WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

Coming from the ass clown that worships an old sniffing dementia patient child molester and a horizontal whore that sucked and fucked her way up the ladder that your corrupt party of trash cheated into office.
Worship, no matter what congregation one is loyal to, is dumb. Period.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.

Speak for yourself. Nancy Pelosi touched my pee pee.

Did you pop wood?
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach
Why? Do you think we’re better off than the UK?
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite who control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over?
And also most of us here in the states really aren't living that badly. I can't speak for y'all but I'm comfortable and am glad I wasn't born in a lot of other places I could have been born. Most of us have comfortable enough lives with plenty of luxury. Look at us on the internet opining like we have real problems when there's somebody out there trying to fight off starvation right now.
Agreed though many Americans aren’t so fortunate. We have a terrible homeless problem along with millions living in or near poverty. All the while billionaires keep gaining more and more wealth. Something should be done, but I’m not holding out much hope.
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!

I was right there with him, right up until the point he said “Clinton got away with it”.

30 years of investigations, more than $100 million spent on investigating the Clintons and you came up with nothing. Not a shred of evidence, not a single witness, not even a crime that Hillary Clinton committed.

More than 100 indictments of people connected to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. 10 guilty pleas and convictions. And you still won’t acknowledge or face Trump’s crimes.

The evidence against Donald Trump is overwhelming, but you still called Biden a criminal based on forged evidence provided by the Russians.

Damn Skippy were sick and tired of corruption being exposed and not punished. Trump was impeached twice and Republicans refused to convict him on the evidence.

You should be upset. Trump should be in jail already.
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Something should be done, but I’m not holding out much hope.
That's what politicians love to hear- then, the something, turns out ot be in someone else's favor and voters cry "do something"- again- wash, rinse, repeat- the constitution lays out a pretty clear path- yet, the left and the right ignore it because "something"-
I was right there with him, right up until the point he said “Clinton got away with it”.

30 years of investigations, more than $100 million spent on investigating the Clintons and you came up with nothing. Not a shred of evidence, not a single witness, not even a crime that Hillary Clinton committed.

More than 100 indictments of people connected to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. 10 guilty pleas and convictions. And you still won’t fix trumps crimes.

The evidence against Donald Trump is overwhelming, but you still called Biden a criminal based on forged evidence provided by the Russians.
Oh horsehit- stop spreading manure- believing what the media tels you is a fools errand- good lord!
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach
Why? Do you think we’re better off than the UK?
Poor little whiny Glenn Beck. Tried so hard to court the alt-right. And they outed him for the whiny little whack-a-doodle bitch he is...and rejected him.
He's O'Reilly..without the sleaze factor.
Something should be done, but I’m not holding out much hope.
That's what politicians love to hear- then, the something, turns out ot be in someone else's favor and voters cry "do something"- again- wash, rinse, repeat- the constitution lays out a pretty clear path- yet, the left and the right ignore it because "something"-
Agreed. I’m much too old to be a revolutionary, but I’ll support you in your effort to change things.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.

Like the devotees of Sleepy Joe you mean?

Wouldn't it be great if Biden were to Reach Across the Aisle and come to an agreement with the Loyal Opposition?

Ex. given, Biden could probably get his panacea of background checks passed- IF he would mandate full faith and credit for all states to honor concealed carry permits.

Why shouldn't New York City honor a permit issued by the sheriff of Jeff Davis County?
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach
Why? Do you think we’re better off than the UK?
That’s right, since the Empire controls both nations.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.

Like the devotees of Sleepy Joe you mean?

Wouldn't it be great if Biden were to Reach Across the Aisle and come to an agreement with the Loyal Opposition?

Ex. given, Biden could probably get his panacea of background checks passed- IF he would mandate full faith and credit for all states to honor concealed carry permits.

Why shouldn't New York City honor a permit issued by the sheriff of Jeff Davis County?
There's another one.
It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

Beck’s an agent of the MSM?!?!
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.
Nobody is stopping you from spilling your blood....go for it.

I'm not the one getting abused but that wasn't the point.
I was right there with him, right up until the point he said “Clinton got away with it”.

30 years of investigations, more than $100 million spent on investigating the Clintons and you came up with nothing. Not a shred of evidence, not a single witness, not even a crime that Hillary Clinton committed.

More than 100 indictments of people connected to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. 10 guilty pleas and convictions. And you still won’t fix trumps crimes.

The evidence against Donald Trump is overwhelming, but you still called Biden a criminal based on forged evidence provided by the Russians.
Oh horsehit- stop spreading manure- believing what the media tels you is a fools errand- good lord!

Where are the charges? Everything you’ve claimed about Hillary has been proven false - based on rumours and lies started by Republicans.

6 investigations of Hillary’s emails found no crime. Her server was legal. The law against staff using private servers was passed right AFTER she left office proving that Republicans knew all along she was using a private server and said nothing until she ran for President.

After 7 Benghazi investigations found no wrongdoing, it was all they had. And still Hillary is a free woman.

When told of the latest investigation against her, Hillary shrugged and said “let them investigate”. That’s the response of someone who knows there’s nothing to find.

Trump is having small hairy kittens over the idea of a January 6th investigation. Even bigger ones that he had over the Russia investigation “the greatest witch hunt of all time”.

It was too. 9 warlocks were arrested and found/guilty. Trump pardoned a bunch of them to help with his insurrection.

Trump opposes investigations because every time the Feds investigate him, he ends up in court. Like the Trump University case. Or the Trump Foundation case. Or his finances.

Hillary has never been charged with anything. Ken Starr investigated for 6 1/2 years and found nothing!!!

Trump is terrified of being investigated. The only possible reason is that he has a lot to hide.

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