WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

I think y'all are a bit wrong on changing the world- now, if you're talking about instant gratification, you're correct - however- if you leave your space a little better than you found it and pass that onto your descendants, you will be changing the world- incrementally, and naturally- it cannot be mandated or legislated- no matter who you vote for- ALL laws are about restricting liberty. Liberty was a founding principle, philosophy of the US- legislation always favors one over another and laws punish criminal action, made criminal by legislation- no matter what Party writes it- now, if one believes restricting liberty is actually a good thing, then it is an up hill battle- but, nothing worth having is easy-
Yeah. It's definitely possible to impact your own life and the lives of your loved ones in a significant and positive way. That's the real goal, right? None of that requires me to get frustrated about politics and problems I have no real control over though. lol I guess I meant on a more global scale. People let problems upset them even when the problem is much bigger than them.
I stopped listening to Beck when he loaded up trucks with toys to give to these Illegal kids that the Worthless Negro let flood into this country. Dat boy ain't right in the head.
Beck was decent when he first started. Pretty thorough and fair.
But then he fell in love with his own voice. Fell in love with his own image. Became over confident, did less vetting... started going down rabbit holes so sure of himself - he couldn't be wrong.
That was years ago

The exact same thing that happened to Bill O'Reilly. He was one of the best on television. But like Glenn, his ego took over and the show became something else. That was many years ago.

Beck thought it was cute being anti Trump back in 2015/2016 when he didn't think Trump would win the nomination. However, when he got so much criticism from his Conservative audience he started whistling a different tune.

He is a showman first. I'm not sure he has real convictions on anything.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach
I think y'all are a bit wrong on changing the world- now, if you're talking about instant gratification, you're correct - however- if you leave your space a little better than you found it and pass that onto your descendants, you will be changing the world- incrementally, and naturally- it cannot be mandated or legislated- no matter who you vote for- ALL laws are about restricting liberty. Liberty was a founding principle, philosophy of the US- legislation always favors one over another and laws punish criminal action, made criminal by legislation- no matter what Party writes it- now, if one believes restricting liberty is actually a good thing, then it is an up hill battle- but, nothing worth having is easy-

Sure, you can do small good. It's hard to keep up with the destruction others are doing though.
It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

I stopped listening to Beck when he loaded up trucks with toys to give to these Illegal kids that the Worthless Negro let flood into this country. Dat boy ain't right in the head.
Beck was decent when he first started. Pretty thorough and fair.
But then he fell in love with his own voice. Fell in love with his own image. Became over confident, did less vetting... started going down rabbit holes so sure of himself - he couldn't be wrong.
That was years ago

The exact same thing that happened to Bill O'Reilly. He was one of the best on television. But like Glenn, his ego took over and the show became something else. That was many years ago.

Beck thought it was cute being anti Trump back in 2015/2016 when he didn't think Trump would win the nomination. However, when he got so much criticism from his Conservative audience he started whistling a different tune.

He is a showman first. I'm not sure he has real convictions on anything.
He use to. I didn't watch him for very long. His show was pretty good for maybe a year. Then he started going down meandering rants and conjecturing about this or that, trying to build conspiracies that were pretty damn thin.
He started looking clownish to me.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.
Nobody is stopping you from spilling your blood....go for it.
People let problems upset them even when the problem is much bigger than them.
I saw a bumper ticker in the late 70's, into the 80's that said: Be the Change You Want To See- it applies no matter where it's applied- to that end, positive, though harder to carry out, works the same as negative- repetition - negative is easier because it is, well, easier- it takes very little effort to be upset/negative- working at being positive is its own reward, but, as with anything worth having, it has to be worked for- but, it is contagious- just like negative- so, one, no matter what the scenario, has to work at being positive- personally, I decided many years ago, to be happy- and learned that happy comes from with in- not from material acquisition or puttin out another person's light- passing that on is what I do, by actions and words- leavin my space better than I found it- now, I'm not claiming to be perfect, by any stretch and I will call out idiots, vehemently- because sometimes a a 2x4 upside the head is a requirement for an attitude adjustment- ;)
Nobody is stopping you from spilling your blood....go for it.
Is anybody ever talking about themselves when they go on about the necessity of blood and sacrifice, or do they imagine somebody else doing the bleeding and sacrificing?
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!
Prayers up for Glenn Beck. He's not the first to be worried in the face of human disregard for others. St. Peter, to his dismay turned against his strong connection with Christianity 3 times before he became angry and devoted enough to teach about Jesus as the Lord who came back to life just hours after his death on the cross that included heathen disfigurement of his hands feet and torso on the cross. Christ's instructions to his remaining disciples were clear for them to go forth and preach with a renewed faith until death. Most of them had a pretty sorry death in the face of leaders who misunderstood their mission were only to teach people to live in joy in the face of their enemies. It wasn't until they thought they lost the best person they ever had known that they understood what was ahead of them to be obedient to sharing the love of God for people of all walks and doing good both to friend and foe for the kingdom of God, their life after death in God's presence their eternal reward for saving their friend and foe with the Good news of man's salvation.

Our dear Mr. Beck thank you from afar and I'm praying for you that when the time comes you will renew your strength that seems at an all time low. Take time off from doing good for a few days. Pray and believe in higher things than seeing turds prospering outside the toilet they put themselves into by disregarding the founders. God himself will renew your strength if you so choose. Here is one who hopes you find the fountain. :thup:
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His anger and frustration is palpable, and it's shared by tens of millions of Americans.

All Blobbers.

You guys weren't happy when he was President. guys hate everything and everybody.
Coming from the ass clown that worships an old sniffing dementia patient child molester and a horizontal whore that sucked and fucked her way up the ladder that your corrupt party of trash cheated into office.

Go pound sand, ya pathetic moron. Your only moral high ground is in the bottom of a toilet.
Sure, you can do small good. It's hard to keep up with the destruction others are doing though.
Well, what do you suggest? I did say incrementally- and leave your space a little better than you found it-

Instant gratification comes with buyers remorse- always-

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