slimy liberal this and get a clue....

Listen up, parents. The goal of sex education is not to prevent unwanted pregnancies and diseases. The goal is to promote sexual freedom.

That may sound outrageous, but it's the premise of Dr. Miriam Grossman's new book, You're Teaching My Child What?, and it's backed up by plenty of cold, hard facts. Here's what she writes in the introduction: "From a review of many of today's sex ed curricula and websites, it would appear that a 'sexually healthy' individual is one who has been 'desensitized,' who is without any sense of embarrassment or shame (what some might consider 'modesty'), whose sexuality is always 'positive' and 'open,' who respects and accepts 'diverse' lifestyles, and who practices 'safer sex' with every 'partner.' This is not about health, folks. This is about indoctrination."

While modern sex educators are busy introducing "diverse" sexual lifestyles to their students, what they are not doing is looking out for their health. Dr. Grossman asks the logical question: "Why don't sex educators emphasize that casual sex and multiple partners is a health hazard?" Why don't they make it clear that engaging in sexual behavior with someone means risking exposure to the bacteria, viruses, and full-blown sexually transmitted diseases of each and every one of his or her previous partners.

Condoms are like a magic wand in the world of sex education. Students hear endlessly about practicing "safer sex" by using condoms. But Grossman points out what many aren't told: that most teenagers don't use condoms correctly and, she writes, "Even with proper use, both pregnancy and infection can occur." So students are, in effect, encouraged to take a calculated risk, a risk with enormous ramifications.

In my last column, I wrote about SIECUS, the Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S., and the provider of sex ed curricula to schools from coast to coast. Without any basis in scientific fact, sex ed materials produced by SIECUS promote the idea that it is "healthy" for kids to explore their sexuality. "That," writes Grossman, "was never true, and it's surely not true now, with genital bacteria and viruses infecting another young person every 3.5 seconds." Sexually transmitted diseases are epidemic: one in four teenage girls has one.

And don't expect school sex ed programs to back up parents when it comes to moral and religious teachings. Grossman writes that many sex ed instructors encourage students "to question what they've been taught at home and at church," and to develop their own views on the subject of sex. It not only undermines parental authority, it has the potential to promote dangerous behavior in an age group already eager and willing to break rules.

More sex ed, lies, and modern culture (

He gave an award to a kiddie ass raper.

Got it?

you're more of a slimeball than Alan Colmes....:up_yours:
what he says is true.....never handicap the truth

Wrong. The purpose of taking the dead baby home was not for the other children to play with.

So, what Colmes said was NOT true at all.

He is a dick.

But he has, at least, now apologized.

BTW, I don't endorse what the Santorum FAMILY chose to do. But that's really not my call to make, either.

If I were advising Santorum, I'd also say "lose that fucking sweater vest look."
You're a broken record. Don't they ever give you something new to post?

And your 'predictions' are not "facts," chump.

No, but they are usually accurate. I've called every election since 1980 correctly.

Except 1988. Bush-41 was really flailing for a while. Unfortunately, he won.

I knew Dole was a loser. Knew it the minute he got the nomination.

Knew Bush-41 was a loser in 1992.

Knew John McCain was toast.

And these guys were all War Heroes, men above reproach.

As opposed to "I'm going to hide in France" Mittens.
from what I understand they brought the baby home to say goodbye, wanted their children to at least 'meet' their brother before they brought the baby back the next day after sleeping with it thru the night. This bringing the baby home so their children can play with it sounds like purposeful inflammatory nonsense to me.

I think they carry a lot of self inflicted guilt, her labor was premature and treacherous,high fever, she allowed them to give her Pitocin, apparently she blames herself even though he may not really have had a realistic chance at life in any event. I'd think this would be a deeply personal topic best left alone.
The fact that Colmes had this at his disposal to be used as one of his talking points is sick. And, it is obvious that he even prepared to toss in that kind of trash and couldn't wait to just randomly toss that into the conversation. What an idiot. And, grow up with the hair already and get a decent haircut and admit you are going bald. Sheesh.
Romney will win because his opponents were all more flawed or weaker, and Obama will clean his clock in November.

Yeah, yeah, you have been dutifully reading your DNC scripted remarks over and over for months now. I think you've covered it. Collect your pay at the door.

Reality hurts, man.

The said thing is, it shouldn't be this way. If the GOP had run Mike Huckabee or JOhn Thune or Mitch Daniels, they'd be cleaning Obama's clock right now.

Instead, they decided to run the guy 70% of Republicans really didn't want.

All of those guys could have run. They were smart enough to know that Obama is very popular and likely to be re-elected.

The GOP didn't "run" anybody.

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