WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

Sure, you can do small good. It's hard to keep up with the destruction others are doing though.
Well, what do you suggest? I did say incrementally- and leave your space a little better than you found it-

Instant gratification comes with buyers remorse- always-

I plan on rooting for it all to fall apart from afar.
It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

My thoughts exactly.
His anger and frustration is palpable, and it's shared by tens of millions of Americans.

All Blobbers.

You guys weren't happy when he was President. guys hate everything and everybody.
Coming from the ass clown that worships an old sniffing dementia patient child molester and a horizontal whore that sucked and fucked her way up the ladder that your corrupt party of trash cheated into office.

Go pound sand, ya pathetic moron. Your only moral high ground is in the bottom of a toilet.
Thanks for proving my angry....

I love it!
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!

I was right there with him, right up until the point he said “Clinton got away with it”.

30 years of investigations, more than $100 million spent on investigating the Clintons and you came up with nothing. Not a shred of evidence, not a single witness, not even a crime that Hillary Clinton committed.

More than 100 indictments of people connected to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. 10 guilty pleas and convictions. And you still won’t acknowledge or face Trump’s crimes.

The evidence against Donald Trump is overwhelming, but you still called Biden a criminal based on forged evidence provided by the Russians.

Damn Skippy were sick and tired of corruption being exposed and not punished. Trump was impeached twice and Republicans refused to convict him on the evidence.

You should be upset. Trump should be in jail already.

Hillary helped lie us into Syria. Hillary oversaw the arms running out of Libya that went to the terrorist. She should have been charged with treason, not allowed to run for president. If that had happened there would not have been a president Trump.
His anger and frustration is palpable, and it's shared by tens of millions of Americans.

All Blobbers.

You guys weren't happy when he was President. guys hate everything and everybody.
Coming from the ass clown that worships an old sniffing dementia patient child molester and a horizontal whore that sucked and fucked her way up the ladder that your corrupt party of trash cheated into office.

Go pound sand, ya pathetic moron. Your only moral high ground is in the bottom of a toilet.
My My....such unhappiness.
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!
I have tuned out and turned it all off.
I have not watched any news for well over a year.
It is all divisive "team building". Both sides.
All it was doing to me was making me angry.

I go to Fox News website, CNN website.... here and Youtube.
I follow some links to various places and see what I can decipher for myself, trying to make out what is true and what is spin.
It is all you can do.
Here and YouTube are not information sources. In fact they could probably truthfully be labeled as misinformation sources. Faux and CNN are mostly ok if you stay away from the opinion pieces, which is difficult to do on faux as they kinda blend it all together.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.

I find these words appalling. Violence against opposing factions is no way to run a country. Precisely because the wounds of the Civil War are still festering and while “pacified” the racial resentments still simmer.

The South still says the War was about “state’s rights” and refuses to accept facts, and the lies of slavery and racism - specifically that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to white people, are accepted tenets of the Republican Party which now seeks to prevent minority votes from counting.

The USA is going backwards, both socially and economically because Republicans continue to deny facts or reality, and stoke the fires of white supremacy.

If you cannot agree on a set of facts, you’re doomed. The latest Republican refusal to investigate January 6th, is their continuing effort to deny the facts and reality of that day.
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!

I was right there with him, right up until the point he said “Clinton got away with it”.

30 years of investigations, more than $100 million spent on investigating the Clintons and you came up with nothing. Not a shred of evidence, not a single witness, not even a crime that Hillary Clinton committed.

More than 100 indictments of people connected to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. 10 guilty pleas and convictions. And you still won’t acknowledge or face Trump’s crimes.

The evidence against Donald Trump is overwhelming, but you still called Biden a criminal based on forged evidence provided by the Russians.

Damn Skippy were sick and tired of corruption being exposed and not punished. Trump was impeached twice and Republicans refused to convict him on the evidence.

You should be upset. Trump should be in jail already.

Hillary helped lie us into Syria. Hillary oversaw the arms running out of Libya that went to the terrorist. She should have been charged with treason, not allowed to run for president. If that had happened there would not have been a president Trump.
She somehow thinks Don is a crook, but Hillary, O, and W aren’t. Yet those three are responsible for thousands of deaths of innocent women and children around the world. It’s crazy!
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.

I find these words appalling. Violence against opposing factions is no way to run a country. Precisely because the wounds of the Civil War are still festering and while “pacified” the racial resentments still simmer.

