WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

Yeah I’m the problem not the criminal elite who cause all the death and destruction. WTF man!

Uh ... The comment was self explanatory.
It doesn't really matter what excuse you give for doing nothing.

Here's Mine:
I served my time in military trying to make a difference for someone, somewhere.
I don't have kids, but I do have money, land, resources, free time and the ability to do what I want.
I am complacent, and actually have options if the other lazy and complacent people make it uninhabitable.
I am no hero nor saint ... I also don't have to pretend that I am not shrugging my responsibilities towards being a better citizen.

I just don't have to use the shit I refuse to take care of, as an excuse not to.
Is that clear enough for you ... :auiqs.jpg:

It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

My thoughts exactly.

You don't have any thoughts. You parrot those of other fence-sitting morons.
That's not true, gipper's threads are some of the most engaging on the forum. You should check them out.

I banned the Admiral long ago. I’d hoped he would leave the forum. Sadly for all of us he hasn’t.

Thanks for your kind words.
meh. . . IMO?

I don't think the Admiral is a bad guy.

Anyone that takes the time to find a name for their avatar that has no random numbers or letters I know isn't a bot, a special interest, or a plant. This is a real person, with a real POV. He also took the care to find an avatar pic that reflects his personality and love for the nation.

I think all POV are important if they come from real Americans, even if they are not aware of the writings of Edward Bernays. That's what makes our nation great.

Sorry, I know it is naive, but I always like to see the good in all folks.

We all just have different experiences, and some of those experiences tend to inform our world views in ways that make each other uncomfortable. . . in ways that, if we are not trained in empathy, we would just rather not see. . . .
You’re right of course but when I ban someone, it’s permanent. I can’t change.
Didn't know exactly where to put this so if I am wrong Mods, move it!

Brighteon ^
I feel his frustration. I am torn between staying informed as best I can and turning everything off and tuning it all out!
I have tuned out and turned it all off.
I have not watched any news for well over a year.
It is all divisive "team building". Both sides.
All it was doing to me was making me angry.

I go to Fox News website, CNN website.... here and Youtube.
I follow some links to various places and see what I can decipher for myself, trying to make out what is true and what is spin.
It is all you can do.
Here and YouTube are not information sources. In fact they could probably truthfully be labeled as misinformation sources. Faux and CNN are mostly ok if you stay away from the opinion pieces, which is difficult to do on faux as they kinda blend it all together.
You misunderstand.
Example someone from here says "look at this!!"..... Link. I click it, read some, and if interested, usually leads to clicking other sources of whatever it is. Usually leading to the most local news of whatever happened. And try to get from that a sense of what is true and what is not.
I take very little what someone says on this board as true. I go see for myself.
Ah, so you haven't stopped consuming media, you're just letting others pick it for you.

I don't think that's wise.

You might disagree with his reasoning but I believe he is right when he says a lot of people have got to where they simply no longer care.

Bingo ... :thup:

The People in this country want to either be left alone to live their lives, or to one degree or another, embroiled in a battle to control everything.
We have strayed away from the concepts our Founders had, regarding granting to Government power it shouldn't have.

I don't imagine there are a whole lot of soccer moms interested in running towards what would be necessary to fix that.


You might disagree with his reasoning but I believe he is right when he says a lot of people have got to where they simply no longer care.
I'd argue that the opposite is true.

Many Americans are currently going through an awakening to the wrongs of their country's system and leaders and are working to rectify them.

If there are any that are no longer caring, I'd argue it's those that are currently satisfied w/the status quo because it's working for them.
You might disagree with his reasoning but I believe he is right when he says a lot of people have got to where they simply no longer care.
I'd argue that the opposite is true.

Many Americans are currently going through an awakening to the wrongs of their country's system and leaders and are working to rectify them.

If there are any that are no longer caring, I'd argue it's those that are currently satisfied w/the status quo because it's working for them.

Yeah Marc ... Keep looking towards the Government ... History will show you they are your friend ... :auiqs.jpg:


You might disagree with his reasoning but I believe he is right when he says a lot of people have got to where they simply no longer care.
I'd argue that the opposite is true.

Many Americans are currently going through an awakening to the wrongs of their country's system and leaders and are working to rectify them.

If there are any that are no longer caring, I'd argue it's those that are currently satisfied w/the status quo because it's working for them.

Nobody is fixing anything.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.

And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?

And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, coming true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?

And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.
It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

My thoughts exactly.

You don't have any thoughts. You parrot those of other fence-sitting morons.
That's not true, gipper's threads are some of the most engaging on the forum. You should check them out.

I banned the Admiral long ago. I’d hoped he would leave the forum. Sadly for all of us he hasn’t.

Thanks for your kind words.

You didn't fucking ban me you simpleton. It's called "ignore", which you have not done or you lie.
It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

My thoughts exactly.

You don't have any thoughts. You parrot those of other fence-sitting morons.
That's not true, gipper's threads are some of the most engaging on the forum. You should check them out.

I banned the Admiral long ago. I’d hoped he would leave the forum. Sadly for all of us he hasn’t.

Thanks for your kind words.
meh. . . IMO?

I don't think the Admiral is a bad guy.

Anyone that takes the time to find a name for their avatar that has no random numbers or letters I know isn't a bot, a special interest, or a plant. This is a real person, with a real POV. He also took the care to find an avatar pic that reflects his personality and love for the nation.

I think all POV are important if they come from real Americans, even if they are not aware of the writings of Edward Bernays. That's what makes our nation great.

Sorry, I know it is naive, but I always like to see the good in all folks.

We all just have different experiences, and some of those experiences tend to inform our world views in ways that make each other uncomfortable. . . in ways that, if we are not trained in empathy, we would just rather not see. . . .

Gipper is just a notorious fence-sitter. He hates everyone and everything, wasting his time pontificating on subjects he neither knows or cares about. He is a world-class asshole and mentally retarded to boot!
It would not surprise me to find out that Beck is a hired propagandist that is subcontracted by one of those three letter agencies.

My thoughts exactly.

You don't have any thoughts. You parrot those of other fence-sitting morons.
That's not true, gipper's threads are some of the most engaging on the forum. You should check them out.

I banned the Admiral long ago. I’d hoped he would leave the forum. Sadly for all of us he hasn’t.

Thanks for your kind words.
meh. . . IMO?

I don't think the Admiral is a bad guy.

Anyone that takes the time to find a name for their avatar that has no random numbers or letters I know isn't a bot, a special interest, or a plant. This is a real person, with a real POV. He also took the care to find an avatar pic that reflects his personality and love for the nation.

I think all POV are important if they come from real Americans, even if they are not aware of the writings of Edward Bernays. That's what makes our nation great.

Sorry, I know it is naive, but I always like to see the good in all folks.

We all just have different experiences, and some of those experiences tend to inform our world views in ways that make each other uncomfortable. . . in ways that, if we are not trained in empathy, we would just rather not see. . . .
You’re right of course but when I ban someone, it’s permanent. I can’t change.

What a fucktard! Are you a moderator? That's the only way to ban someone.
The last straw for a lot of us was watching the election being stolen in slow motion, starting with all the goofy illegal election process modifications a few weeks before the election. That was the end of hope that the bad guys would get exposed and thrown out anytime soon. Pretty much resigned to trying to find spots of enjoyment in the shit show.

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