The South still says the War was about “state’s rights” and refuses to accept facts, and the lies of slavery and racism - specifically that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to white people, are accepted tenets of the Republican Party which now seeks to prevent minority votes from counting.

The USA is going backwards, both socially and economically because Republicans continue to deny facts or reality, and stoke the fires of white supremacy.

If you cannot agree on a set of facts, you’re doomed. The latest Republican refusal to investigate January 6th, is their continuing effort to deny the facts and reality of that day.

The War of Northern Aggression was resolved a long time ago, the libs have ripped open the old wounds to create enmity against Southerners after the South rejected Socialism.

In any event, the war between the states was never about the rights of black people at all. Honest Abe would have never been able to recruit hundreds of thousands of men to fight for "Black Lives Matter" in the 1860's. The conflict was about keeping the union together- not defeating bigotry.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.

I find these words appalling. Violence against opposing factions is no way to run a country. Precisely because the wounds of the Civil War are still festering and while “pacified” the racial resentments still simmer.

The South still says the War was about “state’s rights” and refuses to accept facts, and the lies of slavery and racism - specifically that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to white people, are accepted tenets of the Republican Party which now seeks to prevent minority votes from counting.

The USA is going backwards, both socially and economically because Republicans continue to deny facts or reality, and stoke the fires of white supremacy.

If you cannot agree on a set of facts, you’re doomed. The latest Republican refusal to investigate January 6th, is their continuing effort to deny the facts and reality of that day.

What the Republicans are doing has nothing to do with what I said.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.

If Democrats are going to fix the election, what good does the vote do?
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite whod control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over? didn't
Good thing Founders didn't take that approach

When I note the words of the founders:

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

I generally get condemned.

I find these words appalling. Violence against opposing factions is no way to run a country. Precisely because the wounds of the Civil War are still festering and while “pacified” the racial resentments still simmer.

The South still says the War was about “state’s rights” and refuses to accept facts, and the lies of slavery and racism - specifically that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to white people, are accepted tenets of the Republican Party which now seeks to prevent minority votes from counting.

The USA is going backwards, both socially and economically because Republicans continue to deny facts or reality, and stoke the fires of white supremacy.

If you cannot agree on a set of facts, you’re doomed. The latest Republican refusal to investigate January 6th, is their continuing effort to deny the facts and reality of that day.

The War of Northern Aggression was resolved a long time ago, the libs have ripped open the old wounds to create enmity against Southerners after the South rejected Socialism.

In any event, the war between the states was never about the rights of black people at all. Honest Abe would have never been able to recruit hundreds of thousands of men to fight for "Black Lives Matter" in the 1860's. The conflict was about keeping the union together- not defeating bigotry.

Fair elections have never been the definition of Socialism.
His anger and frustration is palpable, and it's shared by tens of millions of Americans.

All Blobbers.

You guys weren't happy when he was President. guys hate everything and everybody.
Coming from the ass clown that worships an old sniffing dementia patient child molester and a horizontal whore that sucked and fucked her way up the ladder that your corrupt party of trash cheated into office.

Go pound sand, ya pathetic moron. Your only moral high ground is in the bottom of a toilet.

And yet these incompetent and corrupt people are doing a vastly superior job of restoring the nation than Trump.

You elected a lying corrupt conman who is a self admitted sexual predator, who has been credible accused of rape by three woman and is facing defamation suits from two of his victims, having threatened the family of the third victim into withdrawing her suit.

The only President to be impeached twice. The only President to be impeached in his first term.

The President who holds the record for most members of his administration/campaign/inner circle to be fired, removed and/or arrested for corruption, taking bribes, lying to the FBI/Congress/Senate, threatening and intimidating witnesses, bribery, extortion and contacts with Russian spies and government operatives.

The guy who publically cheated on all three of his wives, and who married a porn model, who publically posed nude in comprising photos with another woman, and who also has openly carried on an adulterous affair for years. The guy who posed for seriously creepy , highly sexualized pictures with his 13 year old daughter and whose best friend was a convicted child sex trafficker.

The Trumps have a sham marriage based on a business arrangement.

And you decry Biden and Harris as “immoral”. Talk about hypocrisy.

Speak for yourself. Nancy Pelosi touched my pee pee.
That's nothing. In 1977 when I was 3 years old, Nanzi Pelosi raped and murdered me.

After I recovered I found a flashlight and rescued 8 Vietnamese boat people crammed into a Toyota. Once they could see again and found their keys we drove out of her gapping icy crevasse and vowed to never go back to San Fransicko again.


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